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Programs | Demonstrates the use of |
alist.h | This file contains the definition of the class aList. |
anewlist.h | This file contains the definition of the class aNewList. This class differs from the class aList in that it permits insertion and deletion. |
date.h | This header contains the definition of the date class which demonstrates input and output by overloading << and >> |
date_queue.cpp | This program simulates a long queue. |
dblinked.cpp | Demonstrates the use of a doubly linked list. |
dblinked.h | This header file works with the program: dblinked.cpp. It contains the definition of the class List which implements a doubly linked list. |
factors.cpp | This program displays the prime factorization of numbers entered by the user. It is based upon the header file stack.h which contains a general definition of a stack. |
gcd.cpp | This program demonstrates the concept of recursion. |
linked.cpp | Demonstrates the use of a linked list. |
linked.h | This files contains the definition of the class: List that implements a linked list. |
list1.cpp | Demonstrates the use of dynamic memory allocation to create a list. In this example the list contained longs but this could have been any data type. |
list2.cpp | Demonstrates the use of dynamic memory allocation to create a list. In this example the list contained longs but this could have been any data type. This program differs from list1.cpp in that it permits the insertion and the deletion of elements. |
long_queue.cpp | This file contains the methods for the class Queue that is contained in the file: long_queue.h. |
long_queue.h | The file contains the definition of the class: Queue whose methods are defined in the file long_gueue.cpp. |
new_queue.h. | This header creates a queue of any data type. |
new_stack.cpp | This program simulates a generalized stack |
queue1.cpp | This program simulates a queue based on a linked list. |
queue1.h | This header contains the definition of a queue based upon a linked list. |
queue2.h | This header contains the definition of a queue that adds the feature of a pointer to the back of the queue so that the queue is more efficient when adding nodes to the queue. |
queue3.h | This header contains the definition of a circular queue. |
stack1.h | Contains the definition of a stack using a linked list. |
stack1.cpp | Demonstrates how a stack can be implemented using a linked list. |
stack.cpp | This program contains the definition of a class that simulates a generalized stack. |
stacks.h | This header file contains a class definition of a generalized stack class based upon an array. The stack type and the size of the stack must be provided by the calling program. |
templateQueue.h | This header creates a template queue for any data type. |
templateStack.h | |
templateQueueList.cpp | This program simulates a queue based on a linked list and templates. |
templateQueueList.h | This file contains the definition of a template queue based upon a list. |
templateStackList.cpp | Demonstrates how a template stack can be implemented using a linked list. |
templateStackList.h | This header file contains the definition of a template stack that is based upon a linked list. |
useTemplateQueue.cpp | This program simulates a long queue using templates. |
useTemplateStack.cpp | This file contains the definition of the template stack. |
useQueue.cpp | This program simulates a long queue. |
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// program_id aList.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 9/12/2006 // Description This file contains the definition of // the class aList. // #ifndef ALIST #define ALIST class aList { private: datatype *ptr; long top; long max; public: aList(long maximum) { max = maximum; ptr = new datatype[max]; top = -1; } ~aList() { delete [] ptr; } void add_to(datatype value) { if(!is_full()) { ++top; *(ptr+top) = value; } else { max += 10; datatype* new_ptr = new datatype[max]; for(long index=0;index<=top;++index) *(new_ptr+index)= *(ptr+index); ++top; *(new_ptr+top) = value; delete [] ptr; ptr = new_ptr; } } datatype show_element(long position) { datatype value; if((position-1) > top) throw position; else value = *(ptr + (position-1)); return value; } void show_all() { cout << "The elements in the list are the following:" << endl; for(short index=0;index<=top;++index) cout << *(ptr+index) << endl; } bool is_empty() { return(top==-1); } bool is_full() { return(top==(max-1)); } }; #endif // program_id aNewList.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 9/12/2006 // // Description This file contains the definition of the // class aNewList. This class differs from // the class aList in that it permits // insertion and deletion. // #ifndef ANEWLIST #define ANEWLIST class aNewList { private: datatype *ptr; long top; long max; public: aNewList(long maximum) { max = maximum; ptr = new datatype[max]; top = -1; } ~aNewList() { delete [] ptr; } void add_to(datatype value) { if(!is_full()) { ++top; *(ptr+top) = value; } else { max += 10; datatype* new_ptr = new datatype[max]; for(long index=0;index<=top;++index) *(new_ptr+index)= *(ptr+index); ++top; *(new_ptr+top) = value; delete [] ptr; ptr = new_ptr; } } datatype show_element(long position) { datatype value; if((position-1) > top) throw position; else value = *(ptr + (position-1)); return value; } void show_all() { cout << "The elements in the list are the following:" << endl; for(short index=0;index<=top;++index) cout << *(ptr+index) << endl; } void insert_it(long numb,datatype value) { --numb; if(top < max) { for(short index=short(top); index > numb;--index) *(ptr + (index+1)) = *(ptr + index); ++top; *(ptr + (numb+1)) = value; } else cout << endl << endl << "Error list is full" << endl << endl; } void delete_it(long numb) { --numb; for(short index=short(numb);index<short(top);++index) *(ptr + index) = *(ptr + (index+1)); --top; } bool is_empty() { return(top==-1); } bool is_full() { return(top==(max-1)); } }; #endif // program_id date.h // author don voils // date written 9/5/2006 // // description This header contains the definition // of the date class which demonstrates // input and output by overloading << and >> // #ifndef DATE #define DATE class Date { private: int theMonth, theDay, theYear; public: int getMonth() { return theMonth; } int getDay() { return theDay; } int getYear() { return theYear; } friend ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Date ab); friend istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Date &ab); }; ostream &operator << (ostream &stream, Date ab) { stream << ab.theMonth << "/"; stream << ab.theDay << "/"; stream << ab.theYear << endl; return stream; } istream &operator >> (istream &stream, Date &ab) { char slash; stream >> ab.theMonth >> slash >> ab.theDay >> slash >> ab.theYear; return stream; } #endif // program_id date_queue.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/17/2000 // // description This program simulates a long queue. