

capital accounts 266
foreign exchange payments 113, 276 “79
capital gains, taxation 153
car industry see automotive industry
cargo transport see freight forwarding
Carrefour 367
cash management 268 “69
Catalogue of Industries for the Guidance of Foreign Investment 7 “8
catering industry, statistical surveys 56
CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade) 135
census system 55
Changan Auto 295
Changzhou Changjiang Bus Group 312
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) 135
China Development Report 58
China International Chamber of Commerce Conciliation Centres 135
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) 136 “37
China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) 282
Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) 148
Chinese Insurance Group (CIG) 327
Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) 327, 328
Chongqing Province 449 “451, 449, 450, 451
CICPA (Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants) 148
CIETAC (China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission) 136 “37
CICC (China International Chamber of Commerce) 135
CIG (Chinese Insurance Group) 327
CIRC (Chinese Insurance Regulatory Commission) 327, 328
city level foreign trade companies 94
CJVs see cooperative joint ventures
clean import loans 267
clearing systems 269
clothing, consumer spending patterns 44
coatings industry 342 “45, 343, 344, 345
COFTEC 139, 140
collective marks 160
collectivism 178 “79, 185, 187 , 189
colourants production 321
commercial dispute resolution 135 “37
commercial vehicle industry 309 “14, 309, 310 “314
consumer spending on 44 “45
cultural differences 187 , 187 “88
language problems 207 “09
market 47 “48
with partners 257
community, relations with 259
companies 31 “32, 139, 140 “43
compensation trade 128 “29
computer peripheral market 333 “34, 334
computer software, patents on 165
Confucianism 176 “77, 198
consolidation of income 154
construction industry
foreign trade regulations 72
Macao 526
statistical surveys 56
consumer confidence 48
consumer durable ownership 43, 43
consumer loyalty, and guanxi 197
consumer market 33 “48
consumption patterns 42 “45, 42 “45
demographics 33 “42, 34 “41
globalization 48
overall market 45 “46, 45. 46. 47
research 224 “26, 225
selected markets 46 “48
consumer price index 45
consumerism strategies 229 “34, 231
onsumption patterns 42 “45, 42 “45
consumption tax 153
contact persons, accessing business networks via 198 “99
contract negotiations and approvals , joint ventures 212 “18
contracts, labour 221
cooperative joint ventures (CJVs) 139, 140, 143, 144
corporate taxation 151 “55
corruption 179
COSCO 367 “68
cosmetics market 48
courier services, foreign trade regulations 72
courts system 168, 169
credit card market 47
CSRC (China Securities Regulatory Commission) 282
cultural issues 175 “81, 175 , 182 “90
anecdotal analysis 183 “85, 184, 186, 187
attitudes 177 “80
case studies 185 “87, 188 “90
China as international community member 183
networking 194 “96, 195
roots 175 “77
tips for doing business 180 “81
currency, tax payments 155
current accounts 266
convertibility 271 “76
Customs Regulations, intellectual property 171 “72

Doing Business with China
Doing Business with China
ISBN: 1905050089
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 648
Authors: Lord Brittan © 2008-2017.
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