Collecting Hardware Information for Fedora

team bbl

Fedora gathers the hardware information it needs to install Linux. As part of the installation procedure, it probes the hardware to determine the mouse, keyboard, and monitor types. Fedora may or may not need to display a screen for a hardware item, depending on the results of the probe. The following screens may be displayed:

  1. Language: Selects the language for the installation screens. If the highlighted language isn't correct, highlight the correct language.

  2. Keyboard: Selects the keyboard layout. One layout is highlighted. Select a different layout if preferred.

  3. Mouse: Fedora highlights a mouse name and is almost always right. If the selected mouse isn't correct, highlight the correct mouse.

  4. Monitor: Fedora displays a screen to select the monitor. The monitor identified by the installation procedure is highlighted.

    In Figure 4-6, the program was unable to identify the monitor, so it highlights a generic choice. If the correct monitor is not highlighted, find your monitor in the list. Selecting the triangle by a manufacturer drops down a list of models. If you can't find the correct model, you can enter some specifications (Horizontal Sync, Vertical Sync) that allow Fedora to display correctly to your monitor. You can find the specifications in your monitor manual or on the manufacturer's Web site.

    Figure 4-6. The monitor screen in Fedora Core.

    team bbl

    Spring Into Linux
    Spring Into Linux
    ISBN: 0131853546
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 362
    Authors: Janet Valade © 2008-2017.
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