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); // // The date class is included to demonstrate the generality of // the class: Queue contained in the header: new_queue.h that is // included below. // #include"date.h" // // The variable capacity is only 10 so that the queue is easy to test. // const long capacity = 10; // // The variable QueueType is now a general data type in the // header new_queue.h. The typedef is done out here so that // that its data type could be changed relatively easy‥ // typedef Date QueueType; #include"new_queue.h" // // Below is the test program to determine whether the queue class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; Date item; Queue a_queue; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the queue" << endl << endl << "2. Is the queue empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the queue full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the front element in the queue?" << endl << endl << "5. Remove the front element of the queue" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the queue" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.isFullQ()) { cout << "Enter a date to add to the queue (mm/dd/yyyy): "; cin >> item; a_queue.addQ(item); cout << endl << "The queue is not full so an element was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; } else { cout << "The queue is full and so no element was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; } break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.isEmptyQ()) cout << "The queue is empty."; else cout << "The queue is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.isFullQ()) cout << "The queue is full."; else cout << "The queue is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.isEmptyQ()) cout << "The Front element in the queue is: " << a_queue.frontQ(); else cout << "The queue is empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.isEmptyQ()) { a_queue.removeQ(); cout << "The front element has been removed. "; } else cout << "There were no elements to remove"; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); a_queue.displayQ(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } inline void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id dblinked.cpp // written_by don voils // date_written 10/24/2006 // // description Demonstrates the use of a // doubly linked list. // // #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> using namespace std; typedef long datatype; #include"dblinked.h" void clear_screen(); void main() { short which; char resp; datatype item, value; List list1; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Insert at the front" << endl << endl << "2. Insert at the end" << endl << endl << "3. Insert in the middle" << endl << endl << "4. Is the list empty?" << endl << endl << "5. Delete at the front" << endl << endl << "6. Delete at the end" << endl << endl << "7. Delete in the middle" << endl << endl << "8. Display all of the elements of the list" << endl << endl << "9. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter the value to add to the front of the list: "; cin >> item; list1.insert_front(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter the value to add to the end of the list: "; cin >> item; list1.insert_end(item); break; case 3: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter the value in the list to be inserted after: "; cin >> value; cout << endl << endl << "Enter the value to add to the list after " << value << ": "; cin >> item; list1.insert_middle(item,value); break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty."; else cout << "The list is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); list1.delete_front(); break; case 6: clear_screen(); list1.delete_end(); break; case 7: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter the value in the list to be deleted: "; cin >> value; list1.delete_middle(value); break; case 8: clear_screen(); list1.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 9: break; default: break; } }while(which != 9); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id dblinked.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 10/24/2006 // // description This header file works with the program: // dblinked.cpp. It contains the definition // of the class List which implements a doubly // linked list. // #ifndef DBLINKED #define DBLINKED class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node * previous; node(datatype value,node* ptr1, node * ptr2) { data = value; next = ptr1; previous = ptr2; } }; class List { private: node* first; public: List() { first = NULL; } ~List() { node * ptr; while(first!=NULL) { ptr = first; first = first->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (first==NULL); } void insert_front(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,first,NULL); if(!empty()) first->previous = newptr; first = newptr; } void insert_end(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,NULL,NULL); if(!empty()) { node * preptr = first; while((preptr->next)!=NULL) preptr = preptr->next; preptr->next = newptr; newptr->previous = preptr; } else first = newptr; } void insert_middle(datatype new_value,datatype value) { if(!empty()) { node * preptr = first; while(((preptr->next)!=NULL) && ((preptr->data)!=value)) preptr = preptr->next; if((preptr->data)==value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,preptr->next,preptr); if(preptr->next!=NULL) (preptr->next)->previous = newptr; preptr->next = newptr; } } } void delete_front() { if(!empty()) { node *ptr = first; if((ptr->next)!=NULL) (ptr->next)->previous=NULL; first = ptr->next; delete ptr; } } void delete_end() { if(!empty()) { if((first->next)==NULL) { delete first; first = NULL; } else { node *preptr = first; while((preptr->next)!=NULL) preptr = preptr->next; (preptr->previous)->next = NULL; delete preptr; } } } void delete_middle(datatype value) { if(!empty()) { if((first->next)==NULL) { if((first->data)==value) { delete first; first = NULL; } } else { node *preptr = first; while((preptr->next)!=NULL && (preptr->data)!=value) preptr = preptr->next; if((preptr->data)==value) { if(preptr == first) first = preptr->next; if((preptr->previous)!=NULL) (preptr->previous)->next = preptr->next; if(preptr->next!=NULL) (preptr->next)->previous = preptr->previous; delete preptr; } } } } void display() { if(!empty()) { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; cout << setw(12) <<"Previous" << setw(12) << "Node" << setw(12) <<"Next" << endl; node * ptr = first; while(ptr != NULL) { if(ptr->previous != NULL) cout << setw(12) << ptr->previous->data; else cout << setw(12) << "NULL"; cout << setw(12) << ptr->data; if(ptr->next != NULL) cout << setw(12) << ptr->next->data << endl; else cout << setw(12) << "NULL" << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } else cout << "The list is empty." << endl << endl; } }; #endif // program_id factors.cpp // written_by don voils // date_written 3/2/2006 // // description This program displays the prime factorization // of numbers entered by the user. It is based // upon the header file stack.h which contains // a general definition of a stack. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; const long capacity = 128; typedef long StackElementType; #include"stacks.h" long factor(long a); void clear_screen(); void main() { Stack s; long numb; char resp; do { clear_screen(); cout << "What is the number you want to factor? "; cin >> numb; clear_screen(); long n = numb; try { do { s.Push(factor(n)); long divisor = s.Top(); n = n / divisor; }while(n>1); cout << "The following is the prime factorization of " << numb <<endl << " "; while(!s.isEmpty()) { cout << s.Top(); s.Pop(); if(!s.isEmpty()) cout << " * "; } } catch(int) { clear_screen(); cerr << "Number is either prime or too large for functon."; while(!s.isEmpty()) { s.Pop(); } } cout << endl << endl << "Another factorization? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; clear_screen(); }while(resp=='y' || resp=='Y'); } long factor(long n) { long primes[15] = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47}; long dividend; short index; for(index = 0;index < 15; ++index) { dividend = n / primes[index]; if(dividend * primes[index] == n) break; } if(index >= 15) { throw 1; } return primes[index]; } void clear_screen() { for(short index = 1;index <= 250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id GCD.CPP // author don voils // date written 9/24/2006 // // description: This program demonstrates the concept // of recursion. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; int gcd(int numb1, int numb2); void main(void) { int int1, int2; cout << "What is the first number? "; cin >> int1; cout << endl << endl << "What is the second number? "; cin >> int2; cout << endl << endl << "The GCD of " << int1 << " and " << int2 << " is " << gcd(int1,int2); } int gcd(int numb1, int numb2) { return (numb1<0) ? gcd(-numb1,numb2):((numb2==0)? numb1:gcd(numb2,numb1%numb2)); } // program_id linked.cpp // written_by don voils // date_written 10/22/2006 // // description Demonstrates the use of a linked list. // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef long datatype; #include"linked.h" void clear_screen(); void main() { short which; char resp; datatype item, value; List list1; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Insert at the front" << endl << endl << "2. Insert at the end" << endl << endl << "3. Insert in the middle" << endl << endl << "4. Is the list empty?" << endl << endl << "5. Delete at the front" << endl << endl << "6. Delete at the end" << endl << endl << "7. Delete in the middle" << endl << endl << "8. Display all of the elements of the list" << endl << endl << "9. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter the value to add to the front of the list: "; cin >> item; list1.insert_front(item); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty so you must first add to the beginning." << endl; else { cout << "Enter the value to add to the end of the list: "; cin >> item; list1.insert_end(item); } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty so you must first add to the beginning." << endl; else { cout << "Enter the value in the list to be inserted after: "; cin >> value; cout << endl << endl << "Enter the value to add to the list after " << value << ": "; cin >> item; list1.insert_middle(item,value); } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty."; else cout << "The list is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty. So there are no elements to delete." << endl << endl; else { list1.delete_front(); cout << endl << "The element at the front has been deleted." << endl; } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty. So there are no elements to delete." << endl << endl; else { list1.delete_end(); cout << endl << "The element at the end has been deleted." << endl; } cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 7: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty. So there are no elements to delete." << endl << endl; else { cout << "Enter the value to be deleted after: "; cin >> value; list1.delete_middle(value); cout << endl << "The element after " << value << " has been deleted." << endl; } cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 8: clear_screen(); if(list1.empty()) cout << "The list is empty. So there are no elements to show." << endl << endl; else list1.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 9: break; default: break; } }while(which != 9); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id linked.h // written_by don voils // date_written 10/7/2006 // // description This file contains the definition // of the class List that implements // a linked list. // #ifndef LINKED #define LINKED class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; class List { private: node* first; public: List() { first = NULL; } ~List() { node * ptr; while(first!=NULL) { ptr = first; first = first->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (first==NULL); } void insert_front(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,first); first = newptr; } void insert_end(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,NULL); if(first!=NULL) { node * preptr = first; while((preptr->next)!=NULL) preptr = preptr->next; preptr->next = newptr; } else first = newptr; } void insert_middle(datatype new_value,datatype value) { if(!empty()) { node * preptr = first; while(((preptr->next)!=NULL) && ((preptr->data)!=value)) preptr = preptr->next; if((preptr->data)==value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,preptr->next); preptr->next = newptr; } } } void delete_front() { if(!empty()) { node *ptr = first; first = first->next; delete ptr; } } void delete_end() { if(!empty()) { if((first->next)==NULL) { delete first; first = NULL; } else { node *ptr; node *preptr = first; while(((preptr->next)->next)!=NULL) preptr = preptr->next; ptr = preptr->next; preptr -> next = NULL; delete ptr; } } } void delete_middle(datatype value) { if(!empty()) { if((first->next)!=NULL) { node *ptr; node *preptr = first; while((preptr->next)!=NULL && (preptr->data)!=value) preptr = preptr->next; ptr = preptr->next; if(ptr!=NULL && ((preptr->data)==value)) { preptr->next = ptr->next; delete ptr; } } } } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; node * ptr = first; while(ptr != NULL) { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } }; #endif // program_id list1.cpp // written_by don voils // date_written 10/17/2006 // // descripton: Demonstrates the use of dynamic // memory allocation to create a list. // In this example the list contained // longs but this could have been any // data type. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef long datatype; void clear_screen(); #include"aList.h" void main() { short which; char resp; long item; aList list1(5); do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the list" << endl << endl << "2. Is the list empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the list full?" << endl << endl << "4. Show a particular element?" << endl << endl << "5. Display all of the elements of the list" << endl << endl << "6. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter a long to add to the list: "; cin >> item; list1.add_to(item); cout << endl << "The element was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty."; else cout << "The list is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_full()) cout << "The list is full."; else cout << "The list is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty."; else { cout << "Enter the number of the position to show: "; cin >> item; clear_screen(); try { if(item <= 0) throw item; else { try { long element = list1.show_element(item); cout << "The element in position " << item << " is " << element << endl << endl; } catch(long position) { cout << position << " is beyond the end of the list. " << endl; } } } catch(long item) { cout << "The element position " << item << " is not within the list. " << endl; } } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty."; else list1.show_all(); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: break; default: break; } }while(which != 6); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id list2.cpp // written_by don voils // date_written 10/17/2006 // // descripton: Demonstrates the use of dynamic // memory allocation to create a list. // In this example the list contained // longs but this could have been any // data type. This program differs from // list1.cpp in that it permits the // insertion and the deletion of elements. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef long datatype; void clear_screen(); #include"aNewList.h" void main() { short which; char resp; datatype item; long position; aNewList list1(5); do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the list" << endl << endl << "2. Insert an element in the list" << endl << endl << "3. Delete an element in the list" << endl << endl << "4. Is the list empty?" << endl << endl << "5. Is the list full?" << endl << endl << "6. Show a particular element?" << endl << endl << "7. Display all of the elements of the list" << endl << endl << "8. