8.3 Organizational Security Policies

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A key element of any organization's security planning is an effective security policy. A security policy must answer three questions: who can access which resources in what manner ?

A security policy is a highlevel management document to inform all users of the goals of and constraints on using a system. A policy document is written in broad enough terms that it does not change frequently. The information security policy is the foundation upon which all protection efforts are built. It should be a visible representation of priorities of the entire organization, definitively stating underlying assumptions that drive security activities. The policy should articulate senior management's decisions regarding security as well as asserting management's commitment to security. To be effective, the policy must be understood by everyone as the product of a directive from an authoritative and influential person at the top of the organization.

People sometimes issue other documents, called procedures or guidelines, to define how the policy translates into specific actions and controls. In this section, we examine how to write a useful and effective security policy.


Security policies are used for several purposes, including the following:

  • recognizing sensitive information assets

  • clarifying security responsibilities

  • promoting awareness for existing employees

  • guiding new employees


A security policy addresses several different audiences with different expectations. That is, each group ”users, owners , and beneficiaries ”uses the security policy in important but different ways.


Users legitimately expect a certain degree of confidentiality, integrity, and continuous availability in the computing resources provided to them. Although the degree varies with the situation, a security policy should reaffirm a commitment to this requirement for service.

Users also need to know and appreciate what is considered acceptable use of their computers, data, and programs. For users, a security policy should define acceptable use.


Each piece of computing equipment is owned by someone, and the owner may not be a system user . An owner provides the equipment to users for a purpose, such as to further education, support commerce, or enhance productivity. A security policy should also reflect the expectations and needs of owners.


A business has paying customers or clients ; they are beneficiaries of the products and services offered by that business. At the same time, the general public may benefit in several ways: as a source of employment or by provision of infrastructure. For example, you may not be a client of BellSouth, but when you place a telephone call from London to Atlanta, you benefit from BellSouth's telecommunications infrastructure. In the same way, the government has customers: the citizens of its country, and "guests"who have visas enabling entry for various purposes and times. A university's customers include its students and faculty; other beneficiaries include the immediate community (which can take advantage of lectures and concerts on campus) and often the world population (enriched by the results of research and service).

To varying degrees, these beneficiaries depend, directly or indirectly, on the existence of or access to computers, their data and programs, and their computational power. For this set of beneficiaries, continuity and integrity of computing are very important. In addition, beneficiaries value confidentiality and correctness of the data involved. Thus, the interests of beneficiaries of a system must be reflected in the system's security policy.

Balance Among All Parties

A security policy must relate to the needs of users, owners, and beneficiaries. Unfortunately, the needs of these groups may conflict. A beneficiary might require immediate access to data, but owners or users might not want to bear the expense or inconvenience of providing access at all hours. Continuous availability may be a goal for users, but that goal is inconsistent with a need to perform preventive or emergency maintenance. Thus, the security policy must balance the priorities of all affected communities.


A security policy must identify its audiences: the beneficiaries, users, and owners. The policy should describe the nature of each audience and their security goals. Several other sections are required, including the purpose of the computing system, the resources needing protection, and the nature of the protection to be supplied. We discuss each one in turn .


The policy should state the purpose of the organization's security functions, reflecting the requirements of beneficiaries, users, and owners. For example, the policy may state that the system will "protect customers' confidentiality or preserve a trust relationship," "ensure continual usability," or "maintain profitability." There are typically three to five goals, such as:

  • Promote efficient business operation.

  • Facilitate sharing of information throughout the organization.

  • Safeguard business and personal information.

  • Ensure that accurate information is available to support business processes.

  • Ensure a safe and productive place to work.

  • Comply with applicable laws and regulations.

The security goals should be related to the overall goal or nature of the organization. It is important that the system's purpose be stated clearly and completely because subsequent sections of the policy will relate back to these goals, making the policy a goal-driven product.

Protected Resources

A risk analysis will have identified the assets that are to be protected. These assets should be listed in the policy, in the sense that the policy lays out which items it addresses. For example, will the policy apply to all computers or only to those on the network? Will it apply to all data or only to client or management data? Will security be provided to all programs or only the ones that interact with customers? If the degree of protection varies from one service, product, or data type to another, the policy should state the differences. For example, data that uniquely identify clients may be protected more carefully than the names of cities in which clients reside.

