11.11 General Recursion

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11.11 General Recursion

Another facility found in most programming languages is the ability to define recursive functions. We have seen (Chapter 5, p. 65) that, in the untyped lambda-calculus, such functions can be defined with the aid of the fix combinator.

Recursive functions can be defined in a typed setting in a similar way. For example, here is a function iseven that returns true when called with an even argument and false otherwise:

   ff = λie:NatBool.          λx:Nat.            if iszero x then true            else if iszero (pred x) then false            else ie (pred (pred x));  ff : (NatBool)  Nat  Bool   iseven = fix ff;  iseven : Nat  Bool   iseven 7;  false : Bool 

The intuition is that the higher-order function ff passed to fix is a generator for the iseven function: if ff is applied to a function ie that approximates the desired behavior of iseven up to some number n (that is, a function that returns correct results on inputs less than or equal to n), then it returns a better approximation to isevena function that returns correct results for inputs up to n + 2. Applying fix to this generator returns its fixed pointa function that gives the desired behavior for all inputs n.

However, there is one important difference from the untyped setting: fix itself cannot be defined in the simply typed lambda-calculus. Indeed, we will see in Chapter 12 that no expression that can lead to non-terminating computations can be typed using only simple types.[9] So, instead of defining fix as a term in the language, we simply add it as a new primitive, with evaluation rules mimicking the behavior of the untyped fix combinator and a typing rule that captures its intended uses. These rules are written out in Figure 11-12. (The letrec abbreviation will be discussed below.)

Figure 11-12: General Recursion

The simply typed lambda-calculus with numbers and fix has long been a favorite experimental subject for programming language researchers, since it is the simplest language in which a range of subtle semantic phenomena such as full abstraction (Plotkin, 1977, Hyland and Ong, 2000, Abramsky, Jagadeesan, and Malacaria, 2000) arise. It is often called PCF.

11.11.1 Exercise [⋆⋆]

Define equal, plus, times, and factorial using fix.

The fix construct is typically used to build functions (as fixed points of functions from functions to functions), but it is worth noticing that the type T in rule T-FIX is not restricted to function types. This extra power is some-times handy. For example, it allows us to define a record of mutually recursive functions as the fixed point of a function on records (of functions). The following implementation of iseven uses an auxiliary function isodd; the two functions are defined as fields of a record, where the definition of this record is abstracted on a record ieio whose components are used to make recursive calls from the bodies of the iseven and isodd fields.

   ff = λieio:{iseven:NatBool, isodd:NatBool}.          {iseven = λx:Nat.                      if iszero x then true                      else ieio.isodd (pred x),           isodd = λx:Nat.                      if iszero x then false                      else ieio.iseven (pred x)};  ff : {iseven:NatBool,isodd:NatBool}         {iseven:NatBool, isodd:NatBool} 

Forming the fixed point of the function ff gives us a record of two functions

   r = fix ff;  r : {iseven:NatBool, isodd:NatBool} 

and projecting the first of these gives us the iseven function itself:

   iseven = r.iseven;  iseven : Nat  Bool   iseven 7;  false : Bool 

The ability to form the fixed point of a function of type TT for any T has some surprising consequences. In particular, it implies that every type is inhabited by some term. To see this, observe that, for every type T, we can define a function divergeT as follows:

   divergeT = λ_:Unit. fix (λx:T.x);  divergeT : Unit  T 

Whenever divergeT is applied to a unit argument, we get a non-terminating evaluation sequence in which E-FIXBETA is applied over and over, always yielding the same term. That is, for every type T, the term divergeT unit is an undefined element of T.

One final refinement that we may consider is introducing more convenient concrete syntax for the common case where what we want to do is to bind a variable to the result of a recursive definition. In most high-level languages, the first definition of iseven above would be written something like this:

   letrec iseven : NatBool =     λx:Nat.       if iszero x then true       else if iszero (pred x) then false       else iseven (pred (pred x))   in     iseven 7;  false : Bool 

The recursive binding construct letrec is easily defined as a derived form:

11.11.2 Exercise []

Rewrite your definitions of plus, times, and factorial from Exercise 11.11.1 using letrec instead of fix.

Further information on fixed point operators can be found in Klop (1980) and Winskel (1993).

[9]In later chaptersChapter 13 and Chapter 20we will see some extensions of simple types that recover the power to define fix within the system.

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Types and Programming Languages
Types and Programming Languages
ISBN: 0262162091
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 262

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