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter a long to add to the list: "; cin >> item; list1.add_to(item); cout << endl << "The element was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) { cout << "The list is empty. You need to add items" << " before using this option. " << endl; } else { if(list1.is_full()) cout << "The list is full." << endl; else { cout << "What item do you want to insert in " << "the list? "; cin >> item; cout << endl << endl << "After what position do you want to " << " insert the item? "; cin >> position; if(position < 1) cout << endl << "The postion must be greater than 0." << endl; else { try { long elementFound = list1.show_element(position); list1.insert_it(position,item); cout << endl << "The element was inserted." << endl; } catch(long position) { cout << position << " is not a position in the list." << endl; } } } } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty. There must be elements" << endl << "in the list before you can delete any." << endl; else { cout << "Enter the position of the element to " << "delete "; cin >> position; if(position < 1) cout << "The position must be greater than 0. " << endl; else { try { long elementFound = list1.show_element(position); list1.delete_it(position); cout << endl << "The element was deleted." << endl; } catch(long position) { cout << position << " is not a position in the list." << endl; } } } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty." << endl; else cout << "The list is not empty." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_full()) cout << "The list is full." << endl; else cout << "The list is not full." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty." << endl << "You need to have elements in the list " << "before this option." << endl; else { long positionToShow; cout << "Enter the number of the position to show: "; cin >> positionToShow; if(positionToShow < 1) { cout << "You must use a position greater than 0." << endl; } else { clear_screen(); try { long elementFound = list1.show_element(positionToShow); cout << "The element in position " << positionToShow << " is " << elementFound << endl << endl; } catch(long position) { cout << position << " is beyond the end of the list." << endl; } } } cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 7: clear_screen(); if(list1.is_empty()) cout << "The list is empty." << endl; else { list1.show_all(); } cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 8: break; default: break; } }while(which != 8); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id long_queue.cpp // written_by Don Voils // date_written 9/17/2006 // // Description This file contains the methods for the class Queue // that is contained in the file: long_queue.h. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include "long_queue.h" Queue::Queue() { myFront = myBack = 0; } bool Queue::isEmptyQ() { return (myFront == myBack); } bool Queue::isFullQ() { return (myFront == ((myBack + 1) % capacity)); } void Queue::addQ(const long& value) { if (!isFullQ()) { theArray[myBack] = value; myBack = (myBack + 1) % capacity; } } long Queue::frontQ() { return theArray[myFront]; } void Queue::removeQ() { if(!isEmptyQ()) myFront = (myFront + 1) % capacity; else cout << "The queue was empty so no elements were removed." << endl; } void Queue::displayQ() { if(!isEmptyQ()) { cout << "The following are the elements in the queue:" << endl; long index; for(index = myFront; index != myBack; index = ((index +1) % capacity)) cout << theArray[index] << endl; } else cout << "The queue has no elements." << endl; } // program_id long_queue.h // written_by don voils // date_written 9/17/2006 // // description The class defined in this header simulates // a long gueue. // #ifndef QUEUE #define QUEUE const long capacity = 10; class Queue { /***** Data Members *****/ private: long theArray[capacity]; long myFront; long myBack; /***** Function Members *****/ public: Queue(); bool isEmptyQ(); bool isFullQ(); void addQ(const long& value); long frontQ (); void removeQ(); void displayQ(); }; // end of class declaration #endif // program_id long_stack.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/3/2006 // // program description This program simulates a long stack. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); // // The variable capacity is only 10 so that the stack is easy to test. // const long capacity = 10; class stack { private: long myTop; long theStack[capacity]; // // The member function declarations are the prototypes // because the definitions should be separate and in // another file. // public: stack(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); void Push(const long &item); long Top(); void Pop(); void Display(); }; // // Member function definitions. // // Notice that the simple member functions are declared as inline. // inline stack::stack() { myTop=-1; } bool stack::isEmpty() { bool isEmpty = true; if(myTop > -1) isEmpty = false; return isEmpty; } bool stack::isFull() { bool isFull = true; if(myTop < capacity - 1) isFull = false; return isFull; } inline long stack::Top() { return theStack[myTop]; } // // Notice that before an element is added, it is determined // whether the stack is full. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // // Notice that since item is not changed it is modified by const // also notice the reference operator. Why was that used? // void stack::Push(const long &item) { if(isFull()) cerr << "The stack is full."; else { ++myTop; theStack[myTop] = item; } } // // Notice that before an element is removed, it is determined // whether the stack is empty. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // void stack::Pop() { if(isEmpty()) cerr << "The stack is empty."; else --myTop; } void stack::Display() { if(isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty. " << endl; else { cout<< "From the top down the stack elements are:" << endl << endl; for(long index=myTop; index >=0; --index) cout << theStack[short(index)] << endl; } } // // Below is the test program to determine whether the stack class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; long item; stack theStack; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the stack" << endl << endl << "2. Is the stack empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the stack full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the top element in the stack?" << endl << endl << "5. Pop the top element of the stack" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the stack" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); if(theStack.isFull()) cout << "The stack is full." << endl; else { cout << "Enter a long to add to the stack: "; cin >> item; theStack.Push(item); } break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(theStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The stack is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(theStack.isFull()) cout << "The stack is full."; else cout << "The stack is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(theStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The top element in the stack is: " << theStack.Top(); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(theStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else { theStack.Pop(); cout << "The top element has been removed. "; } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); theStack.Display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } inline void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id new_queue.h // author: Don Voils // date_written: 9/17/2006 // // descripton: This header creates a queue of any data type. // #ifndef NEW_QUEUE #define NEW_QUEUE class Queue { /***** Data Members *****/ private: QueueType my_Array[capacity]; long myFront, myBack; /***** Function Members *****/ public: Queue(); bool isEmptyQ() const; bool isFullQ() const; void addQ(const QueueType& value); QueueType frontQ () const; void removeQ(); void displayQ() const; }; // end of class declaration Queue::Queue() { myFront = myBack = 0; } bool Queue::isEmptyQ() const { return (myFront == myBack); } bool Queue::isFullQ() const { return (myFront == ((myBack + 1) % capacity)); } void Queue::addQ(const QueueType& value) { if (!isFullQ()) { my_Array[myBack] = value; myBack = (myBack + 1) % capacity; } } QueueType Queue::frontQ() const { return my_Array[myFront]; } void Queue::removeQ() { if(!isEmptyQ()) myFront = (myFront + 1) % capacity; else cout << "The queue was empty so no elements were removed." << endl; } void Queue::displayQ() const { if(!isEmptyQ()) { cout << "The following are the elements in the queue:" << endl; long index; for(index = myFront; index != myBack; index = ((index +1) % capacity)) cout << my_Array[index] << endl; } else cout << "The queue has no elements." << endl; } #endif // program_id new_stack.