Nature of the Protection

The asset list tells us what should be protected. The policy should also indicate who should have access to the protected items. It may also indicate how that access will be ensured and how unauthorized people will be denied access. All the mechanisms described in this book are at your disposal in deciding which controls should protect which objects. In particular, the security policy should state what degree of protection should be provided to which kinds of resources.

Characteristics of a Good Security Policy

If a security policy is written poorly, it cannot guide the developers and users in providing appropriate security mechanisms to protect important assets. Certain characteristics make a security policy a good one.


A security policy must be comprehensive: It must either apply to or explicitly exclude all possible situations. Furthermore, a security policy may not be updated as each new situation arises, so it must be general enough to apply naturally to new cases that occur as the system is used in unusual or unexpected ways.


A security policy must grow and adapt well. In large measure, it will survive the system's growth and expansion without change. If written in a flexible way, the existing policy will be applicable to new situations. However, there are times when the policy must change (such as when government regulations mandate new security constraints), so the policy must be changeable when it needs to be.

An important key to durability is keeping the policy free from ties to specific data or protection mechanisms that almost certainly will change. For example, an initial version of a security policy might require a ten-character password for anyone needing access to data on the Sun workstation in room 110. But when that workstation is replaced or moved, the policy's guidance becomes useless. It is preferable to describe assets needing protection in terms of their function and characteristics, rather than in terms of specific implementation. For example, the policy on Sun workstations could be reworded to mandate strong authentication for access to sensitive student grades or customers' proprietary data. Better still, we can separate the elements of the policy, having one policy statement for student grades and another for customers' proprietary data. Similarly, we may want to define one policy that applies to preserving the confidentiality of relationships, and another protecting the use of system through strong authentication.


The policy must be realistic. That is, it must be possible to implement the stated security requirements with existing technology. Moreover, the implementation must be beneficial in terms of time, cost, and convenience; the policy should not recommend a control that works but prevents the system or its users from performing their activities and functions. Sidebar 8-6 points out that sometimes the policy writers are seduced by what is fashionable in security at the time of writing. It is important to make economically worthwhile investments in security, just as for any other careful business investment.


An obscure or incomplete security policy will not be implemented properly, if at all. The policy must be written in language that can be read, understood and followed by anyone who must implement it or is affected by it. For this reason, the policy should be succinct, clear, and direct.

Sidebar 8-6 The Economics of Information Security Policy

Anderson [AND02a] asks that we consider carefully the economic aspects of security when we devise our security policy. He points out that the security engineering community tends to overstate security problems because it is in their best interest to do so. "The typical infosec professional is a firewall vendor struggling to meet quarterly sales targets to prop up a sagging stock price, or a professor trying to mine the 'cyberterrorism' industry for grants, or a policeman pitching for the budget to build up a computer crime agency." Thus, they may exaggerate a security problem to meet a more pressing goal.

Moreover, the security community is subject to fads, as in other disciplines. Anderson says that network security is trendy in 2002, which means that vendors are pushing firewalls and encryption, products that have been oversold and address only part of the typical organization's security problems. He suggests that, rather than focusing on what is fashionable, we focus instead on asking for a reasonable return on our investment in security.

Soo Hoo's research indicates that a reasonable number is 20 percent, at a time when companies usually expect a 30 percent return from their investments in information technology. [SOO00] In this context, it may be more worthwhile to implement simple, inexpensive measures such as enabling screen-locking than larger, more complex and expensive measures such as PKI and centralized access control. As Anderson points out, "you could spend a bit less on security if you spend it smarter ."


To understand the nature of security policies, we study a few examples to illustrate some of the points presented above.

Data Sensitivity Policy

Our first example is from an organization that decided to classify all its data resources into four levels, based on how severe might be the effect if a resource were damaged. These levels are listed in Table 8-9. Then, the required protection was based on the resource's level. Finally, the organization analyzed its threats, their possible severities, and countermeasures, and their effectiveness, within each of the four levels.

Table 8-9. Example: Defined Levels of Data Sensitivity.





