

aversion to working with, 95
avoidance of making decisions by, 92 “93
benefits of working with, 97
budgeting expectations of, 125 “126
difficulties in working with, 97
forming partnerships with, 96
getting attention of, 92
importance of having complete backing of, 97
interviewing, 9 “11
presenting projects to, 75 “80, 96
regaining trust after project plan revisions, 338
selling ideas to, 79 “80
working with, 90 “91
management alliances, creating, 89 “94
management and teams , handling relationships between, 22
management approval, obtaining for WBS, 169 “171
management by walking around, role in QC, 370
management constraints, working with, 255 “256
management reserve
examining at end of projects, 425
impact on projects, 263 “264
invoking, 289
management skills, importance to IT project managers, 360
management summary reports , role in implementing quality, 376
management support, rebuilding after delays, 332 “333
management theories
Expectancy Theory, 83
Hertzberg s Theory of Motivation, 82
Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs, 82
McGregor s Theory of X and Y, 83
Ouchi s Theory Z, 83
management s role, defining, 80 “86
dealing with challenging bosses, 91 “94
working with good bosses, 93 “94
Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs, five layers of, 82
matrix organizations, working in, 73
McGregor s Theory of X and Y, overview of, 83
meeting coordinator , responsibilities of, 397
meeting minutes, taking, 397 “398
holding with project teams, 396 “398
hosting for project status, 284 “286
mentoring, benefits of, 403
MFO (Must Finish On) constraints, explanation of, 265
micromanagement, dealing with, 93
Microsoft Project software
creating WBS with, 162 “164, 167 “168
features of, 53 “54
as status collecting tool, 290
using, 264 “265
Microsoft Visio software, examining sample WBS in, 162 “164
Microsoft web address, 400
milestone lists, creating, 52 “54
milestones, including in project plan, 244
Modi, Niral interview, 266 “270
motivating agents , role in Hertzberg s Theory of Motivation, 82, 403 “404
Mouse personality type, dealing with, 210
MSO (Must Start On) constraints, explanation of, 265
Murray Enterprises, executive summary for, 43 “44

IT Project Management
IT Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish, Third Edition
ISBN: 0071700439
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 195 © 2008-2017.
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