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/3/2006 // // description This program simulates a generalized stack. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include"date.h" void clear_screen(); // // The variable theCapacity is only 10 so that the stack is easy to test. // const long theCapacity = 10; typedef Date stackElementType; class Stack { private: long myTop; stackElementType theArray[theCapacity]; // // The member function declarations are the prototypes // because the definitions should be separate and in // another file. // public: Stack(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); void Push(const stackElementType &item); stackElementType Top(); void Pop(); void display(); }; // // Member function definitions. // // Notice that the simple member functions are declared as inline. // inline Stack::Stack() { myTop=-1; } bool Stack::isEmpty() { bool isEmpty = true; if(myTop > -1) isEmpty = false; return isEmpty; } bool Stack::isFull() { bool isFull = true; if(myTop < theCapacity - 1) isFull = false; return isFull; } inline stackElementType Stack::Top() { return theArray[myTop]; } // // Notice that before an element is added it is determined // whether the stack is full. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // // // Notice that since item is not changed it is modified by const // also notice the reference operator. void Stack::Push(const stackElementType &item) { if(isFull()) cerr << "The stack is full."; else { ++myTop; theArray[myTop] = item; } } // // Notice that before an element is removed it is determined // whether the stack is emplty. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // void Stack::Pop() { if(isEmpty()) { cerr << "The stack is empty."; } else --myTop; } void Stack::display() { cout<< "From the top down the stack elements are:" << endl << endl; for(long index=myTop; index >=0; --index) cout << theArray[short(index)] << endl; } // // Below is the test program to determine whether the stack class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; stackElementType item; Stack aStack; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the stack" << endl << endl << "2. Is the stack empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the stack full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the top element in the stack?" << endl << endl << "5. Pop the top element of the stack" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the stack" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the stack: "; cin >> item; aStack.Push(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The stack is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isFull()) cout << "The stack is full."; else cout << "The stack is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty" << endl; else cout << "The top element in the stack is: " << aStack.Top() << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty" << endl; else { aStack.Pop(); cout << "The top element has been removed. " << endl; } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty" << endl; else aStack.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } inline void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id queue1.cpp // author don voils // date written 10/24/2006 // // description: This program simulates a queue // based on a linked list. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); typedef long datatype; #include"queue1.h" void main() { short which; char resp; datatype item; Queue a_queue; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the queue" << endl << endl << "2. Is the queue empty?" << endl << endl << "3. What is the front element in the queue?" << endl << endl << "4. Remove the front element of the queue" << endl << endl << "5. Display all of the elements of the queue" << endl << endl << "6. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the queue: "; cin >> item; a_queue.Push(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.empty()) cout << "The queue is empty."; else cout << "The queue is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.empty()) cout << "The Front element in the queue is: " << a_queue.Top(); else cout << "The queue is empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.empty()) { a_queue.Pop(); cout << "The front element has been removed. "; } else cout << "There were no elements to remove"; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); a_queue.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 6: break; default: break; } }while(which != 6); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id queue1.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 9/1/2006 // // description This header contains the definition // of a queue based upon a linked list. // #ifndef QUEUE #define QUEUE class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; class Queue { private: node* myTop; public: Queue() { myTop = NULL; } ~Queue() { node * ptr; while(myTop!=NULL) { ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (myTop==NULL); } void Push(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,NULL); if(myTop!=NULL) { node * preptr = myTop; while((preptr->next)!=NULL) preptr = preptr->next; preptr->next = newptr; } else myTop = newptr; } void Pop() { if(!empty()) { node *ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } datatype Top() { return myTop->data; } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; node * ptr = myTop; while(ptr != NULL) { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } }; #endif // program_id queue2.h // written_by don Voils // date_written 9/1/2006 // // description This header contains the definition // of a queue that adds the feature of // a pointer to the back of the queue // so that the queue is more efficient // when adding nodes to the queue. #ifndef QUEUE #define QUEUE class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; class Queue { private: node* myTop, * myBack; public: Queue() { myTop = myBack = NULL; } ~Queue() { node * ptr; while(myTop!=NULL) { ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (myTop==NULL); } void Push(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,NULL); if(!empty()) { node * preptr = myBack; preptr->next = myBack = newptr; } else myTop = myBack = newptr; } void Pop() { if(!empty()) { node *ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } datatype Top() { return myTop->data; } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; node * ptr = myTop; while(ptr != NULL) { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } }; #endif // program_id queue3.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 9/1/2006 // // description This header contains the definition // of a circular queue. // #ifndef QUEUE #define QUEUE class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; class Queue { private: node* myTop; public: Queue() { myTop = NULL; } ~Queue() { node * ptr; while(myTop!=NULL) { ptr = myTop; if(myTop != myTop->next) myTop = myTop->next; else myTop = NULL; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (myTop==NULL); } void Push(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,0); if(!empty()) { node * preptr = myTop; while((preptr->next)!= myTop) preptr = preptr->next; preptr->next = newptr; newptr->next = myTop; } else { myTop = newptr; newptr->next = newptr; } } void Pop() { if(!empty()) { if(myTop==(myTop->next)) { node *ptr = myTop; myTop = NULL; delete ptr; } else { node * preptr = myTop->next; while((preptr->next)!