W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Web site, 661

Web application installation, 694–696

Web pages, application types, 9

Web Parts framework

Catalog zone, 646–648

chrome frames, 643

components, 640

Connections zone, 648–651

Editor zone

Appearance Editor option, 644

Behavior Editor option, 644

discussed, 643

Layout Editor option, 644

portal-style application example, 640

Web application creation example, 642–643

WebPartManager control, 641

WebPartZone control, 641–642

ZoneTemplate control, 641

Web programming

ASP.NET runtime, 580


configuring, 604–607

membership providers, 603

email address checks, 595–597

event handlers, 589–593

<FORM> tag, 628

IIS (Internet Information Services), 580

input validation, 593–597

login page, 609

overview, 579–580

server controls, 588–589

simple Web page creation, 581–584

SQL Server databases

data, displaying and editing, 613–616

database creation, 612–613

discussed, 611

state management

client-side, 598–600

discussed, 597

server-side, 600–603

Web services

application types, 9

application-specific, 657

application-to-application communication, 655

architecture, 658

ASP.NET client implementation, 676–677

asynchronous messages, 674–676

book distribution application scenario, 656

building block, 657

client application types, 657

client protocols, 666–667

creating, 664–666

defined, 654

firewalls, 663

generated files, 667–668

hotel travel agency application scenario, 656

methods, adding, 668–669

methods on, calling, 661–663

passing data with, 677–680

portal, 657

project creation example, 667–669

search engines for, 659–660

smart clients and, 657

SoapHttpClientProtocol class, 666

testing, 669

user-to-application communication, 655

WebMethod attribute, 665

WebService attribute, 664

WebServiceBinding attribute, 665–666

where to use, 655–657

Windows client implementation, 670–673

Web Services Description Language (WSDL), 658

Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile specification, 663

Web Setup Project template, 548

Web sites

copying, 689–691

master pages

Content control, 629–631

ContentPlaceHolder control, 625

creation example, 627–628

default, 626

file extensions, 625

MasterPageFile property, 626

New Web Site dialog, 624

OMG, 654

Open Group, 654

precompiling, 691


anonymous users, 638–640

characteristics, 636

with components, 638

creating, 636–637

with custom data types, 638

groups, 637

overview, 635

profile property, 637

serialization mechanisms, 638

sample Web site creation, 623–625

site navigation, 631–633

user controls, 633–635

Userland Software, 655

W3C, 661

WebClient class, 961–963

web.config file, 608

WebMethod attribute, 665

WebPartManager control, 641

WebPartZone control, 641–642

WebRequest class, 963–964

WebRequest.Create() method, 969

WebResponse class, 963–964

WebServiceBinding attribute, 665–666

Welcome dialog

Simple Editor application, 568

User Interface Editor, 564

well-formed documents, XML, 746

while loops, 79–81

white space characters, 30

Width property, 393


Call Stack, 171

Class Details, 246

Class View

class hierarchy, 218–219

Class icon, 220

Enumeration icon, 220

Enumeration item icon, 220

Event icon, 220

Field icon, 220

Interface icon, 220

Internal icon, 221

member groupings, 219

Method icon, 220

Namespace icon, 220

Private icon, 221

Project icon, 220

Property icon, 220

Protected icon, 221

Struct icon, 220

Command, 170–171

Error List

error location specification, 23

how to use, 22–23

line number options, 23

overview, 17

Immediate, 170–171

Object Browser

accessing, 221

ReadKey() method, 222


overview, 17

user interface components, 22

Solution Explorer

Class View menu, 21–22

overview, 17

Show All Files icon, 27

switching between, 17

Windows applications

ColorDialog class, 530–531

custom controls, 478


Cab Project template, 548

ClickOnce, 536–539

IIS (Internet Information Services), 683–687

Merge Module Project template, 548

overview, 535

permission requirements, 538

project types, 548

Setup Project template, 548

Setup Wizard, 548

Smart Device Cab Project template, 548

updates, 546–547

Web Setup Project template, 548

dialog-based applications, 466


CommonDialog class, 490–491

defined, 489

directory specification, 493–494

existing files, overwriting, 506

file dialogs, 492

file extensions, 505

file filters, setting, 494–495

help options, 495

HelpRequest() method, 490

how to use, 491–492

Reset() method, 490

results, 496

SaveFileDialog class, 492, 505–508

ShowDialog() method, 490

titles, 493, 505

validation, 495, 505

FolderBrowserDialog class, 531–533

FontDialog class, 528–530

MDI (Multiple Document Interfaces)

