< Day Day Up > 

  1. To store one second of voice conversation using PCM, the storage requirement is 8 Kbytes. To store 100 hours of conversation, Storage requirement = 360,000 × 8 KB = 360 × 8MB = 2880MB = 2.8GB

  2. Listing C.15 encrypts the given message using RSA algorithm in C.

Listing C.15: Encryption using RSA algorithm.

start example
 #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "math.h" int main(void) {    int p=7,q=11;    int n, e, d, res1, k;    int flag=0;    int i=0,ch;    double fraction, integer;    double ex, d1;    char Message[] = {9,8,4,8,1,4,4,3,3,7,'\0'};    char EncryptedMessage[20];    char DecryptedMessage[20];    n = p * q;    k = (p -1) * (q - 1);    e = p;    while(flag != 1){       i++;       res1 = (k*i) + 1;       if((res1%e) == 0){             d = res1 / e;             flag = 1;       }    }    printf("\n\n\t\t\t\tRSA Algorithm\n\n");    printf("\n Public key: <%d,%d> ",e, n);    printf("\n Private key: <%d,%d> \n", d, n);    printf("\n Original Message: ");    for(i=0;i<strlen(Message);i++){       printf("%d ",Message[i]);       ch =(int)(Message[i]);       ex = pow((double)ch,(double)e);       d1 = (ex / n);       fraction = modf(d1, &integer);       EncryptedMessage[i] = (char)(fraction * n);    }    EncryptedMessage[i] = '\0';    printf("\n Encrypted Message: ");    for(i=0;i<strlen(EncryptedMessage);i++){       printf("%d ",EncryptedMessage[i]);    }    printf("\n");    return 0; } 
end example

When you execute the program, the public key, private key, original message and encrypted message will be displayed as shown in Figure C.19.

click to expand
Figure C.19: RSA algorithm output screen.

  1. You can obtain the details form,

  2. You can obtain Steganography software from or

  3. The hackers use trial-and-error methods to break the algorithms, and hence statistically, they will succeed! Every credit card holder is given a PIN, which is a 4-digit number. If the hacker tries these numbers systematically, he has to try all the possible 9999 combinations to succeed. However, the credit card company generates the PIN using an algorithm, and if the algorithm is stolen, the job is very simple!

  4. To tap a telephone, you need to have a PC into which the interactive voice response hardware (a PC add-on card) is plugged in. The IVR hardware has to be connected in parallel to the telephone. The software running on the PC should be automatically invoked when the telephone is lifted, and the entire conversation needs to be recorded on the PC.

 < Day Day Up > 

Principles of Digital Communication Systems and Computer Networks
Principles Digital Communication System & Computer Networks (Charles River Media Computer Engineering)
ISBN: 1584503297
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 313
Authors: K V Prasad © 2008-2017.
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