= myTop) preptr = preptr->next; preptr->next = myTop->next; node *ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } } datatype Top() { return myTop->data; } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; if(!empty()) { node * ptr = myTop; do { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; }while(ptr != myTop); } } }; #endif // program_id stack1.cpp // written_by don voils // date_written 10/24/2006 // // description Demonstrates how a stack can be implemented // using a linked list. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; typedef long datatype; #include"stack1.h" void clear_screen(); void main() { short which; char resp; datatype item; Stack a_stack; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the stack" << endl << endl << "2. Is the stack empty?" << endl << endl << "3. What is the top element in the stack?" << endl << endl << "4. Pop the top element of the stack" << endl << endl << "5. Display all of the elements of the stack" << endl << endl << "6. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the stack: "; cin >> item; a_stack.Push(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(a_stack.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The stack is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); cout << "The top element in the stack is: " << a_stack.Top(); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); a_stack.Pop(); cout << "The top element has been removed. " << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); a_stack.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 6: break; default: break; } }while(which != 6); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id stack1.h // written_by don voils // date_written 10/24/2006 // // description: Contains the definition of a stack using a linked list. // #ifndef STACK #define STACK class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; class Stack { private: node* myTop; public: Stack() { myTop = NULL; } ~Stack() { node * ptr; while(myTop!=NULL) { ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (myTop==NULL); } void Push(datatype new_value) { node * newptr = new node(new_value,myTop); myTop = newptr; } void Pop() { if(!empty()) { node *ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } datatype Top() { return myTop->data; } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; node * ptr = myTop; while(ptr != NULL) { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } }; #endif // program_id stack.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/3/2006 // // description This program simulates a generalized stack. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); // // The variable theCapacity is only 10 so that the stack is easy to test. // const long theCapacity = 10; typedef long stackElementType; class stack { private: long myTop; stackElementType theArray[theCapacity]; // // The member function declarations are the prototypes // because the definitions should be separate and in // another file. // public: stack(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); void Push(const stackElementType &item); stackElementType Top(); void Pop(); void display(); }; // // Member function definitions. // // Notice that the simple member functions are declared as inline. // inline stack::stack() { myTop=-1; } bool stack::isEmpty() { bool isEmpty = true; if(myTop > -1) isEmpty = false; return isEmpty; } bool stack::isFull() { bool isFull = true; if(myTop < theCapacity-1) isFull = false; return isFull; } inline stackElementType stack::Top() { return theArray[myTop]; } // // Notice that before an element is added, it is determined // whether the stack is full. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // // // Notice that since item is not changed, it is modified by const // also notice the reference operator. void stack::Push(const stackElementType &item) { if(isFull()) { cout << "The stack is full." << endl << endl << "Continue? "; char resp; cin >> resp; } else { ++myTop; theArray[myTop] = item; } } // // Notice that before an element is removed, it is determined // whether the stack is emplty. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // void stack::Pop() { if(isEmpty()) { cerr << "The stack is empty."; } else --myTop; } void stack::display() { cout<< "From the top down the stack elements are:" << endl << endl; for(long index=myTop; index >=0; --index) cout << theArray[short(index)] << endl; } // // Below is the test program to determine whether the stack class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; stackElementType item; stack aStack; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the stack" << endl << endl << "2. Is the stack empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the stack full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the top element in the stack?" << endl << endl << "5. Pop the top element of the stack" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the stack" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the stack: "; cin >> item; aStack.Push(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The stack is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isFull()) cout << "The stack is full."; else cout << "The stack is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack has no elements." << endl; else cout << "The top element in the stack is: " << aStack.Top(); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack has no elements." << endl; else { aStack.Pop(); cout << "The top element has been removed. " << endl; } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack has no elements. "<< endl; else aStack.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } inline void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id stacks.h // written_by don voils // date_written 3/2/2006 // // description This header file contains a class definition // of a generalized stack class based upon an array. // The stack type and the size of the stack must be // provided by the calling program. // #ifndef STACK #define STACK class Stack { private: long myTop; StackElementType theStack[capacity]; // // The member function declarations are the prototypes // because the definitions should be separate and in // another file. // public: Stack(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); void Push(const StackElementType &item); StackElementType Top(); void Pop(); void Display(); }; // // Member function definitions. // // Normally these would be in another file. // // Notice that the simple member functions are declared as inline. // inline Stack::Stack() { myTop=-1; } bool Stack::isEmpty() { bool isEmpty = true; if(myTop > -1) isEmpty = false; return isEmpty; } bool Stack::isFull() { bool isFull = true; if(myTop < capacity - 1) isFull = false; return isFull; } inline StackElementType Stack::Top() { return theStack[myTop]; } // // Notice that before an element is added it is determined // whether the stack is full. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // // // Notice that since item is not changed it is modified by const // also notice the reference operator. void Stack::Push(const StackElementType &item) { if(isFull()) cerr << "The stack is full."; else { ++myTop; theStack[myTop] = item; } } // // Notice that before an element is removed it is determined // whether the stack is emplty. