You work in the Information Technology department of Florida Atlantic University and you have been asked to create a program needed by the admissions office. The admissions office wants to know how well female and male students perform in certain types of courses and they would like to determine if there are gender differences in these courses.
You will receive several files that contains female and male student GPAs for certain types of courses. Due to confidentiality, the letter code f was used for female students and m was used for male students. Every file's entries will consist of the student type code on one line followed by a GPA for that course type on the next line. Each pair of lines in the file is one student's entry. The number of entries in the file is unknown.
After all of the grades have been read into the program, it is to compute the average GPA for the female and for the male students separately. The output is to be to the screen and is to consist of two columns and four rows. There should be a report title and column headers on the first two rows. Each of the next to rows of the data is to indicate whether the data is for female or male students which are to be followed by the cumulative gender average. The gender averages are to be formatted so that they are displayed to two decimal places.
Sample input data:
Gender Type | GPA |
f | 3.56 |
m | 2.89 |
f | 1.78 |
f | 3.90 |
m | 3.87 |
m | 1.01 |
Note: Since the data is to be entered into the program via a data file, a sample input screen is not required.
Sample output data:
Gender Grade Report | |
Student Type GPA | Average |
Female | X.XX |
Male | X.XX |
Note: The design documents should consist of a structure chart and pseudo code. Using the specifications above, try to create the pseudo code and then link to the sample below and compare it with your document.
Note: Next take the Pseudo Code above and create a structure chart.
Coding Phase:
Note: Using the Specification and Design documents above, try to write the C++ program that will meet these documents' requirements.