A transition whose source state and target state are the same.
send dependency
A dependency within which instances of the source class send signals to instances of the target class.
send object action
An action that transmits a specified object to a specified target object as a signal .
send signal action
An action that creates an instance of a specified signal and transmits this instance to a specified target object .
sequence diagram
An interaction diagram that focuses on the time ordering of messages between objects .
sequence number
A number that indicates the relative execution order of the associated message on a communication diagram .
sequential substate
A substate in which an object can reside to the exclusion of all other substates at that same level within the given composite state .
shallow history
A pseudostate that "remembers" only the outermost nested state that a given object was in before it left the enclosing composite state .
A request of some kind that an object dispatches asynchronously to one or more other objects.
signal trigger
The reception of a particular signal .
simple state
A state that has no nested substates .

See client.

source state
The "from" state within a transition .
start owned behavior action
An action that starts the behavior owned by the object specified on a particular input pin .
A condition in which an object can be at some point during its lifetime, for some finite amount of time.
state invariant
A runtime constraint on a given lifeline .
state machine diagram
A diagram that shows a state machine , with the emphasis on the flow of control between states .
A mechanism for building a modeling construct that isn't identified in the core UML but that's similar to things that are part of the core .
The termination of the instance connected to a given lifeline .
structured activity node
An executable node that represents a structured portion of a given activity that isn't shared with any other structured node, except for nodes that are nested.
The more specific class within a generalization .
A state machine that can be invoked as part of one or more other state machines.
submachine state
A state that references a submachine such that a copy of that submachine is implicitly part of the enclosing state machine where the reference occurs.
A state nested within a composite state .
A dependency within which the client must comply with the contract specified by the supplier at program execution time.
The more general class within a generalization .
The independent element within a dependency .
A pair of parallel vertical or horizontal lines on an activity diagram that represent an activity partition .

Fast Track Uml 2.0
Fast Track UML 2.0
ISBN: 1590593200
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 97

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