Actions Ideas

Actions & Ideas

  1. Do you find yourself worrying about the next hot technology? If so, look at your current technical skill and review an older technology that is similar. Take note of how terms and some functionality have changed but core concepts have remained the same.

  2. As you look at career advancement, do you feel that your greatest strengths are hard technology skills or conceptual problem-solving skills? What would you like your greatest strength to be? After you've identified it, create a plan or ascertain where you could develop those desired strengths.

  3. If you are working on a current technology challenge, create an idea of how the solution would look, regardless of the technology. Come up with a somewhat different solution or architecture and compare the two.

  4. Identify areas where you do well with a conceptual approach versus those areas in which you are largely process driven in your thinking.





    The IT Career Builder's Toolkit
    The IT Career Builders Toolkit
    ISBN: 1587131560
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2004
    Pages: 215
    Authors: Matthew Moran © 2008-2017.
    If you may any questions please contact us: