Chapter Summary

Exchange System Manager is the primary tool for managing Exchange 2000 Server configurations. You can manage storage groups and message stores, arrange servers in administrative groups for central management, and define global settings for the entire organization. The organization object and the objects of administrative groups serve the primary purpose of permission delegation to additional administrators. Server objects, on the other hand, enable you to assign computers running Exchange 2000 Server specific tasks. Among other things, you can configure dedicated mailbox and public folder servers.

At the level of individual mailbox and public stores, you can activate Exchange 2000 Server's full-text indexing feature. Full-text indexing allows your Outlook users and users of IMAP4 clients to perform full-text searches of messages, documents, and message attachments. The user doesn't have to use any new utilities or change search habits because Exchange 2000 Server checks available full-text information automatically.

At the global scope of the organization, you can configure server-based address lists, among other things. Address lists allow you to consolidate mailbox- and mail-enabled directory objects based on common attributes. They give you the option of providing a detailed view of the structures of your enterprise through the Outlook 2000 address book.

MCSE Training Kit Exam 70-224(c) Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Implementation and Administration
MCSE Training Kit Exam 70-224(c) Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server Implementation and Administration
Year: 2001
Pages: 186 © 2008-2017.
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