Section 19.4 Interpreting Log File Entries


19.4 Interpreting Log File Entries

Many things about your attacker and the damage he has caused can be learned by studying the log files. Of course, if a sophisticated attacker breaks in, he will alter the log files if he succeeds in becoming root. Some crackers will run your system out of disk space, so there is none left for his actions to be logged. This does not require root access. Quotas might help. Some attackers simply will truncate or remove your log files right before they exit.

Although this might cover evidence of how they got in, it might leave time-stamps and other evidence showing their exit from your system which still gives some clues. Recall that most programs will create a log file if it does not already exist. The smartest attackers will remove your log files and link each of them to /dev/null. If the log files are left intact, this means he was not able to become root, he was careless, he did not care, or he was interrupted in the middle of his work. The case of his not caring might imply that he was using an intermediate system that cannot be traced back to him.

One SysAdmin has been successful in recovering major portions of his log files after a cracker removed them by using dd to read the disk partition and filtering through grep with the date of interest. Suppose the suspected intrusion occurred on December 21 to your system called cavu and your root file system is /dev/sda1. The following finds possible log entries:

 dd bs=10k if=/dev/sda1 | grep '^Dec 21 ..:..:.. cavu ' | more 

Your log files might have a slightly different format so you might need to alter this command slightly. If you want to store the output on disk (via tee or standard output redirection), try to use a different disk partition to avoid the dd finding your output and creating a feedback loop!

Hopefully, you have arranged to have copies of your log files forwarded to another system via e-mail or remote logging. You will now explore the interpretation of the individual log files with emphasis on security-related messages. All indications of attempted or successful break-ins should be followed up on. TCP Wrappers can be very useful in locking out access by systems that the attempts come in from for most services (those that go through inetd.conf). These files are usually found in the /var/log directory; their names and contents are specified in /etc/syslog.conf and will vary between Linux distributions.

19.4.1 lastlog

This file stores login data on users in a binary format, generated by login. A program called lastlog may be used to show the last time that each user has logged in. If this differs from what you expect, you probably have found the point of entry. System accounts such as bin, daemon, adm, uucp, mail, uucp, operator, man, games, and postmaster never should show as logged in.

If one of these accounts does show as logged in, a SysAdmin probably forgot to disable it from logging in or even allowed it to have no password. If a user has been logged in while on vacation (and she does not have access via the Internet or a laptop), she might have an easy-to-guess password or left a clear text copy of her password on another system that was compromised.

19.4.2 messages

The messages file is a catch-all for the logs of many processes and frequently will show break-in attempts and successes. Each line consists of the date, hostname, program name with the PID in square brackets (or kernel label), a colon (:) and space, followed by the message. Most systems have their /etc/syslog.conf file configured to write to the messages file.

The problem with this file is that error entries, such as intrusion attempts and successes, are buried in routine "all is well" entries. This is why it was recommended that you also create entries in /etc/syslog.conf to generate the syslog file that does not have the routine messages. There are, however, some "routine" messages that will be of interest when you suspect a break-in or attempt. Hopefully, you already are monitoring for these with grep. They include:

PAM_pwdb entries, available with PAM on most recent distributions, log the start and end of interactive sessions started via login, rsh, or su. In the case of su, it shows which account the su was started from. This could indicate how the cracker got in. Note that su and rsh sessions do not show in the wtmp or utmp files. (It will be up to you to determine if she guessed passwords or exploited a security bug or Trojan horse.)

pam_rhosts_auth entries show things such as a remote system doing a rsh (remote shell) and rcp request to your system (copy to or from a remote system), logging the system he is coming in from and the user that he is coming in as. Many sophisticated users create an .rhosts file to allow invoking remote shells, usually noninteractively, between the various systems that they have accounts on. A cracker who has broken into one system easily may spread this way.

kernel entries show mounting of file systems, loading and unloading removable media and device drivers. Occasionally a cracker will use these methods in his exploit. A cracker with physical access to your system might try to mount his media, including magnetic tape, that have set-UID programs on them.

Linux normally allows only root to mount devices (unlike very old versions of UNIX) to prevent this exploit; this feature is defeated if you have some automatic process or set-UID program that mounts in an uncontrolled manner. A kernel entry of Unable to load interpreter usually means that your system is out of memory, possibly due to Netscape bugs causing a memory leak.

ftpd entries show when each FTP client starts a session and shows the client system and user name and when the session ends. If you have set up FTP insecurely, this is a common exploit. A SysAdmin who allows FTP to his whole system, relying on standard Linux user and group security, will find all publicly readable files copied off-site, including his /etc/passwd so that the cracker can crack the passwords on his system quickly.

