Lecture 16 Examples

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Open table as spreadsheet




This header contains the definition of the class date that is used in many different examples.


Demonstrates BST searching.


Extends bst.cpp by adding a function to display the binode data values.


Extends bst.cpp by adding a function to delete a particular binode


Extends bst.cpp by adding a function to delete a particular binode


Implements a BST on general data.


Implements a BST on general data This header adds to the header bst.h the ability to display the data of the nodes.


Implements a BST on general data. This header adds to the header bst.h the ability to display the data of the nodes.


Implements a BST on general data. This header adds to the header bst.h the ability to display the data of the nodes.


The link list class is contained in this header.


Demonstrates a search on a linked list of dates.


Demonstrates that a vector of non-system data can be searched using a linear search.


Demonstrates that a vector of non-system data can be searched using a linear search after being sorted. Then the search is exited if the value exceed.


Demonstrates that a vector of non-system data can be searched using a binary search after being sorted. Then the search is exited if the value exceed.

image from book

 //  program_id        bst2.cpp //  written_by        don voils //  date_written      11/3/2006 // //  description  Extends BST.CPP by adding a //               function to display the binode //               data values. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); #include"date.h" typedef Date datatype; #include"bst2.h" void main() {   Date a_date[7];   a_date[0].set_date(3L,19L,1984L);   a_date[1].set_date(5L,5L,1957L);   a_date[2].set_date(11L,24L,1934L);   a_date[3].set_date(9L,29L,1962L);   a_date[4].set_date(1L,19L,1955L);   a_date[5].set_date(9L,13L,1960L);   a_date[6].set_date(9L,7L,1940L);   bst<datatype> bst1;   cout << "The following dates are being entered into the BST:"        << endl;   short index;   for(index=0;index<7;++index)   {      cout << a_date[index] << "\n";      bst1.insert(a_date[index]);   }   char resp;   cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) ";   cin >> resp;   cout << endl << endl << "The data value of the nodes are: "        << endl;   bst1.display(cout);   cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) ";   cin >> resp;   cout << endl << endl; } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=0;index<250;++index)           cout << endl; } //  header_id      bst2.h //  written_by     don voils //  date_written   11/3/2006 // // //  descripton    Implements a BST on general data //                This header adds to the header bst.h //                the ability to display the data of the nodes. // #ifndef BST #define BST class binode {    public:      datatype data;      binode * left;      binode * right;      binode()      {        left = right = NULL;      }      binode(datatype value)      {        data = value;        left = right = NULL;      }      binode(datatype value,binode* ptr1,binode * ptr2)      {        data = value;        left = ptr1;        right = ptr2;      } }; template <typename datatype> class bst {    private:      binode * root;    public:      bst()      {        root = NULL;      }      ~bst()      {        binode * ptr,               * parent;        bool left_node;        while(!empty())        {          ptr = root;          while((ptr->left!=NULL)||(ptr->right!=NULL))          {           left_node = false;           if(ptr->left!=NULL)           {              parent = ptr;              ptr = ptr->left;              left_node = true;           }           else           {              parent = ptr;              ptr = ptr->right;           }         }         if(root==ptr)           root = NULL;         else           if(left_node)              parent->left = NULL;           else              parent->right = NULL;         delete ptr;      }         if(!empty())            cerr << endl << "The destructor did not work correctly."                 << endl << endl;       }       bool empty()       {         return (root == NULL);       }       void insert(datatype& item);       bool search(datatype &item,binode* &location);       void display(ostream & out);       void traverse(ostream& out,binode * ptr); }; template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::display(ostream & out) {   traverse(out,root); } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::traverse(ostream& out, binode * ptr) {   if(ptr != NULL)   {      traverse(out,ptr->left);      out << ptr->data << "\n";      traverse(out,ptr->right);   } } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::insert(datatype& item) {   binode* ptr = root,         * parent = NULL;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {      if(found || (ptr == NULL))           break;      parent = ptr;      if(item < ptr->data)          ptr = ptr->left;      else          if(item > ptr->data)                    ptr = ptr->right;          else             found = true;   }   if(found)        cerr << "The item " << item << " already is in the tree.