What Is a Bug?

You've just read examples of what happens when software fails. It can be inconvenient, as when a computer game doesn't work properly, or it can be catastrophic, resulting in the loss of life. It can cost only pennies to fix but millions of dollars to distribute a solution. In the examples, above, it was obvious that the software didn't operate as intended. As a software tester you'll discover that most failures are hardly ever this obvious. Most are simple, subtle failures, with many being so small that it's not always clear which ones are true failures, and which ones aren't.

Terms for Software Failures

Depending on where you're employed as a software tester, you will use different terms to describe what happens when software fails. Here are a few:













(There's also a list of unmentionable terms, but they're most often used privately among programmers.)

You might be amazed that so many names could be used to describe a software failure. Why so many? It's all really based on the company's culture and the process the company uses to develop its software. If you look up these words in the dictionary, you'll find that they all have slightly different meanings. They also have inferred meanings by how they're used in day-to-day conversation.

For example, fault, failure, and defect tend to imply a condition that's really severe, maybe even dangerous. It doesn't sound right to call an incorrectly colored icon a fault. These words also tend to imply blame: "It's his fault that the software failed."

Anomaly, incident, and variance don't sound quite so negative and are often used to infer unintended operation rather than all-out failure. "The president stated that it was a software anomaly that caused the missile to go off course."

Problem, error, and bug are probably the most generic terms used.


It's interesting that some companies and product teams will spend hours and hours of precious development time arguing and debating which term to use. A well-known computer company spent weeks in discussion with its engineers before deciding to rename Product Anomaly Reports (PARs) to Product Incident Reports (PIRs). Countless dollars were spent in the process of deciding which term was better. Once the decision was made, all the paperwork, software, forms, and so on had to be updated to reflect the new term. It's unknown if it made any difference to the programmer's or tester's productivity.

So, why bring this topic up? It's important as a software tester to understand the personality behind the product development team you're working with. How they refer to their software problems is a tell-tale sign of how they approach their overall development process. Are they cautious, careful, direct, or just plain blunt?

Although your team may choose a different name, in this book, all software problems will be called bugs. It doesn't matter if it's big, small, intended, unintended, or someone's feelings will be hurt because they create one. There's no reason to dice words. A bug's a bug's a bug.

Software Bug: A Formal Definition

Calling any and all software problems bugs may sound simple enough, but doing so hasn't really addressed the issue. Now the word problem needs to be defined. To keep from running in circular definitions, there needs to be a definitive description of what a bug is.

First, you need a supporting term: product specification. A product specification, sometimes referred to as simply a spec or product spec, is an agreement among the software development team. It defines the product they are creating, detailing what it will be, how it will act, what it will do, and what it won't do. This agreement can range in form from a simple verbal understanding, an email, or a scribble on a napkin, to a highly detailed, formalized written document. In Chapter 2, "The Software Development Process," you will learn more about software specifications and the development process, but for now, this definition is sufficient.

For the purposes of this book and much of the software industry, a software bug occurs when one or more of the following five rules is true:

  1. The software doesn't do something that the product specification says it should do.

  2. The software does something that the product specification says it shouldn't do.

  3. The software does something that the product specification doesn't mention.

  4. The software doesn't do something that the product specification doesn't mention but should.

  5. The software is difficult to understand, hard to use, slow, orin the software tester's eyeswill be viewed by the end user as just plain not right.

To better understand each rule, try the following example of applying them to a calculator.

The specification for a calculator probably states that it will perform correct addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. If you, as the tester, receive the calculator, press the + key, and nothing happens, that's a bug because of Rule #1. If you get the wrong answer, that's also a bug because of Rule #1.

The product spec might state that the calculator should never crash, lock up, or freeze. If you pound on the keys and get the calculator to stop responding to your input, that's a bug because of Rule #2.

Suppose that you receive the calculator for testing and find that besides addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, it also performs square roots. Nowhere was this ever specified. An ambitious programmer just threw it in because he felt it would be a great feature. This isn't a featureit's really a bug because of Rule #3. The software is doing something that the product specification didn't mention. This unintended operation, although maybe nice to have, will add to the test effort and will likely introduce even more bugs.

The fourth rule may read a bit strange with its double negatives, but its purpose is to catch things that were forgotten in the specification. You start testing the calculator and discover when the battery gets weak that you no longer receive correct answers to your calculations. No one ever considered how the calculator should react in this mode. A bad assumption was made that the batteries would always be fully charged. You expected it to keep working until the batteries were completely dead, or at least notify you in some way that they were weak. Correct calculations didn't happen with weak batteries, and it wasn't specified what should happen. Rule #4 makes this a bug.

Rule #5 is the catch-all. As a tester you are the first person to really use the software. If you weren't there, it would be the customer using the product for the first time. If you find something that you don't feel is right, for whatever reason, it's a bug. In the case of the calculator, maybe you found that the buttons were too small. Maybe the placement of the = key made it hard to use. Maybe the display was difficult to read under bright lights. All of these are bugs because of Rule #5.


Every person who uses a piece of software will have different expectations and opinions as to how it should work. It would be impossible to write software that every user thought was perfect. As a software tester, you should keep this in mind when you apply Rule #5 to your testing. Be thorough, use your best judgment, and, most importantly, be reasonable. Your opinion counts, but, as you'll learn in later chapters, not all the bugs you find can or will be fixed.

These are greatly simplified examples, so think about how the rules apply to software that you use every day. What is expected, what is unexpected? What do you think was specified and what was forgotten? And, what do you just plain dislike about the software?

This definition of a bug covers a lot of ground but using all five of its rules will help you identify the different types of problems in the software you're testing.

    Software Testing
    Lessons Learned in Software Testing
    ISBN: 0471081124
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 233

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