Rather than trying one at a time over a narrow bandwidth network, he simply generates permutations of possible passwords, encrypts each one, and compares it against every encrypted password on his copy of your /etc/passwd file. He can try hundreds per second. (See xferlog for details on individual FTP transfers.)

login entries show both unsuccessful login entries listing the user, the tty device (usually a pseudo tty device of the form ttypx), and remote system (if any). Obviously, repeated failed attempts frequently are attempts to crack your system.

Both local logins where /bin/login was invoked by getty and remote logins where /bin/login was invoked by in.telnetd are logged the same, except that remote logins show the name of the system that they logged in from. Only failed login attempts are logged via this mechanism, because successful logins are logged in the wtmp file discussed elsewhere.

Unfortunately, login only logs the name of the account that someone unsuccessfully tried to log in on if it is an existing account. If an invalid account name is specified, login shows only UNKNOWN. This prevents you from analyzing the pattern to decide the problem.

I recommend that you get the source to login from your source CD-ROM (or the Internet) and modify /bin/login to report the actual name attempted, possibly changing UNKNOWN to INVALID-ralph. Thus, if you see four unsuccessful logins at, say, shortly after midnight that show

 INVALID-jjsmith INVALID-jsith INVALID-jsmth INVALID-smith 

and you have a user named John Smith, you might assume that he simply was trying to log in after a few drinks and had trouble typing. On the other hand, if at the same time the logs had shown


you might assume that a cracker was guessing account numbers, and you will want to lock his system out via TCP Wrappers or the other techniques discussed.

If logging mistyped login names is such a great idea, how 'bout logging mistyped passwords? This would allow SysAdmins to see if a password merely was mistyped or was being guessed at. This was tried at Berkeley around 1978 by the SysAdmins, including Bill Joy.

Their "clever" idea failed to account for the fact that the gray hats that they were trying to catch had root access via another method, but did not know the root password. After a day's worth of typos when the SysAdmins tried to log in, it was clear what the real password was. Consider what password these typos indicate:

 ecret scret sercet seecret secre 

An involved solution to this problem might be to use a secure encryption method built into login to store or transmit encrypted forms of the mistyped passwords. GPG's filter capability could be used.

sendmail entries show remote systems connecting to your sendmail, possibly to exploit security holes in all but the latest sendmail programs or to bounce spam off your system by relaying it.

syslogd entries show syslogd exiting (typically via the Terminate signal, signal 15) which might be a cracker stopping syslogd so that it does not log his actions. (If the cracker is smart he will use a Kill signal, signal 9, which will not give syslogd a chance to log the event.) Another syslogd entry would be it starting up, possibly by a cracker after he has done his dastardly deeds. Routine entries would be when syslogd gets restarted by logrotate to start using new log files, which should raise your concern.

init entries are made by init, the initial nonkernel process created on boot up that forks all other processes on the system. The usual entries would be the system switching states, with state S being single-user, state 3 being the normal multi-user state with networking enabled, state 2 being multi-user without networking (not used much for Linux), and state 6 meaning rebooting. Init entries do not show init's PID in square brackets because init always is PID 1.

named entries are made by named, the DNS daemon. Typical entries would be for named starting, updating its zone information, and rejected requests.

lpd entries show errors encountered by the Line Printer Daemon; these show incorrect configuration or possible exploits.

dhcpd entries are from the Dynamic Host Configuration Program Daemon that allows a central server to specify the INET (IP) address that your system should use. These "leases" expire periodically and must be renewed. There may be exploits here.

last message repeated entries are used when a message occurs a number of times in succession, to indicate how many times it has been repeated to avoid many lines of log file entries for a repeated event, such as being out of memory or encountering bad disk sectors.

19.4.3 syslog

Unlike the messages log file, syslog only logs "problems" and so should be looked at more carefully. Typical problems would be login noting bad passwords when logging in (that also could indicate invalid account names), failed attempts to su, sendmail problems, syslogd conditions (which could indicate cracker activity), and in.telnetd refusing access.

19.4.4 kernlog

Not all Linux distributions ship an /etc/syslog.conf file configured to log kernel messages. You certainly want to ensure that yours has a line similar to

 kern.*  /var/log/kernlog 

This will log kernel messages of all priority to the /var/log/kernlog file. This file will log things such as doing floppy I/O after a floppy change, device drivers being loaded while the system is loaded, system reboots, and attempts to write to a floppy set Read/Only. Although these all could be normal operations, they also could be the work of crackers if no authorized person did them.

Some of these messages are self-explanatory and are listed here. (All of these lines start with the date; some lines are wrapped to fit on the page.)