\n";   else   {        ptr = new binode(item);        if(parent == 0)                  root = ptr;        else           if(item < (parent->data))                             parent->left = ptr;           else              parent->right = ptr;   } } template<typename datatype> bool bst<datatype>::search(datatype &item,binode* &location) {   binode* ptr = root;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {      if(found || (ptr == NULL))         break;      if(item < ptr->data)            ptr = ptr->left;      else         if(item > ptr->data)            ptr = ptr->right;         else         {     found = true;     location = ptr;        }   }   return found; } #endif //  program_id        bst3.cpp //  date_written      11/3/2006 // //  program description  Extends BST.CPP by adding a //               function to delete a particular binode //                // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); #include"date.h" typedef Date datatype; #include"bst3.h" void main() {   Date a_date[7];   a_date[0].set_date(3L,19L,1984L);   a_date[1].set_date(5L,5L,1957L);   a_date[2].set_date(11L,24L,1934L);   a_date[3].set_date(9L,29L,1962L);   a_date[4].set_date(1L,19L,1955L);   a_date[5].set_date(9L,13L,1960L);   a_date[6].set_date(9L,7L,1940L);   bst<datatype> bst1;   short index;   for(index=0;index<7;++index)   {     bst1.insert(a_date[index]);   }   Date delete_date;   char resp;   do   {     clear_screen();     cout << endl << endl << "The data value of the nodes are: "          << endl;            bst1.display(cout);     cout << endl<< endl << "What date do you want to delete? (mm/dd/yyyy) ";     cin >> delete_date;     cout << endl;            bst1.delete_node(delete_date);            cout << endl << endl << "The data value of the nodes are: "           << endl;            bst1.display(cout);            cout << endl << endl << "Do you want to delete another? (Y/N) ";     cin >> resp;   }while((resp=='y') || (resp=='Y'));   cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) ";   cin >> resp;   clear_screen();   cout << endl << endl; } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=0;index<250;++index)           cout << endl; } //  header_id       bst3.h //  written_by      don voils //  date_written   11/3/2006 // //  descripton    Implements a BST on general data //                 This header adds to the header bst.h //                the ability to display the data of the nodes. // #ifndef BST #define BST class binode {   public:     datatype data;     binode * left;     binode * right;     binode()     {       left = right = NULL;     }     binode(datatype value)     {       data = value;       left = right = NULL;     }     binode(datatype value,binode* ptr1,binode * ptr2)     {       data = value;       left = ptr1;       right = ptr2;     } }; template <typename datatype> class bst {   private:     binode * root;   public:            bst()            {               root = NULL;            }            ~bst()            {             binode * ptr,                    * parent;             bool left_node;             while(!empty())             {             ptr = root;                    while((ptr->left!=NULL)||(ptr->right!=NULL))                    {                left_node = false;                       if(ptr->left!=NULL)                       {                          parent = ptr;            ptr = ptr->left;            left_node = true;          }          else          {             parent = ptr;             ptr = ptr->right;                           }             }             if(root==ptr)                root = NULL;             else                if(left_node)                  parent->left = NULL;                else                 parent->right = NULL;                delete ptr;              }        if(!empty())           cerr << endl << "The destructor did not work correctly."           << endl << endl;             }             bool empty()             {         return (root == NULL);             }             void insert(datatype& item);             bool search(datatype &item,binode* &location,binode* &parent);             void display(ostream & out);             void traverse(ostream& out,binode * ptr);             void delete_node(datatype& item); }; template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::display(ostream & out) {   traverse(out,root); } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::traverse(ostream& out,binode * ptr) {   if(ptr != NULL)   {      traverse(out,ptr->left);      out << ptr->data << "\n";      traverse(out,ptr->right);   } } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::insert(datatype& item) {   binode* ptr = root,         * parent = NULL;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {      if(found || (ptr == NULL))         break;      parent = ptr;      if(item < ptr->data)          ptr = ptr->left;      else         if(item > ptr->data)                   ptr = ptr->right;         else            found = true;    }    if(found)        cerr << "The item " << item << " already is in the tree.\n";    else    {        ptr = new binode(item);        if(parent == 0)            root = ptr;        else      if(item < (parent->data))          parent->left = ptr;      else          parent->right = ptr;      } } template<typename datatype> bool bst<datatype>::search(datatype &item,binode* &location,                      binode* &parent) {   binode* ptr = root;     parent = NULL;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {     if(found || (ptr == NULL))        break;     if(item < ptr->data)     {        parent = ptr;               ptr = ptr->left;     }     else        if(item > ptr->data)        {     parent = ptr;     ptr = ptr->right;        }        else        {            found = true;     location = ptr;       }    }    return found; } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::delete_node(datatype& item) {   bool found;   binode* ptr,         *location,         *parent;   found = search(item,location,parent);   if(!found)     cerr << "Item not in the BST\n";   else   {     ptr = location;     if((ptr->left != NULL) && (ptr->right != NULL))     {        binode *successor = ptr->right;        parent = ptr;        while(successor->left != NULL)        {          parent = successor;          successor = successor -> left;        }        ptr->data = successor->data;;        ptr = successor;      }      binode * subtree = ptr->left;      