

CA (certificate authority), 416 “417
CA (Connection Architecture) Resource adapters, 442
database patterns, 579
dynamic content, JavaServer Pages, 571 “572
entity beans
combined support, 230 “232
limitation, 212
read-mostly pattern, 226 “230
read-only multicast invalidation , 225 “226
between transactions, 217, 223 “225
finders -load-bean between transactions, 235
prepared database statements, 580
Web application performance, improving, 544
Web page output, 23 “28
calendar, reservation sample application, 107 “108
call router, 467
Capacity Planning for Web Performance: Metrics, Models, and Methods (Menasc and Almeida), 542
cascading deletes, 253 “255
Case*Method Entity-Relationship Modeling (Barker), 579
central processing unit. See CPU
certificate authority. See CA
certificates, security, 418 “420
detection and propagation, 465 “466
entity beans, handling one per transactions, 219 “223
Chappell, David ( Java Message Service ), 329
character set, 158
children. See parent-child relationships
class-level tags, 284 “286
applications, accessing, 395 “397
callback Web service, 717
characteristics, obtaining, 5
forms, validating, 47 “48
handling multiple simultaneously
changes, handling one per transaction, 219 “223
database, 215 “217
described, 211 “213
MDBs, 385 “386
memory, locking, 213 “215, 217
read-only, 218
JSP session information, 11
polling, 717
requests , session bean components , 207 “209
and server verify each other, 416, 421 “425, 430, 431
slow response time with low database usage, 590
verifying server, 416, 420 “421, 429 “430, 431
Web Services, creating, 686 “694
WebLogic Server, writing, 674 “675
complex, 641 “643
described, 452
grouping of
architecture, 452, 453 “454
cluster, 486 “487
database resources, 500 “508
deploying applications, 516 “518
described, 475 “478, 483 “485
execute queues and threads, 516
JavaMail sessions, 516
JMS resources, 508 “515
JVM, 494
network channels, 487 “488
node manager, setting up, 489 “493
operating system, 414 “415, 493
plug-ins, 494 “499
setting up new, 478 “482
implementing one per site, 648 “650
JMS provider
connection routing, load balancing, and failover, 339 “340
described, 338
distributed destinations, 340 “346
location transparency, 339
migrating servers, 346 “347
spanning multiple sites, 646 “648
Web application, 462 “466, 543
WebLogic server domain, configuring, 486 “487
cluster-aware stub, 466 “467
CMP (container-managed persistence) entity beans
BMP, advantages over, 194
cascading deletes, 253 “255
changes, handling, 219 “223
database, 238 “240, 249 “250
dynamic queries, 252 “253
EJB home methods, 198 “199
existence, checking for, 255 “256
last name , finding people with same, 233 “234
lazy retrieval, controlling using field groups, 240 “243
methods required, 182 “185
numeric primary key, automatically generating, 247 “249
relationship caching with, 244 “246
select methods, 196 “198
SQL support, 250 “252
stateless services and, 275
Cockroft, Adrian ( Sun Performance and Tuning: Java and the Internet ), 542
collocation, 645
columns , retrieving explicitly, 579 “580
command pattern, 569
command-line utility
EJB compiler, invoking directly, 303
J2EE Web applications, deploying, 170 “173
WebLogic server applications, monitoring, 519 “521
commitment control level, 581
community names , 529
compatibility mode with RealmAdapter, 402, 410
complex processes, simplifying interface. See process encapsulation
composite view pattern, 46
compressing XML messages, 365
changes, handling one per transaction, 219 “223
database, 215 “217
described, 211 “213
MDBs, 385 “386
memory, locking, 213 “215, 217
read-only, 218
Concurrent Programming in Java: Design Principles and Patterns (Lea), 542
configuration information, managing, 604 “609
confirmations , e-mail, 516
accessing and sharing persistent (pooling), 582
API, JMS 1.02b, 331
routing, 339 “340
socket, managing, 453, 458 “460
verifying ( PING command), 520
WebLogic server performance, optimizing, 562
Connection Architecture. See CA Resource adapters
connection factories, JMS, 331, 347 “349, 514 “515
connection filter
built-in, 656 “657
custom, 657 “658
connection pool, 4 “5, 501 “505, 537
consumers, specifying messages, 367 “369
container-managed persistence. See CMP entity beans
EJB, 572 “578
JSP application, 158
session-specific data, storing, 569 “571
WebLogic Server application, 460 “461
information, preserving from request to request, 6 “8
parameters, Web application, 151
root, Web application, 157, 160
cookies, 5, 6, 653, 659 “660
copying Web application directory structure. See exploded application
core dumps, reading, 593 “594
Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies (Alur, Crupi, and Malks), 41, 568
Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages (Hall), 1
Corner, Douglas A. ( Internetworking with TCP/IP Volume II: Design, Implementation, and Intervals ), 545
CPU (central processing unit)
adding to machine (vertical scaling), 543, 637
high utilization with poor application server throughput, 588 “589
low utilization and low activity, WebLogic server, 590
ratio to JVM, 636 “637
credential mapping, 407
Crupi, John ( Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies ), 41, 568
culture-specific items, removing from display, 45
custom serializers, Web Services, 697 “702
custom tags
behavior, describing (Tag Handler Class), 21
caching page output to improve performance, 23 “28
cost, 20
invoking elements (JSP Pages), 21
mapping XML elements (TLD File), 21
scriptlet code, reducing, 20
sources of, 22 “23
use and development, 21 “22

Mastering BEA WebLogic Server. Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
Mastering BEA WebLogic Server: Best Practices for Building and Deploying J2EE Applications
ISBN: 047128128X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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