 Dec  9 15:10:34 cavu kernel: floppy0: Drive is write protected Dec  9 15:10:34 cavu kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 0 Dec 15 11:16:15 cavu kernel: loading device 'eth0'... Dec 15 11:16:15 cavu kernel: eth0: Bog us2000, port 0x360, irq 7,        Auto port, hw_addr 28:44:29:31:0A:69 Dec 15 11:16:31 cavu kernel: eth0: autodetected 10baseT Dec 17 20:27:25 cavu kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 02:00 

19.4.5 cron

This file logs each command that the cron daemon, crond, forks, preceded by the user, time, and PID, and action of the forked process. An action of CMD is the normal case of cron forking a scheduled process. An action of REPLACE is the logging of that user updating her cron tab that lists the schedule of tasks to execute periodically. An action of RELOAD, shortly after a REPLACE, means that cron noticed a user's crontab has been updated and that cron needed to reload it into memory. You will want to look for anything out of the ordinary.

19.4.6 xferlog

The xferlog file is a log of FTP transfers that may show what files the cracker copied onto or off of your system. These files will show the weapons he brought onto your system to hurt you and what files of yours he copied for his use.

The first space-separated field is the date and time, the following fields show how many seconds it took to copy the file, the remote system, the size of the file, the local pathname, transfer type (a for ASCII or b for binary), flags relating to compression or use of tar (or _ if none), direction (i for incoming or o for outgoing, with respect to your system), access mode (a for anonymous, g for passworded guest, or r for a real user), user name, service name (usually ftp), authentication method (1 for RFC 931[1] or 0), and authenticated user ID (or *). Note that FTP is one of many ways to move files between systems.

[1] RFC 931 is available at

19.4.7 daemon

This file, not present on all Linux systems, logs activities by daemons not otherwise discussed. Of these, one would be cardmgr that manages PCMCIA removable cards for laptops.

19.4.8 mail

This file, sometimes called maillog, contains an entry for each piece of e-mail sent into or out of the system. The principal security use would be to see what systems the cracker might have used to send cracking tools in from or to send your data out to.

It also will show what addresses actually were used for spammers; this can help you block their future attempts. There seem to be large volumes of spam from various top-level domains allocated to various countries that you probably do not exchange a lot of e-mail with, such as Russia and other Eastern Bloc nations and various islands. Although you could track this for a while and then block these domains to reduce e-mail, a much better solution is offered in "Blocking Spam" on page 185.

This log file is easy to interpret. If your system is using a "relay" system that actually sends the e-mail to the destination, this will be noted in the log. Similarly, attempts that fail, usually temporarily, due to a system being down are noted. The times of successful and delayed e-mail are clues to the cracker's hours of operation. Also, e-mail sent out from accounts that are not for real users (such as bin) or from accounts of people on vacation, no longer with the company, etc., will be from crackers unless automatic programs have generated it. Examples of the latter are "vacation 'bots," cron jobs, and calendar.

A second security problem to look for in the mail log file is the use of your system as a "mail relay," usually by spammers. I refer to this as "drop-shipping spam." This means sending e-mail to your system (by connecting to your port 25 where you probably have sendmail listening) with a destination address other than your system and other than systems that you intentionally relay mail for.

If you leave your system open to this, it is likely that a spammer will discover this and send spam that appears to the world to originate from your system. This is because the standard sendmail does not always give indication to the recipient of where the e-mail came from because this is the job of the sending system's mail software.

The spammer does this by specifying your hostname as a "smart relay" in his /etc/ file or Windows-based spamware. This generates e-mail that requests that your sendmail then forward his e-mail to his final victims. This e-mail will show your system as the originator of the spam, not his. Most recent distributions are set up by default to block mail relaying. You should verify this, as was discussed in "Drop-Shipping Spam (Relaying Spam)" on page 185.

The consequence of this is that your system will suffer the load of sending all of the spam (because each of his e-mail messages to your system can request dozens or hundreds of recipients) and will get your system treated as a spammer's system. This will cause many sites to block any e-mail from your system as a spam site.

There are several sites on the Internet that generate lists of sites where spam originates from and sends these lists out automatically (for free) to the many subscribing sites, which then block e-mail from these addresses automatically. If someone spams through your site, you will find your legitimate outgoing e-mail blocked; it is very hard to get your site off of these lists (or the spammers would plead ignorance and innocence too).

An additional problem, particularly if you are a large site, is that you will get a bad reputation for spamming and sites and people individually will block your e-mail, not visit your Web sites or business, etc.

Using a reasonably modern version of sendmail, such as 8.8.7, the log message for blocked relay attempts will look like the following:

 Dec 15 08:04:57 cavu sendmail[12657]: IAA12657: ruleset=check_rcpt,        arg1=<>, relay=IDENT:administra-        tor@[], reject=551 we do not relay 


    Real World Linux Security Prentice Hall Ptr Open Source Technology Series
    Real World Linux Security Prentice Hall Ptr Open Source Technology Series
    ISBN: N/A
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2002
    Pages: 260 © 2008-2017.
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