if(subtree==NULL)         subtree = ptr->right;      if(parent==NULL)         root = subtree;      else         if(parent->left == ptr)            parent->left = subtree;         else            parent->right = subtree;      delete ptr;   } } #endif //  program_id         bst4.cpp //  written_by         don voils //  date_written      11/12/2006 // //  description  Extends BST.CPP by adding a //               function to delete a particular binode //                // // #include<iostream> #include<fstream> using namespace std; #include"date.h" typedef Date datatype; #include"bst4.h" void clear_screen(); void insert_from_file(bst<datatype> &bst1); void store_in_file(bst<datatype> &bst1); void save_file_destroy(bst<datatype> &bst1); void main() {   Date a_date[7];   a_date[0].set_date(3L,19L,1984L);   a_date[1].set_date(5L,5L,1957L);   a_date[2].set_date(11L,24L,1934L);   a_date[3].set_date(9L,29L,1962L);   a_date[4].set_date(1L,19L,1955L);   a_date[5].set_date(9L,13L,1960L);   a_date[6].set_date(9L,7L,1940L);   bst<datatype> bst1;   datatype b_date;   short which,      index;   char resp;   do   {     clear_screen();     cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl          << "1. Insert data into the BST from the file" << endl << endl          << "2. Insert data from the stored array"<< endl << endl          << "3. Insert data into the BST from the keyboard" << endl << endl          << "4. Is the BST empty?" << endl << endl          << "5. Delete data from the BST" << endl << endl          << "6. Display all of the elements of the list" << endl << endl          << "7. Send the data from the BST to the file" << endl << endl          << "8. Exit the program." << endl << endl          << endl <<endl << "Which option? ";     cin >> which;     switch(which)     {       case 1:         insert_from_file(bst1);         break;       case 2:          clear_screen();          cout << "The elements being inserted are: "               << endl << endl;          for(index=0;index<7;++index)          {        cout << a_date[index] << " ";              bst1.insert(a_date[index]);          }          cout << endl << endl << "The array stored in the BST. "               << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";          cin >> resp;          break;        case 3:          clear_screen();          cout << "What date do you want to insert into the BST? ";          cin >> b_date;          bst1.insert(b_date);          cout << endl << endl << "The date " << b_date               << " is stored in BST. "               << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";          cin >> resp;          break;        case 4:          clear_screen();          if(bst1.empty())            cout << "The BST is empty.";          else            cout << "The BST is not empty.";          cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";          cin >> resp;          break;        case 5:          clear_screen();          cout << "The dates in the BST are the following: "               << endl;          bst1.display(cout);          cout << endl << endl               << "What date do you want to delete from the BST? ";          cin >> b_date;          bst1.delete_node(b_date);          cout << endl << endl << "The date " << b_date               << " is stored in BST. "               << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";          cin >> resp;          break;          break;        case 6:          clear_screen();          cout << "The dates in the BST are the following: "               << endl;          bst1.display(cout);          cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";          cin >> resp;          break;        case 7:          clear_screen();          save_file_destroy(bst1);          cout << "The data in the BST is the following: "               << endl << endl;          bst1.display(cout);          cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";          cin >> resp;          break;        case 8:          break;        default:          break;     }   }while(which != 8);   clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() {      for(short index=1;index<=250;++index)           cout << endl; } void insert_from_file(bst<datatype> &bst1) {   clear_screen();   ifstream infile("date.dat",ios::binary|ios::in);   if(!infile||infile.eof())   {      cout << "\nError opening the file.\n";      return;   }   datatype b_date;   while(infile)   {    infile.read((char*)&b_date,sizeof(datatype));    bst1.insert(b_date);   }   infile.close();   cout << endl << endl << "The data from the file was inserted "        << "into the BST. " << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";   char resp;   cin >> resp; } void save_file_destroy(bst<datatype> &bst1) {   binode * ptr,          * parent;   ofstream outfile("date.dat",ios::binary | ios::out);   if(!outfile)   {      cout << "Error opening the file.";      char resp;      cin >> resp;      return;   }   datatype a_date;   bool left_node;   while(!bst1.empty())   {     ptr = bst1.root;     while((ptr->left!=NULL)||(ptr->right!=NULL))     {      left_node = false;      if(ptr->left!=NULL)      {    parent = ptr;    ptr = ptr->left;    left_node = true;      }      else      {         parent = ptr;         ptr = ptr->right;      }    }    if(bst1.root==ptr)       bst1.root = NULL;    else       if(left_node)    parent->left = NULL;      else         parent->right = NULL;    outfile.write((char*)&(ptr->data),sizeof(datatype));    delete ptr;  } } //  header_id      bst4.h //  written_by     don voils //  date_written   11/3/2006 // // //  descripton    Implements a BST on general data //                This header adds to the header bst.h //                the ability to display the data of the nodes. // #ifndef BST #define BST class binode {   public:     datatype data;     binode * left;     binode * right;     binode()     {       left = right = NULL;     }     binode(datatype value)     {       data = value;       left = right = NULL;     }     binode(datatype value,binode* ptr1,binode * ptr2)     {       data = value;       left = ptr1;       right = ptr2;     } }; template <typename datatype> class bst {    private:         binode * root;    public:        bst()        {          root = NULL;        }        ~bst()        {          binode * ptr,                 * parent;          bool left_node;          while(!empty())          {            ptr = root;            while((ptr->left!