2.2 Internal StorageServer-based storage

2.2 Internal Storage/Server-based storage

In early computing designs, storage devices were located within the computing system itself, such as a server. In this case, all storage components (file system, volume management, and storage devices) are internal. This simple implementation is easy for administrators to deploy, with each server having specific storage allocations met by internal disk drives .

Disk drive interfaces vary between SCSI (Small Computer System Interface), IDE (Integrated Device Electronics), and ATA (Advanced Technology Attachment), with each providing a cost/performance optimization suited to varying market segments. Inside an enclosure, the disk drive interface has little effect on the overall enterprise computing system design. But placing individual storage devices within each server leads to scalability issues. In an internal-only storage environment, each application is largely constrained by the amount of storage that can fit inside the box. Beyond that, the only options left are moving outside the server.

IP Storage Networking Straight to the Core
IP Storage Networking: Straight to the Core
ISBN: 0321159608
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 108

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