application creation, 468–469

defined, 466

isMdiContainer property, 469

MDI child, 468

MDI containers, 468

text editor creation, 471–472


controls, 450

creating manually, 451–453

discussed, 450

dividing into groups, 452

events, 455

MenuStrip control, 451

merging, 473–474

ToolStripMenuItem control, 454–455

OOP exercise, 199–202


AllowPrintToFile property, 523

multiple pages, 516–518

OnBeginPrint() method, 513

OnPrintPage() method, 513

page ranges, 525

PageSetupDialog class, 519–521

Print() method, 513

Print Preview, 526–527

PrintController class, 515, 517–518

PrintDialog class, 521–523

PrintDocument class, 514–515

printing architecture, 511–512

printing sequence, 512–513

PrintLoop() method, 513

PrintPage event, 513–514

selected text, 523–524

System.Drawing.Printing namespace, 510

SDI (Single Document Interfaces), 466–468


button creation example, 459–460

controls, 450

discussed, 450

event handlers, 461–463

StatusStrip control, 464–466

StatusStripStatusLabel control, 464–465

ToolStrip control, 458–459

user controls

debugging, 483–484

defined, 477

event handlers, 482–483

LabelTextbox control example, 479–481

properties, adding, 481–482

Windows Forms applications

buttons, adding, 24–25

closing, 25

control layout, 26

creation example, 24–28

defined, 13

Design View, 26

Windows Installer feature

Add/Remove Programs option, 549–550

advantages of, 551

components, 549

packages, 549

Windows Installer 2.0 version, 554–555

Windows Installer Launch Condition option, Launch Conditions Editor, 563

Windows programming

button controls

Click event, 398

events, 399–401

properties, 399

CheckBox control

dialog creation example, 415–416

discussed, 412

events, 414

GroupBox controls, 414–415

properties, 413–414

CheckedListBox control

discussed, 425

events, 428

methods, 427

properties, 426–427


Anchor property, 395

Dock property, 395

events, 396–397

properties, 392–393

snapping, 394–395

event handlers, 406–410

label controls, 401–402

LinkLabel control, 401–402

ListBox control

dialog creation example, 428

discussed, 425

events, 428–429

methods, 427

properties, 426–427

ListView control

ColumnHeader class, 434

discussed, 430

event handlers, 436–438

ImageList control, 434–435

interface creation example, 435–436

ListViewItem control, 434

PaintListView() method, 440–441

properties, 431–433

RadioButton control

dialog creation example, 415–416

discussed, 412

events, 413

properties, 413

RichTextBox control

dialog creation example, 420–421

events, 420

properties, 418–420

TabControl control

discussed, 442

properties, 443

TabPages property, 444–445

TextBox control

dialog creation example, 405–406

events, 404

properties, list of, 403–404


CreateUserWizard security control, 609

Data Source Configuration

Choose Data Source Type dialog, 833

connections, saving, 834

Data menu, 836

discussed, 614, 832

Import and Export Settings, 15–16


Application Files button, 543

deployment process, 542

Prerequisites dialog, 544

Ready to Publish! option, 541

starting, 540

Security Setup, 605–607

Setup, 548

WordWrap property, 404

worker processes, IIS, 685

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web site, 661

write access, properties, 184

Write() function, 123–124, 713

Write property, 708

WriteAll() method, 507

WriteChar() method, 371

WriteLine() method, 716

write-only access, properties, 240

WriteXml() method, 811, 813

writing data, FileStream class, 712–713

WSDL (Web Services Description Language), 658

WS-I (Web Services Interoperability) Basic Profile specification, 663

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