=NULL)||(ptr->right!=NULL))            {              left_node = false;              if(ptr->left!=NULL)              {                 parent = ptr;                 ptr = ptr->left;                 left_node = true;              }              else              {                 parent = ptr;                 ptr = ptr->right;              }           }           if(root==ptr)              root = NULL;           else              if(left_node)                 parent->left = NULL;              else                 parent->right = NULL;           delete ptr;         }         if(!empty())           cerr << endl << "The destructor did not work correctly."                << endl << endl;        }        bool empty()        {          return (root == NULL);        }        void insert(datatype& item);        bool search(datatype &item,binode* &location,binode* &parent);        void display(ostream & out);        void traverse(ostream& out,binode * ptr);        void delete_node(datatype& item);        friend void save_file_destroy(bst &bst1); }; template<typename datatype>  void bst<datatype>::display(ostream & out) {   traverse(out,root); } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::traverse(ostream& out,binode * ptr) {   if(ptr != NULL)   {     traverse(out,ptr->left);     out << ptr->data << "\n";     traverse(out,ptr->right);   } } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::insert(datatype& item) {   binode* ptr = root,         * parent = NULL;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {      if(found || (ptr == NULL))          break;      parent = ptr;      if(item < ptr->data)          ptr = ptr->left;      else          if(item > ptr->data)                      ptr = ptr->right;                  else                      found = true;   }   if(found)      cerr << "The item " << item << " already is in the tree.\n";   else   {     ptr = new binode(item);            if(parent == 0)        root = ptr;     else       if(item < (parent->data))          parent->left = ptr;       else          parent->right = ptr;   } } template<typename datatype> bool bst<datatype>::search(datatype &item,binode* &location, binode* &parent) {   binode* ptr = root;   parent = NULL;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {     if(found || (ptr == NULL))        break;     if(item < ptr->data)     {          parent = ptr;          ptr = ptr->left;     }     else        if(item > ptr->data)        {     parent = ptr;     ptr = ptr->right;        }        else        {           found = true;           location = ptr;        }   }   return found; } template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::delete_node(datatype& item) {   bool found;   binode* ptr,         *location,         *parent;   found = search(item,location,parent);   if(!found)     cerr << "Item not in the BST\n";   else   {      ptr = location;      if((ptr->left != NULL) && (ptr->right != NULL))      {         binode *successor = ptr->right;         parent = ptr;         while(successor->left != NULL)         {           parent = successor;           successor = successor -> left;         }         ptr->data = successor->data;;         ptr = successor;       }       binode * subtree = ptr->left;       if(subtree==NULL)          subtree = ptr->right;       if(parent==NULL)          root = subtree;       else          if(parent->left == ptr)             parent->left = subtree;          else             parent->right = subtree;       delete ptr;   } } #endif //  program_id       bst.cpp //  written_by       don voils //  date_written     11/3/2006 // //  description  Demonstrates BST searching. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); #include"date.h" typedef Date datatype; #include"bst.h" void main() {   bool found;   binode* location;   Date a_date[8];   a_date[0].set_date(5L,5L,1977L);   a_date[1].set_date(11L,24L,1934L);   a_date[2].set_date(1L,19L,1955L);   a_date[3].set_date(5L,5L,1957L);   a_date[4].set_date(9L,13L,1960L);   a_date[5].set_date(9L,29L,1962L);   a_date[6].set_date(5L,5L,1977L);   a_date[7].set_date(9L,7L,1940L);   bst<datatype> bst1;   cout << "The following dates are being entered into the BST:"        << endl;   short index;   for(index=0;index<8;++index)   {      cout << a_date[index] << endl;      bst1.insert(a_date[index]);   }   char resp;   cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) ";   cin >> resp;   while((resp=='y')||(resp=='Y'))   {     clear_screen();     cout << "The following dates are in the BST:"          << endl;     short index;     for(index=0;index<8;++index)     {        cout << a_date[index] << endl;     }     cout << endl << endl          << "What Date do you want to search for in the BST? (mm/dd/yyyy) ";     Date new_date;     cin >> new_date;     found = bst1.search(new_date, location);     if(found)        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was found at location "<< location << endl;     else       cout << endl << "The date " << new_date            << " was not found in the BST." << endl;     cout << endl << endl << "Another search? (Y/N) ";     cin >> resp;     cout << endl << endl;   }   clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=0;index<250;++index)           cout << endl; } //  header_id     bst.h //  written_by    don voils //  date_written 11/3/2006 // //  descripton    Implements a BST on general data. // #ifndef BST #define BST class binode {   public:     datatype data;     binode * left;     binode * right;     binode()     {       left = right = NULL;     }     binode(datatype value)     {        data = value;        left = right = NULL;     }     binode(datatype value,binode* ptr1,binode * ptr2)     {       data = value;       left = ptr1;       right = ptr2;     } }; template <typename datatype> class bst {    private:              binode * root;    public:        bst()        {                 root = NULL;        }        ~bst()        {          binode * ptr, * parent;          bool left_node;          while(!empty())          {            ptr = root;            while((ptr->left!=NULL)||(ptr->right!=NULL))            {               left_node = false;               if(ptr->left!=NULL)               {                  parent = ptr;                  ptr = ptr->left;                  left_node = true;               }               else               {                  parent = ptr;                  ptr = ptr->right;               }            }            if(root==ptr)               root = NULL;            else               if(left_node)                  parent->left = NULL;               else                  parent->right = NULL;            delete ptr;          }          if(!empty())             cerr << endl << "The destructor did not work correctly."                  << endl << endl;        }        bool empty()        {          return (root == NULL);        }        void insert(datatype& item);        bool search(datatype &item,binode* &location); }; template<typename datatype> void bst<datatype>::insert(datatype& item) {   binode* ptr = root,      * parent = NULL;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {      if(found || (ptr == NULL))        break;      parent = ptr;      if(item < ptr->data)         ptr = ptr->left;      else        if(item > ptr->data)            ptr = ptr->right;        else            found = true;   }   if(found)      cerr << "\nThe item " << item << " already is in the tree.\n\n";   else   {      ptr = new binode(item);      if(parent == 0)         root = ptr;      else         if(item < (parent->data))            parent->left = ptr;         else            parent->right = ptr;   } } template<typename datatype> bool bst<datatype>::search(datatype &item,binode* &location) {   binode* ptr = root;   bool found = false;   for(;;)   {      if(found || (ptr == NULL))         break;      if(item < ptr->data)         ptr = ptr->left;      else         if(item > ptr->data)            ptr = ptr->right;         else         {            found = true;            location = ptr;         }   }   return found; } #endif // program_id     date.h // written_by     don voils // date_written  9/2/2006 // // description This header contains the definition //             of the class date that is used in many //             different examples. // #ifndef DATE   #define DATE class Date {  private:    long month,        day,        year;  public:    Date(){ }    Date(long m, long d, long y)      { month = m;        day = d;        year = y;      }    void get_date();    void set_date(long m, long d, long y);    long last_day(long m, long y);    long show_day();    long show_month();    long show_year();    bool leap_year(long y);    Date operator +(long number_days);    Date operator -(long number_days);    long operator -(Date other_date);    long days_since(long m, long d, long y);    long f(long m,long y);    long g(long m);    bool incorrect_date(long m,long d,long y);    bool operator <(Date a_date);    bool operator <=(Date a_date);    bool operator ==(Date a_date);    bool operator !=(Date a_date);    bool operator >(Date a_date);    bool operator >=(Date a_date);    friend ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Date ab);    friend istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Date &ab); }; ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Date ab) {       stream << ab.month << "/";       stream << ab.day << "/";       stream << ab.year <<" ";       return stream; } istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Date &ab) {       char slash;       stream >> ab.month >> slash >> ab.day >> slash >> ab.year;       return stream; } long Date::show_day() {  return day; } long Date::show_month() {  return month; } long Date::show_year() {  return year; } void Date::get_date() {  char    dash;  do  {   cin >> month >> dash >> day >> dash       >> year;  }while(incorrect_date(month,day,year)); } void Date::set_date(long m,long d,long y) {  month = long(m);  day = long(d);  year = long(y); } Date Date::operator + (long number_days) {  Date next_day;  next_day.set_date(month,day,year);  for(long index=1;index <=number_days;++index)  {    if (next_day.day < last_day(next_day.month,next_day.year))    {     next_day.day += 1L;    }    else    {       if(next_day.month<12L)       {          next_day.month += 1L;          next_day.day = 1L;       }       else       {          next_day.month = 1L;          next_day.day = 1L;          next_day.year += 1L;       }    }  }  return next_day; } Date Date::operator - (long number_days) {  Date next_day;  next_day.set_date(month,day,year);  for(short index=1;index <= number_days;++index)  {    if (next_day.day != 1L)    {     next_day.day -= 1L;    }    else    {      if(next_day.month != 1L)      {           next_day.month -= 1L;           next_day.day = last_day(next_day.month,next_day.year);      }      else      {           next_day.month = 12L;           next_day.day = 31L;           next_day.year -= 1L;      }    }  }  return next_day; } long Date::last_day(long m, long y) {  long last_day;  long days_in_month[]={0L, 31L, 28L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 31L, 30L, 31L, 30L, 31L};  if (m!