

Save Data with Report option, 759 “760
scheduling, 701 “702
database logon, 705
destination, 707 “708
events in the CMC, 773 “775
filters, 706 “707
format, 708 “709
History dialog box, 710 “712
options, 702 “712
parameter values, 705 “706
print settings, 709 “712
reports containing alerts, 712 “713
run-time options, 703 “705
elements, 4 “7
opening screen, 4, 5
Section Expert, 221 “229
changing color for entire sections, 225 “226
Common tab formatting properties, 223 “224
Conditional Formula buttons , 224
creating a banded report, 227 “229
creating multiple-column reports, 235 “237
multiple sections, 238 “241
printing an invoice total at the bottom of the page, 225
starting a group on its own page, 224 “225
starting page numbers over for each new group, 225
Underlay Following Sections property, 243 “244
section names , 241
conditionally suppressing, 240, 241 “243
formatting RDC reports, 840 “845
multiple sections, 238 “241
printing a bonus message for certain records, 241, 242
printing a different page header on later pages, 241 “242
printing odd and even page headers or footers, 242 “243
underlaying , 243 “244
See also Section Expert
integrating CE with existing security environments, 740 “745
LDAP, 744 “745
Windows Active Directory, 742 “744
Windows NT, 740 “742
security capabilities, 666
security model, 683
Select Case statement, 118 “119
Select Expert, 177 “184
comparison operators, 179 “180
refreshing the report vs. using saved data, 182 “183
See also record selection
sending reports electronically , 361
series axis, 285
server metrics, viewing, 787 “788
server scaling, 666 “667
server-based grouping, 404 “406
effects of drill-down, 407 “408
enabling, 406
requirements for, 406 “407
managing, 791 “804
See also Crystal Management Server
server-side scripting, 568
Set Datasource Location function, 491 “495
Convert to UNC function, 494 “495
Edit option, 493
Same As Report option, 493
shared variables , 316, 317 “318
sizing handles, 18
sizing objects, 17 “20
sorting reports, 37 “38
parameter fields, 345 “346
specified order grouping, 52 “54
See also grouping records
Split function, using to avoid loops , 121
SQL commands
adding parameters to, 392 “393
adding to or deleting from the repository, 164 “165
adding to reports, 166 “167
adding to the repository, 393 “395
creating, 391 “392
parameter-based SQL commands, 396
using from the repository, 396
using in reports, 395 “397
SQL databases
adding tables to the report, 373 “374
changing to a different database, 373, 374
choosing the database, 366 “371
Database Expert, 366 “367, 369 “370, 376 “380
direct database drivers, 365
linking tables, 375 “388
logging on to, 364 “375
ODBC, 365
OLE DB, 365 “366
performance considerations, 408 “410
removing unused tables from the report, 374 “375
server-based grouping, 404 “408
SQL options, 371 “373
using multiple database types in the same report, 380
viewing the SQL query, 388 “390
SQL Expression Editor, 401 “402
SQL expressions, 400 “404
in Business Views, 440 “441
SQL stored procedures, 397
choosing, 397 “398
parameters, 398 “400
Standard Report Wizard, 8 “12
Standard toolbar, 6
status bar, 6 “7
string formulas, 101 “108
string literals, 103
strongly typed reports, 606
subreports, 301 “302
conditionally suppressing sections, 318 “320
drilling down on, 307 “308
empty, 318 “320
formatting with the Format Editor, 312 “314
in-place, 302, 314 “316
Insert Subreport dialog box, 303 “304, 309 “310
linked, 302, 308 “312
linking based on formula fields, 311 “312
on-demand, 302, 314 “316
passing data between main reports and subreports, 316 “320
performance considerations, 320
shared variables, 316, 317 “318
Standard Report Creation Wizard, 304 “305
unlinked , 302 “308
See also reports
success/failure notification, configuring, 780 “782
inserting, 45 “46
percentage summary fields, 46 “49
summary functions, 47 “48
summary reports, 229 “234
Suppress property, 200 “201

Crystal Reports 10
Crystal Reports 10: The Complete Reference
Year: 2004
Pages: 223
Authors: George Peck © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: