CacheSize property, 127, 142, 143, 144-46, 199
Call statements, 233, 234, 235, 236
CancelBatch method, 186-87
Cancel method, 112-13, 164
CancelUpdate method, 149, 161, 164, 186
Client Network Utility, 41-42
Client-side cursors, 43, 111, 137, 138, 165, 166-67, 365-66
Clip property, 272, 273
Clip strings, 255-58, 271-74
Clone method, 141-42
Close method, 142
ColWidth property, 192
COM, and ADO, 6-7, 12, 243-44
Command objects
in ADO 2.5 object model, 14
benefits of using, 71-73
building, 75-76
and Connection method, 107-8
constructing Parameters collection, 87-95
declaring, 76
and events, 115
executing, 103-9
naming, 76, 77, 83
and parameter-based queries, 86-87, 105
performance considerations, 115-16
and Recordset.Open method, 128, 129, 134
in sample application, 156-57
setting properties, 76, 77-85, 97-101
tips for using, 113-14, 214
when to use, 20, 71, 214
Command scripts, 181-84
CommandText property, 76, 77-78, 96, 127, 214
CommandTimeout property, 44, 84-85
CommandType property
Command objects, 76, 82-83, 106-7
Recordset objects, 128-29, 136, 291
Component Checker tool, 5
COMPUTE statements, 119, 226, 227-29
Concatenation operator (&), 184-86, 332
ConnectComplete event, 66, 194
Connection objects
in ADO 2.5 object model, 14
and events, 64-66, 194
Execute method, 55-56, 108-09, 219-20
list of query execution methods, 55-56
Open method, 27-28, 49, 62-63
overview, 22-25
PromptBehavior properties, 314
Properties collection, 14-16
and remote connections, 25
running queries, 55-56
scope of, 25
uses for, 24-25
Connection pooling, 50, 56-62
failure to open, 22-23
managing, 63-64
opening asynchronously, 62-63
testing, 63
using Visual Basic Data View window to build, 50-54
ConnectionString property, 15, 27, 30-31, 289, 290
Connection strings
converting from ODBC to OLE DB, 38-39
creating using ADO Data Control, 31-33
creating using Visual Database Tools, 31, 33-35
minimalist, 37-38
OLE DB Provider for ODBC, 13, 27-28
post-open, 30-31
SQLOLEDB arguments, 39-41
and trusted connections, 47-48
vs. URLs, 4
ConnectionTimeout property, 44
ConnectionWrite error, 48
"Create File" error, 49
CreateParameter method, 95
Create Table command, 182
CSV data format, 248
Current Catalog property, 50
CursorLocation property
AdUseClient setting, 43, 199, 206, 244
AdUseServer CursorLocation setting, 42, 173
in sample application, 156
setting, 42-43, 136-37
tables, 363-66
client-side, 43, 111, 137, 138, 165, 166-67, 365-66
client-side vs. server-side, 42-43, 96-97, 162, 165
and lock type, 165, 166-68, 169
and Recordset objects, 118, 142-43
server-side, 42-43, 72, 110-11, 138, 139, 169, 194, 363-64
when to use, 79-80
CursorType property, 109, 119, 127, 128, 137-39
Team-Fly |