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // void Stack::Pop() { if(isEmpty()) { cerr << "The stack is empty."; } else --myTop; } void Stack::Display() { cout<< "From the top down the stack elements are:" << endl << endl; for(short index= (short)myTop; index >=0; --index) cout << theStack[index] << endl; } #endif // program_id templateQueue.h // author: Don Voils // date_written: 9/17/2006 // // descripton: This header creates a template queue for any data type. // #ifndef TEMPLATEQUEUE #define TEMPLATEQUEUE template<typename QueueType> class Queue { /***** Data Members *****/ private: QueueType my_Array[capacity]; long myFront, myBack; /***** Function Members *****/ public: Queue(); bool isEmptyQ() const; bool isFullQ() const; void addQ(const QueueType& value); QueueType frontQ () const; void removeQ(); void displayQ() const; }; // end of class declaration template<typename QueueType> Queue<typename QueueType>::Queue() { myFront = myBack = 0; } template<typename QueueType> bool Queue<typename QueueType>::isEmptyQ() const { return (myFront == myBack); } template<typename QueueType> bool Queue<typename QueueType>::isFullQ() const { return (myFront == ((myBack + 1) % capacity)); } template<typename QueueType> void Queue<typename QueueType>::addQ(const QueueType& value) { if (!isFullQ()) { my_Array[myBack] = value; myBack = (myBack + 1) % capacity; } } template<typename QueueType> QueueType Queue<typename QueueType>::frontQ() const { return my_Array[myFront]; } template<typename QueueType> void Queue<typename QueueType>::removeQ() { if(!isEmptyQ()) myFront = (myFront + 1) % capacity; else cout << "The queue was empty so no elements were removed." << endl; } template<typename QueueType> void Queue<typename QueueType>::displayQ() const { if(!isEmptyQ()) { cout << "The following are the elements in the queue:" << endl; long index; for(index = myFront; index != myBack; index = ((index +1) % capacity)) cout << my_Array[index] << endl; } else cout << "The queue has no elements." << endl; } #endif // program_id templateQueueList.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/24/2006 // // description This program simulates a queue // based on a linked list and templates. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); #include"templateQueueList.h" void main() { short which; char resp; long item; Queue<long> a_queue; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the queue" << endl << endl << "2. Is the queue empty?" << endl << endl << "3. What is the front element in the queue?" << endl << endl << "4. Remove the front element of the queue" << endl << endl << "5. Display all of the elements of the queue" << endl << endl << "6. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the queue: "; cin >> item; a_queue.Push(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.empty()) cout << "The queue is empty." << endl; else cout << "The queue is not empty." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.empty()) cout << "The Front element in the queue is: " << a_queue.Top() << endl; else cout << "The queue is empty." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.empty()) { a_queue.Pop(); cout << "The front element has been removed. " << endl; } else cout << "There were no elements to remove" << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.empty()) cout << "The queue is empty." << endl; else a_queue.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: break; default: break; } }while(which != 6); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id templateQueueList.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 6/9/2006 // // Description This file contains the definition // of a template queue based upon // a list. // #ifndef QUEUE #define QUEUE template<typename datatype> class node { public: datatype data; node * next; node(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; template<typename datatype> class Queue { private: node<datatype>* myTop; public: Queue() { myTop = NULL; } ~Queue() { node<datatype> * ptr; while(myTop!=NULL) { ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (myTop==NULL); } void Push(datatype new_value) { node<datatype> * newptr = new node<datatype>(new_value,NULL); if(myTop!=NULL) { node<datatype> * preptr = myTop; while((preptr->next)!=NULL) preptr = preptr->next; preptr->next = newptr; } else myTop = newptr; } void Pop() { if(!empty()) { node<datatype> *ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } datatype Top() { return myTop->data; } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; node<datatype> * ptr = myTop; while(ptr != NULL) { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } }; #endif // program_id templateStack.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 9/1/2006 // // Description This file contains the definition of the // template stack. // #ifndef STACK #define STACK // // The variable theCapacity is only 10 so that the stack is easy to test. // const long theCapacity = 10; template<typename stackElementType> class stack { private: long myTop; stackElementType theArray[theCapacity]; // // The member function declarations are the prototypes // because the definitions should be separate and in // another file. // public: stack(); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); void Push(const stackElementType &item); stackElementType Top(); void Pop(); void Output(); void display(); }; template<typename stackElementType> stack<typename stackElementType>::stack() { myTop=-1; } template<typename stackElementType> bool stack<typename stackElementType>::isEmpty() { bool isEmpty = true; if(myTop > -1) isEmpty = false; return isEmpty; } template<typename stackElementType> bool stack<typename stackElementType>::isFull() { bool isFull = true; if(myTop < theCapacity - 1) isFull = false; return isFull; } template<typename stackElementType> stackElementType stack<typename stackElementType>::Top() { return theArray[myTop]; } template<typename stackElementType> void stack<typename stackElementType>::Output() { long index; for(index=0;index<=myTop;++index) cout << theArray[index] << endl; } // // Notice that before an element is added it is determined // whether the stack is full. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // // // Notice that since item is not changed it is modified by const // also notice the reference operator. template<typename stackElementType> void stack<typename stackElementType>::Push(const stackElementType &item) { if(isFull()) cerr << "The stack is full."; else { ++myTop; theArray[myTop] = item; } } // // Notice that before an element is removed it is determined // whether the stack is emplty. If it is, an error messages // is sent. // template<typename stackElementType> void stack<typename stackElementType>::Pop() { if(isEmpty()) { cerr << "The stack is empty."; } else --myTop; } template<typename stackElementType> void stack<typename stackElementType>::display() { cout<< "From the top down the stack elements are:" << endl << endl; for(long index=myTop; index >=0; --index) cout << theArray[short(index)] << endl; } #endif // program_id templateStackList.cpp // written_by Don Voils // date_written 10/24/2006 // // description Demonstrates how a template stack can be implemented // using a linked list. // // // // // #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include"templateStackList.h" void clear_screen(); void main() { short which; char resp; long item; Stack<long> a_stack; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the stack" << endl << endl << "2. Is the stack empty?" << endl << endl << "3. What is the top element in the stack?" << endl << endl << "4. Pop the top element of the stack" << endl << endl << "5. Display all of the elements of the stack" << endl << endl << "6. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the stack: "; cin >> item; a_stack.Push(item); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(a_stack.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The stack is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(a_stack.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The top element in the stack is: " << a_stack.Top(); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(a_stack.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else { a_stack.Pop(); cout << "The top element has been removed. "; } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(a_stack.