

S key, 92
Scale command, 273 “74
scaling factor, 209
semicolon, 24
Set command, 274 “75
SetAngle command, 275 “76
setbackfacesculling (OFF) command, 38
SetCollision command, 276 “77
SetFlat command, 277 “78
SetFocus command, 176 “78
SetGouraud command, 277 “78
SetGravity command, 84 “85, 278 “79
SetLambert command, 277 “78
SetPosition command, 279 “80
SetRelativeAngle command, 250, 280 “81
SetShadowMode command, 281 “83
SetShadowTexture command, 281 “83
SetShadowTextureSize command, 281 “83
SetStatic command, 61 “62, 283 “84
SetText command, 79
shading, 58 “61
3D, making, 44 “47
making complicated, 40 “44
movement of, 214 “17
rotation, 214 “17
speed, 211 “13
ship simulators
ship control basics, 206 “8
Ship Simulator program, 209 “24
ShipSim2 program, 224 “40
 ShipSim2, 224 “40
Show command, 65, 259 “60
ShowAxis command, 284 “85
sine, 160 “69, 170 “71, 174 “75
Sine command, 272 “73
software distribution, 242
sound editor, 145 “47
adding, 74 “76, 144
modifying, 145 “47
source code, accessing, 22
spaces, 28 “29
of calculations, 104
of computer, 171 “72, 183
execution, 183
as function of pitch, 170 “71
ship, 211 “13
vertical, 173 “75, 181, 196
 Sphere1, 50 “58
 Sphere2, 58 “61
 Sphere3, 61 “68
 Sphere4, 68 “73
 Sphere5, 74 “83
 Sphere6, 84 “96
 Sphere7, 96 “110
 Sphere8, 110 “28
 Sphere9, 140 “56
sprites , 191 “97, 210 “11, 217, 227
static objects, 61 “62, 283 “84
stern thrusters, 206 “7
Stop command, 285 “86
strafe speed, 39
strafing, 265
SubAngle command, 286 “87
SubPosition command, 287 “88
switch case statement, 131 “33
system requirements, 4, 245

Elementary Game Programming and Simulators Using Jamagic
Elementary Game Programming & Simulations Using Jamagic (Charles River Media Game Development)
ISBN: 1584502614
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 105
Authors: Sergio Perez © 2008-2017.
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