Could damage competitive advantage

  • business strategy

  • profit plans

Personal or protected

Could reveal personal, private, or protected information

  • personal data : employees' salaries or performance reviews

  • private data : employee lists

  • protected data : data obligated to protect, such as those obtained under a nondisclosure agreement

Company confidential

Could damage company's public image

  • audit reports , operating plans


No harm

  • press releases

  • white paper

  • marketing materials

Although the phrases describing the degree of damage are open to interpretation, the intent of these levels is clear: All information assets are to be classified as sensitive, personal, confidential, or open, and protection requirements for these four types are detailed in the remainder of the organization's policy document.

Government Agency IT Security Policy

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), like many government units, has established its own security policy. The following excerpt is from the policy on protecting classified material, although the form is appropriate for many unclassified uses as well.

It is the policy of DOE that classified information and classified ADP [automatic data processing] systems shall be protected from unauthorized access (including the enforcement of need-to-know protections ), alteration, disclosure, destruction, penetration, denial of service, subversion of security measures, or improper use as a result of espionage, criminal, fraudulent, negligent, abusive , or other improper actions. The DOE shall use all reasonable measures to protect ADP systems that process, store, transfer, or provide access to classified information, to include but not limited to the following: physical security, personnel security, telecommunications security, administrative security, and hardware and software security measures. This order establishes this policy and defines responsibilities for the development, implementation, and periodic evaluation of the DOE program.

The policy then continues for several more pages to list specific responsibilities for specific people.

The cited paragraph is comprehensive, covering practically every possible source (espionage, crime, fraud, etc.) of practically every possible harm (unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, etc.), and practically every possible kind of control (physical, personnel, etc.). The generality of the header paragraph is complemented by subsequent paragraphs giving specific responsibilities:

  • "Each data owner shall determine and declare the required protection level of information..."

  • "Each security officer shall...perform a risk assessment to identify and document specific...assets,... threats,...and vulnerability..."

  • "Each manager shall...establish procedures to ensure that systems are continuously monitored ...to detect security infractions..."

and so on.

Internet Security Policy

The Internet does not have a governing security policy per se, because it is a federation of users. Nevertheless, the Internet Society drafted a security policy for its members [PET91]. The policy contains the following interesting portions.

  • Users are individually responsible for understanding and respecting the security policies of the systems (computers and networks) they are using. Users are individually accountable for their own behavior.

  • Users have a responsibility to employ available security mechanisms and procedures for protecting their own data. They also have a responsibility for assisting in the protection of the systems they use.

  • Computer and network service providers are responsible for maintaining the security of the systems they operate . They are further responsible for notifying users of their security policies and any changes to these policies.

  • Vendors and system developers are responsible for providing systems which are sound and which embody adequate security controls.

  • Users, service providers, and hardware and software vendors are responsible for cooperating to provide security.

  • Technical improvements in Internet security protocols should be sought on a continuing basis. At the same time, personnel developing new protocols, hardware or software for the Internet are expected to include security considerations as part of the design and development process.

These statements clearly state to whom they apply and for what each party is responsible.

Policy Issue Example: Government EMail

Organizations develop computer security policies along the lines just described. Generally the policies lead to the familiar assets, vulnerabilities, and controls. But sometimes you have to start with existing policies ”which may be formal documents or informal understandings ”and consider how they apply in new situations. Is this action consistent with the goals of the policy and therefore acceptable? Applying policies can be like being a judge. As security professionals, we often focus on security policy without remembering the context in which we are making policy decisions. In this section, we look at a real-life issue to see how security policy fits into the broader scope of issues the security must address.

The U.S. government has proposed using network technologies to enhance its ability to interact with American citizens. Some people think that by employing functions such as electronic mail and World Wide Web access, the government could make more information available to citizens more quickly and at the same time be more responsive to citizens' needs. It is also hoped that costs would be reduced, a winning proposition for government and taxpayers alike.

This proposal has clear security implications. Indeed, having read this far in this book, you can probably list dozens of security issues that must be addressed to make this proposal work. The technology to design, build, and support this type of function exists, and the requirements, design, and implementation can easily be done from a technological point of view. But what about the other issues involved in building such a system? Neu et al. [NEU98] point out that the technology must be viewed in the larger institutional, organizational, and administrative contexts.

