Sorting Lists

Sometimes the list you see isn't the list you need. There are several ways that you can change how your list is sorted. If you've sorted a list and decide that the result isn't what you need, you can easily return your list to the way it was originally sorted. If your list contains subaccounts, you can choose to retain the subaccount indentations when sorting.

Select a list from the Lists menu to display that list on your screen.

Click the heading of one of the columns to sort the list by that column. Notice that an up arrow appears at the top of the column, indicating the list is sorted by that column alphabetically or numerically (depending on the type of content) in ascending order.

Click the column arrow once to change the direction of the arrow and change to a descending sort order.

Click the heading of any other column to sort by that column.

Click the diamond that appears to the left of the first column to return the list to the default sort order.

Did You Know?

However a list is sorted when you close the list, the same sort order remains in place the next time you view the list.

Did You Know?

The default order depends on the list you are viewing. For example, the Chart of Accounts list is sorted first by Type, and then alphabetically by Name or Account Number (see "Using Account Numbers," later in this chapter).

Show Me. QuickBooks 2006
Show Me QuickBooks 2006
ISBN: 0789735229
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 328
Authors: Gail Perry © 2008-2017.
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