data store node
A special type of central buffer node that handles persistent information.
decision node
A control node that offers a choice among two or more outgoing activity edges , each of which has a guard .
deep history
A pseudostate that "remembers" the innermost nested state at any depth within a composite state .
deferred event
An event that's of interest to a given object , but which the object defers handling until the object reaches a different state .
delegation connector
A connector that links the external contract of a component , as specified by its ports , to the internal realization of that behavior by the component's parts .
A "using" relationship within which a change in one thing (such as a class ) may affect another thing (for instance, another class).
deployed artifact
An artifact that exists on a particular node.
The pairing of a deployed artifact with a deployment target .
deployment specification
The specification of a set of properties that determine the execution parameters of, say, a component deployed to a particular node .
deployment target
A location on which artifacts can be deployed.
derivation dependency
A dependency within which the client can be computed or inferred from the supplier .
destroy link action
An action that creates a link or link object using the association ends specified by two or more link end data entities.
destroy object action
An action that destroys an object specified on a particular input pin .
A node that represents a physical computational resource with processing capability upon which artifacts may be deployed for execution.
The length of time between the occurrence of two particular events .
duration constraint
A constraint on a duration .
duration interval
The range between two given durations .
duration observation action
An action that measures a duration during system execution.
The principle of data hiding: An object hides its data from the rest of the world and only lets outsiders manipulate that data by way of calls to the object's methods .
entry action
An action that a given object always performs immediately upon entering a given state .
entry point
A pseudostate that represents a point of entry into a state machine .
Something of significance to one or more objects that may cause the execution of some behavior associated with the object(s).
event occurrence
A moment in time with which a particular action is associated.
A special kind of signal that an object can throw or receive in response to a failure during system execution.
exception handler
An entity that specifies an executable node to execute in case a specified exception occurs during the execution of another executable node.
exceptional flow of events

See alternate course of action.

executable node
An activity node that may be executed.
execution environment
A node that offers an environment for the execution of specific types of components that are deployed on it, in the form of executable artifacts .
execution occurrence
The instantiation of a unit of a particular behavior on a lifeline , expressed in terms of a starting event occurrence (such as the receipt of a message ) and an ending event occurrence (such as a reply to that message).
exit action
An action that a given object always performs immediately before leaving a given state , in response to a regular transition or a self-transition .
exit point
A pseudostate that represents a point of exit from a state machine .
expansion node
An object node that indicates a flow across the boundary of an expansion region .
expansion region
A structured activity node that executes once for each element within a given collection of values in a particular expansion node .
A dependency within which a base use case implicitly includes the behavior of another use case at one or more extension points .
An association that indicates that the properties of a particular metaclass are extended through a particular stereotype .
extension point
A point within a base use case at which the use case implicitly includes the behavior of another use case within an extend dependency .

Fast Track Uml 2.0
Fast Track UML 2.0
ISBN: 1590593200
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 97

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