=2L)       last_day=days_in_month[m];  else       if (leap_year(y))            last_day =29L;       else            last_day=days_in_month[m];  return last_day; } bool Date::leap_year(long y) {   bool leap_test;   if (((y%4L== 0L) && (y%100L != 0L)) || (y%400L == 0L))       leap_test=true;   else       leap_test=false;   return leap_test; } bool Date::incorrect_date(long m, long d, long y) {   bool not_correct;   if ((m>=1L) && (m<=12L) &&               (d>=1L) && (d<=last_day(m,y)))       not_correct = false;   else        not_correct = true;   return not_correct; } long Date::days_since(long m,long d,long y) {    long number = 1461L*f(m,y)/4L + 153L*g(m)/5L + d;    return(number); } long Date::f(long m,long y) {    long number = (m<=2L) ? y - 1L :y;    return(number); } long Date::g(long m) {    long number = (m<=2L) ? m + 13L : m + 1L;    return(number); } long Date::operator - (Date b_date) {  long days;  days = days_since(month,day,year)         -days_since(b_date.month,b_date.day,b_date.year);  return days; } bool Date::operator >(Date a_date) {   bool resp;   long first_date,        second_date;   first_date=days_since(month,day,year);   second_date=days_since(a_date.month,a_date.day,a_date.year);   resp = (first_date > second_date)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator >=(Date a_date) {   bool resp;   long first_date,        second_date;   first_date=days_since(month,day,year);   second_date=days_since(a_date.month,a_date.day,a_date.year);   resp = (first_date >= second_date)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator ==(Date a_date) {   bool resp;   long first_date,        second_date;   first_date=days_since(month,day,year);   second_date=days_since(a_date.month,a_date.day,a_date.year);   resp = (first_date == second_date)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator !=(Date a_date) {   bool resp;   long first_date,        second_date;   first_date=days_since(month,day,year);   second_date=days_since(a_date.month,a_date.day,a_date.year);   resp = (first_date != second_date)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator <(Date a_date) {   bool resp;   long first_date,        second_date;   first_date=days_since(month,day,year);   second_date=days_since(a_date.month,a_date.day,a_date.year);   resp = (first_date < second_date)? true : false;   return resp; } bool Date::operator <= (Date a_date) {   bool resp;   long first_date,        second_date;   first_date=days_since(month,day,year);   second_date=days_since(a_date.month,a_date.day,a_date.year);   resp = (first_date <= second_date)? true : false;   return resp; } #endif // program_id          linked2.cpp // date_written        10/22/2006 // // // program description   Demonstrates a search on a linked list. //                of dates. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; // The data searched will be date objects from the follow file. // #include"date.h" // The data used will be objects from the date class. // typedef Date datatype; // The link list class is contained in the following header. // The linear search function has been added as a member // function to the class. // #include"linked.h" void clear_screen(); void main() {   short which;   char resp;   bool found;   datatype item,            value;   List list1;   do   {     clear_screen();     cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl          << "0. Search for an item " << endl << endl          << "1. Insert an item at the front" << endl << endl          << "2. Insert an item at the end" << endl << endl          << "3. Insert an item after another item" << endl << endl          << "4. Is the list empty?" << endl << endl          << "5. Delete an item at the front" << endl << endl          << "6. Delete an item at the end" << endl << endl          << "7. Delete an item after another item" << endl << endl          << "8. Display all of the elements of the linked list" << endl << endl          << "9. Exit the program." << endl << endl          << endl <<endl << "Which option? ";     cin >> which;     switch(which)     {       case 0:         clear_screen();         cout << "Enter the value to find in the list: (mm/dd/yyyy) ";         cin >> item;         node *location;         found = list1.linearsearch(item,location);         if(found)           cout << endl << endl                << "The item " << item << " was found "                << " at location " << location << endl;         else           cout << endl << endl                << "The item " << item                << " was not found." << endl;           cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";           cin >> resp;           break;       case 1:         clear_screen();         cout << "Enter the value to add to the front of the list: (mm/dd/yyyy) ";         cin >> item;         list1.insert_front(item);         break;       case 2:         clear_screen();         cout << "Enter the value to add to the end of the list: (mm/dd/yyyy) ";         cin >> item;         list1.insert_end(item);         break;       case 3:         clear_screen();         cout << "Enter the value in the list to be inserted after: (mm/dd/yyyy) ";         cin >> value;         cout << endl << endl              << "Enter the value to add to the list after " << value << ": ";         cin >> item;         list1.insert_middle(item,value);         break;       case 4:         clear_screen();         if(list1.empty())              cout << "The list is empty.";         else              cout << "The list is not empty.";         cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";         cin >> resp;         break;       case 