Much of what the government wants to do is already done. Many federal agencies have web sites providing large amounts of information to citizens, such as regulations, reports, and forms. This type of information is equally accessible to anyone who needs it. But other information exchange is more personalized: submitting completed tax forms, filing required paperwork for licenses and benefits, and asking specific questions about an individual's records, for example. Clearly the last type suggests stringent requirements relating to confidentiality, authentication, and integrity.

[NEU98] points out several security policy issues that must be addressed before such a system could be implemented. These include the following:

  • How do the commercial firms' security policies meet the government's security needs?

  • To enable secure communication, the government will likely want to use public key encryption. As we noted in Chapter 2, a certificate authority associates a public key with a particular user, establishing the user's identity. But for the government communication system, we must also know who has authority to access information and services and to initiate transactions. The processes required to perform identification are likely to be different from those performing authorization. In particular, identification may require direct interaction with a user, whereas authorization may require links among large databases.

  • A citizen may have more than one identity. For example, Jane Doe may be the same person as Mrs. Nathaniel Simmons, who is also the same person as the Trustee for the Estate of Mr. Robert Jones. In turn, each of these identities may have multiple authorities. How will the identification authorities interact with the authorization ones to enable these situations?

  • Sometimes the authorization does not need to be tied to a specific identity. For example, a government agency may need to know only that an individual is capable of paying for a service, much as a credit card company provides a credit rating. How will the authorization be able to release the minimum amount of information possible about an individual?

  • How will certificate authorities have a high degree of confidence in their identification of individuals?

  • How will certificate authorities deal with the need to view certain documents, such as birth certificates and passports, in person? This condition may mean that certificate authorities may be required to have local offices around the country.

  • Should there be a single certificate authority or many? A single provider can minimize the need for multiple keys and might save money by streamlining operations. But a single provider can also monitor all of a citizen's transactions, inviting abuse.

These issues are not trivial. Their solutions, not at all obvious, build on the concepts presented in this book. But they do so in a way that is not just technological. We can easily build a PKI to provide certificates to anyone we want. But how do we connect two certificates, connoting that the digital identities actually belong to the same person? In the real world you can be anonymous by purchasing something with cash; how can you be anonymous digitally?

But in addition to the security issues, there are also broader issues of management, responsibility, and law. [NEU98] points out that, even when the technical issues are resolved, we have still to answer these questions:

  • What happens if a certificate authority makes a mistake, either by identifying or authorizing the wrong person or by assigning keys to an impostor ? What are the legal and financial implications of such an error? What if the error is made even though the certificate authority followed government guidelines?

  • How will citizens create, record, and protect their keys? If smart cards are used to store keys, does that card become a national identity card?

  • What legal protections are available to electronic transactions? For example, in the United States today, it is illegal to intercept someone's surface mail, but it is not illegal to intercept someone's electronic mail.

  • How do we prove that official electronic communications, such as a summons or subpoena, have been read? Will a citizen be responsible for regularly checking email for official documents?

  • If law enforcement officials need to access encrypted electronic communications, how will they be able to perform the decryption? Will there be a method by which they can obtain the key? Does this require the citizen to participate?

  • What levels of protection are required for electronic documents? For instance, should medical records have the same level of protection as tax returns or driving violations? How do these levels apply across the different states that have very different laws? How does the protection address international law?

  • How will every citizen be provided with an electronic mail address? What happens when an email address changes? What security standards will apply to email boxes and service providers?

  • How will the government ensure equal access to electronic government services? Should the government provide help and training to first-time users?

  • How will electronic communication be phased in to the current mix of paper and telephone communication?

These questions are not challenges to the technical side of computer security. But they are very much a part of the administrative side. It is not sufficient to know all the latest encryption algorithms; you also have to know how the use of computer security mechanisms fits into the broader context of how they are used and what they support. This example is included to introduce you to the procedural, administrative, policy, and privacy issues that a computer security administrator must consider. These questions highlight the degree to which security planning and policy must fit in with the larger policy issues that we, as individuals, organizations, and societies , must address. For this reason, in the next chapter we turn to the legal and ethical considerations of computer security.

But before we move to those concerns, we must cover one more topic involved in administering security: physical security. Protecting computing systems from physical harm is no less important than protecting data from modification in transit through a network. In the next section we briefly survey physical security vulnerabilities and controls.

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Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129

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