Documents To Go

Use Documents To Go Standard Edition, by DataViz, on your handheld to read and edit files compatible with Word and Excel. Transfer documents from your PC, write reports and edit spreadsheets, and then sync them to your PC to print, edit, and email with most of the formatting still intact.

Icon to look for

Things you can do with Documents To Go

  • Keep important and dynamic documents up-to-date, such as project spreadsheets in Excel or memos written in Word.

  • Beam and receive files to and from other handhelds and laptops.

  • Edit documents during a flight and email them when you land.

Manual included

The manual for Documents To Go is included in the Help menu when you open Documents To Go on your computer.

Open in Windows

Open Palm Desktop and click the Documents icon to open Documents To Go in a separate window.

Open on a Mac

On Macs, Documents To Go is a separate application in your Applications folder.

The main screen

On your handheld, the main screen for Documents To Go is a list of the files managed by the application. Sort by tapping the column headings. Tap the page icons along the far left for a pick list of actions such as Delete, Beam, and Details.

Create a new document

On your handheld's Home screen, tap Documents, and then tap New.

Select a format. Files saved in Word or Excel format can be emailed to people who don't have Documents To Go.

Create reports and spreadsheets

Use Word and Excel formats to create files compatible with Word and Excel. People you share them with can open them in Word or Excel on their computer. The Word To Go and Sheet To Go formats create files that take up less space on your handheld, but they can be read only by people who also have Documents To Go. To change the file format, tap Details.

Add, store, share

  • To add files, click the Plus icon at the top of the Documents To Go screen on your PC.

  • Copies of files created on your handheld and synchronized using Documents To Go are stored in your My Documents folder (Windows) or Documents (Mac).

Real Life: Sheet To Go

Joe made an Excel spreadsheet to keep score at his son's high school baseball games. He used to print out a sheet, write on it, and enter the data when he got back home. Now he follows the game on his handheld, syncs when he gets home, and emails the spreadsheet to the other parents.


Changes to files are transferred when you sync, and retain much of the original formatting.

Save time

Have a big file you only need to sync occasionally? In the main Documents To Go view, if a column contains a small HotSync icon, that file will be synchronized. If a dash appears, it won't. Tap to toggle between the two.

    Now You Know Tungsten E
    Now You Know Tungsten E
    ISBN: 0321330307
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2004
    Pages: 118 © 2008-2017.
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