5:         clear_screen();         list1.delete_front();         break;       case 6:         clear_screen();         list1.delete_end();         break;       case 7:         clear_screen();         cout << "Enter the value in the list to be deleted: (mm/dd/yyyy) ";         cin >> value;         list1.delete_middle(value);         break;       case 8:         clear_screen();         list1.display();         cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)";         cin >> resp;         break;       case 9:         break;       default:         break;     }   }while(which != 9);   clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=1;index<=250;++index)         cout << endl; } // program_id     linked.h // written_by     don voils // date_written  10/1/2006 // description   This file contains the definition of the classes node and List. // #ifndef LINKED #define LINKED class node {   public:     datatype data;     node * next;     node(datatype value,node* ptr)     {       data = value;       next = ptr;     } }; class List {   private:     node* first;   public:     List()     {       first = NULL;     }     ~List()     {       node * ptr;       while(first!=NULL)       {         ptr = first;        first = first->next;        delete ptr;       }     }     bool empty()     {       return (first==NULL);     }     void insert_front(datatype new_value)     {       node * newptr = new node(new_value,first);       first = newptr;     }     void insert_end(datatype new_value)     {       node * newptr = new node(new_value,NULL);       if(first!=NULL)       {          node * preptr = first;          while((preptr->next)!=NULL)            preptr = preptr->next;          preptr->next = newptr;       }       else          first = newptr;     }     void insert_middle(datatype new_value,datatype value)     {       if(!empty())       {          node * preptr = first;          while(((preptr->next)!=NULL) && ((preptr->data)!=value))            preptr = preptr->next;          if((preptr->data)==value)          {                node * newptr = new node(new_value,preptr->next);                preptr->next = newptr;          }       }     }     void delete_front()     {       if(!empty())       {          node *ptr = first;          first = first->next;          delete ptr;       }    }    void delete_end()    {      if(!empty())      {        if((first->next)==NULL)        {          delete first;          first = NULL;        }        else        {          node *ptr;          node *preptr = first;          while(((preptr->next)->next)!=NULL)               preptr = preptr->next;          ptr = preptr->next;          preptr -> next = NULL;          delete ptr;        }      }    }    void delete_middle(datatype value)    {       if(!empty())       {           if((first->next)!=NULL)           {              node *ptr;              node *preptr = first;              while((preptr->next)!=NULL                           && (preptr->data)!=value)              preptr = preptr->next;              ptr = preptr->next;              if(ptr!=NULL && ((preptr->data)==value))              {                 preptr->next = ptr->next;                 delete ptr;              }           }       }    }    void display()    {        cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl;        node * ptr = first;        while(ptr != NULL)        {          cout << ptr->data << endl;          ptr = ptr->next;        }    }     // The follow function provides the search for the linked list.     //    template<typename datatype>    bool linearsearch(datatype &item, node* &location)    {         bool found = false;         location = first;         for(;;)         {           if(found || (location == NULL))                      break;           if(item == location->data)                     found = true;           else             location = location->next;         }         return found;    } }; #endif // program_id        vector6.cpp // written_by        don voils // date_written      10/1/2006 // // description   Demonstrates that a vector of non-system //                data can be searched using a linear //                search. // // #include<iostream> #include<vector> using namespace std; // Header contains the type of data being searched. // #include"date.h" // The generalized data type of the example is set to date // typedef Date Datatype; // Function Declarations // void clear_screen(); template<typename Datatype> bool linearsearch(const vector<Datatype> & a_vector,                      Datatype &item, short &location) {      bool found = false;      location = 0;      for(;;)      {                 if(found || (location == a_vector.size()))                   break;           if(item == a_vector[location])                   found = true;                 else                 location++;      }      return found; } void main() {   bool found;   short location;   char resp;   Date date1(1L,1L,1970L);   Date date2(1L,19L,1955L);   Date date3(5L,5L,1957L);   Date date4(9L,13L,1960L);   Date date5(9L,29L,1962L);   Date date6(11L,24L,1934L);   Date date7(9L,7L,1940L);   Date date_array[ ] = {date1,date2,date3,date4,date5,date6};   vector<Date> vector1(date_array,date_array+6);   do   {     clear_screen();     cout << "The Date vector contains the following elements:" << endl;     short index;     for(index=0;index < (int)vector1.size(); ++index)          cout << vector1[index] << endl;     cout << endl << endl;     cout << "What Date do you want to search for in the vector? (mm/dd/yyyy) ";     Date new_date;     cin >> new_date;     found = linearsearch(vector1,new_date,location);     if(found)        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was found at location "<< location + 1<< endl;     else        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was