

Abort value (DialogResult), 323

Abs method (Math), 174

abstract classes, 138

Abstract member (TypeAttributes), 544

AcceptButton property (Form), 292

AcceptsReturn property (TextBox), 312

AcceptsTab property (TextBoxBase), 310

Activate method (Form), 292

Active Template Library (ATL), 288. See also ATL Server library

ActiveForm property (Form), 292

ActiveX controls in Windows Forms projects, 557–560

Add method (ArrayList), 227

addition assignment (+=) operator, 38

addition (+) operator, 37, 168, 169

address of (&) operator, 33

ADO.NET, 282, 451–467

creating connected applications, 454–459

creating disconnected applications, 459–466

data providers, 452

DataSet class, 459–461, 465–466

namespaces, list of, 452–453

AfterCheck event (TreeView), 333

AfterCollapse event (TreeView), 333

AfterExpand event (TreeView), 333

AfterLabelEdit event (ListView), 342

AfterLabelEdit event (TreeView), 333

AfterSelect event (TreeView), 333

Alignment property (ListView), 340

allocating memory dynamically, 120–128. See also garbage collection

arrays and, 213–214

Dispose method, 125–128

finalizers, 121–124

allocating memory manually, 117–120, 215

Alpha value (colors), 368

ampersand (&)

& (address of) operator, 33

& (AND) bitwise operator, 40, 169

&& (AND) logical operator, 39, 68, 169

Anchor property (ToolBar, ToolBarButton), 348, 349

AND (&) bitwise operator, 40, 169

AND (&&) logical operator, 39, 68, 169

AnsiClass member (TypeAttributes), 544

Append member (FileMode), 384

AppendChild method (XmlDocument), 425

AppendChild method (XmlNode), 428

AppendText method

File class, 389

FileInfo class, 390

TextBoxBase class, 311

Application class (System::Windows::Forms), 281, 288

application options, ATL Server, 494

Application property (WebService), 476

application shutdown, finalizers and, 124

ApplicationException class, 187

Application::Run function, 291

applications. See Web applications

ArgumentException class, 187

arithmetic operators, 37–38, 167–171

ArithmeticException class, 187, 192

ArrangeIcons method (ListView), 341

Array class, 216, 218–219

ArrayList class (System::Collections), 225–228, 277

arrays, 31

collections, 225–231

enumerators, 224–225

__gc arrays, 215, 217

managed arrays, 218–223

operations on, 219–223

native arrays, 207–218

how they work, 210, 213–214

initializing, 212

multidimensional, 212–213

passing to functions, 210–211, 213

reference types, 216–217

ASP.NET. See ATL Server library; web services

assemblies, 270–271, 453, 561–562

Assembly property (System::Type), 542

AssemblyInfo.cpp file, 530

AssemblyQualifiedName property (System::Type), 542

assigning values to variables, 30

assignment (=) operator, 30, 37, 169, 177–179

associativity, operator, 41, 167

asterisk (*)

*= (multiplication assignment) operator, 38

* (dereference) operator, 33

* (multiplication) operator, 37, 169

* (pointer) operator, 32

ATL (Active Template Library), 288

ATL Server library, 487–504

architecture of, 490–491

Web applications, creating, 493–497

Web services, creating, 497–504

ATL Server Project Wizard, 494

Attribute node type, 409

AttributeCount property (XmlTextReader), 408, 414

attributes, attaching metadata with, 528–548

custom, 536–541

accessing, 545–547

class design criteria, 538


predefined, 530–536

reflection, 542–547

XML, 414

Attributes property

DirectoryInfo class, 388

System::Type class, 542

XmlDocument class, 425

XmlNode class, 427

AttributeTargets enumeration, 537

AttributeUsageAttribute class, 532, 536

AutoCheck property (CheckBox, RadioButton), 304

AutoClass member (TypeAttributes), 544

automatic memory allocation, 120–128. See also garbage collection

arrays and, 213–214

Dispose method, 125–128

finalizers, 121–124

AutoScale property (Form), 292

AutoScroll property (Form), 292

AutoSize property (Label), 301, 302

AutoSize property (TextBoxBase), 310

AxHost class (Forms), 281, 288, 557

Microsoft Visual C++  .NET(c) Step by Step
Microsoft Visual C++ .NET(c) Step by Step
ISBN: 735615675
Year: 2003
Pages: 208 © 2008-2017.
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