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else a_stack.display(); cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N) "; cin >> resp; break; case 6: break; default: break; } }while(which != 6); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id templateStackList.h // written_by Don Voils // date_written 10/24/2006 // // Description This header file contains the definition of a // template stack that is based upon a linked list. // #ifndef TEMPLATESTACKLIST #define TEMPLATESTACKLIST template<typename datatype> class node { public: datatype data; node<typename datatype> * next; node<typename datatype>(datatype value,node* ptr) { data = value; next = ptr; } }; template<typename datatype> class Stack { private: node<typename datatype>* myTop; public: Stack() { myTop = NULL; } ~Stack() { node<typename datatype> * ptr; while(myTop!=NULL) { ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } bool empty() { return (myTop==NULL); } void Push(datatype new_value) { node<typename datatype> * newptr = new node<typename datatype>(new_value,myTop); myTop = newptr; } void Pop() { if(!empty()) { node<typename datatype> *ptr = myTop; myTop = myTop->next; delete ptr; } } datatype Top() { return myTop->data; } void display() { cout << "The elements in the list are:" << endl; node<typename datatype> * ptr = myTop; while(ptr != NULL) { cout << ptr->data << endl; ptr = ptr->next; } } }; #endif // program_id useQueue.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/17/2006 // // description This program simulates a long queue. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); #include "long_queue.h" // // Below is the test program to determine whether the queue class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; long item; Queue a_queue; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the queue" << endl << endl << "2. Is the queue empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the queue full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the front element in the queue?" << endl << endl << "5. Remove the front element of the queue" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the queue" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter a long to add to the queue: "; cin >> item; if(!a_queue.isFullQ()) { a_queue.addQ(item); cout << endl << "The queue is not full so an " << "element was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; } else { cout << "The queue is full and so no element " << "was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; } break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.isEmptyQ()) cout << "The queue is empty."; else cout << "The queue is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(a_queue.isFullQ()) cout << "The queue is full."; else cout << "The queue is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.isEmptyQ()) cout << "The Front element in the queue is: " << a_queue.frontQ(); else cout << "The queue is empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(!a_queue.isEmptyQ()) { a_queue.removeQ(); cout << "The front element has been removed. "; } else cout << "There were no elements to remove"; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); a_queue.displayQ(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } inline void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id useTemplateQueue.cpp // author don voils // date written 9/17/2006 // // description This program simulates a long queue // using templates. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; void clear_screen(); // // The date class is included to demonstrate the generality of // the class: Queue contained in the header: newQueue.h that is // included below. // #include"date.h" // // The variable capacity is only 10 so that the queue is easy to test. // const long capacity = 10; #include"templateQueue.h" // // Below is the test program to determine whether the queue class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; Date item; Queue<Date> aQueue; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the queue" << endl << endl << "2. Is the queue empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the queue full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the front element in the queue?" << endl << endl << "5. Remove the front element of the queue" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the queue" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); if(!aQueue.isFullQ()) { cout << "Enter a date to add to the " << "queue (mm/dd/yyyy): "; cin >> item; aQueue.addQ(item); cout << endl << "The queue is not full so an " << "element was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; } else { cout << "The queue is full and so no element " << "was added." << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; } break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(aQueue.isEmptyQ()) cout << "The queue is empty."; else cout << "The queue is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(aQueue.isFullQ()) cout << "The queue is full."; else cout << "The queue is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(!aQueue.isEmptyQ()) cout << "The Front element in the queue is: " << aQueue.frontQ(); else cout << "The queue is empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(!aQueue.isEmptyQ()) { aQueue.removeQ(); cout << "The front element has been removed. "; } else cout << "There were no elements to remove"; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); aQueue.displayQ(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } inline void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; } // program_id useTemplateStack.cpp // author don voils // date written 6/30/2006 // // description This program simulates a template stack. // #include<iostream> using namespace std; // Include the header of whatever data type is // to be used in the template stack. // #include"date.h" void clear_screen(); // Include the header of the template stack class. // #include"templateStack.h" // // Below is the test program to determine whether the stack class // works or not. // void main() { short which; char resp; Date item; stack<Date> aStack; do { clear_screen(); cout << "Select an option:" << endl << endl << "1. Add to the stack" << endl << endl << "2. Is the stack empty?" << endl << endl << "3. Is the stack full?" << endl << endl << "4. What is the top element in the stack?" << endl << endl << "5. Pop the top element of the stack" << endl << endl << "6. Display all of the elements of the stack" << endl << endl << "7. Exit the program." << endl << endl << endl <<endl << "Which option? "; cin >> which; switch(which) { case 1: clear_screen(); cout << "Enter an element to add to the stack: (mm/dd/yyyy) "; cin >> item; aStack.Push(item); break; case 2: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty."; else cout << "The stack is not empty."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 3: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isFull()) cout << "The stack is full."; else cout << "The stack is not full."; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 4: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty" << endl; else cout << "The top element in the stack is: " << aStack.Top() << endl; cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 5: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty" << endl; else { aStack.Pop(); cout << "The top element has been removed. " << endl; } cout << endl << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 6: clear_screen(); if(aStack.isEmpty()) cout << "The stack is empty" << endl; else aStack.display(); cout << endl << "Continue? (Y/N)"; cin >> resp; break; case 7: break; default: break; } }while(which != 7); clear_screen(); } void clear_screen() { for(short index=1;index<=250;++index) cout << endl; }