not found in the vector." << endl;     cout << endl << endl << "Another search? (Y/N) ";     cin >> resp;     cout << endl << endl;   }while((resp=='y')||(resp=='Y')); } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=1;index<250;++index)         cout << endl; } // program_id        vector7.cpp // date_written      10/1/2006 // // description   Demonstrates that a vector of non-system //               data can be searched using a linear //               search after being sorted. Then the //               search is exited if the value exceed. // // #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; // Header contains the type of data being searched. // #include"date.h" // The generalized data type of the example is set to date // typedef Date Datatype; // Function Declarations // void clear_screen(); template<typename Datatype> bool linearsearch(const vector<Datatype> & a_vector,       Datatype &item, short &location) {       bool found = false;       location = 0;       for(;;)       {          if(found || (location == a_vector.size())               || (item < a_vector[location]))            break;         if(item == a_vector[location])            found = true;         else            location++;       }       cout << endl << "The number of records counted was: "            << location + 1 << endl <<endl;       return found; } void main() {   bool found;   short location;   char resp;   Date date1(1L,1L,1970L);   Date date2(1L,19L,1955L);   Date date3(5L,5L,1957L);   Date date4(9L,13L,1960L);   Date date5(9L,29L,1962L);   Date date6(11L,24L,1934L);   Date date7(9L,7L,1940L);   Date date_array[ ] = {date1, date2, date3, date4, date5, date6};   vector<Date> vector1(date_array,date_array+6);   do   {     clear_screen();     cout << "The date vector contains the following elements:" << endl;     short index;     for(index=0;index < (int)vector1.size(); ++index)          cout << vector1[index] << endl;     sort(vector1.begin(),vector1.end());     cout << endl << endl          << "The date vector after the sort contains the following elements:"          << endl;     for(index=0;index < (int) vector1.size(); ++index)          cout << vector1[index] << endl;     cout << endl << endl          << "What date do you want to search for in the vector? (mm/dd/yyyy) ";     Date new_date;     cin >> new_date;     found = linearsearch(vector1, new_date, location);     if(found)        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was found at location "<< location + 1<< endl;     else        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was not found in the vector." << endl;     cout << endl << endl << "Another search? (Y/N) ";     cin >> resp;     cout << endl << endl;   }while((resp=='y')||(resp=='Y')); } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=1;index<250;++index)          cout << endl; } // program_id        vector8.cpp // written_by        don voils // date_written      10/1/2006 // // description   Demonstrates that a vector of non-system //               data can be searched using a binary //               search after being sorted. Then the //               search is exited if the value exceed. // // #include<iostream> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; // Header contains the type of data being searched. // #include"date.h" // The generalized data type of the example is set to date // typedef Date Datatype; // Function Declarations // void clear_screen(); template<typename Datatype> bool binarysearch(const vector<Datatype> & a_vector,                      Datatype &item, short &location) {      bool found = false;      location = 0;      short counted = 0,            first = 0,            last = (int)a_vector.size() - 1;      for(;;)      {        if(found || (first > last))           break;       ++counted;       location = (first + last)/2;       if(item < a_vector[location])            last = location - 1;       else            if(item > a_vector[location])               first = location + 1;            else               found = true;      }      cout << endl << "The number of records counted was: "           << counted << endl <<endl;      return found; } void main() {   bool found;   short location;   char resp;   Date date1(1L,1L,1970L);   Date date2(1L,19L,1955L);   Date date3(5L,5L,1957L);   Date date4(9L,13L,1960L);   Date date5(9L,29L,1962L);   Date date6(11L,24L,1934L);   Date date7(9L,7L,1940L);   Date date_array[ ] = {date1, date2, date3, date4, date5, date6};   vector<Date> vector1(date_array, date_array+6);   do   {     clear_screen();     cout << "The date vector contains the following elements:" << endl;     short index;     for(index=0;index < (int)vector1.size(); ++index)          cout << vector1[index] << endl;     sort(vector1.begin(),vector1.end());     cout << endl << endl          << "The Date vector after the sort contains the following elements:"          << endl;     for(index=0;index < (int)vector1.size(); ++index)          cout << vector1[index] << endl;     cout << endl << endl          << "What Date do you want to search for in the vector? (mm/dd/yyyy) ";     Date new_date;     cin >> new_date;     found = binarysearch(vector1,new_date,location);     if(found)        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was found at location "<< location + 1 << endl;     else        cout << endl << "The date " << new_date             << " was not found in the vector." << endl;     cout << endl << endl << "Another search? (Y/N) ";     cin >> resp;     cout << endl << endl;   }while((resp=='y')||(resp=='Y')); } void clear_screen() {   for(short index=1;index<250;++index)          cout << endl; } 

Intermediate Business Programming with C++
Intermediate Business Programming with C++
ISBN: 738453099
Year: 2007
Pages: 142

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