Section 11.3. Inheritance

[Page 582 (continued)]

11.3. Inheritance

The three relationships between classes are "use," "containment," and "inheritance." One class uses another class if it manipulates objects of that class. We say that class A contains class B when a member variable of class A makes use of an object of type class B. Sections 11.1 and 11.2 present examples of use and containment.

Inheritance is a process by which one class (the child or derived class) inherits the properties, methods, and events of another class (the parent or base class). The child has access to all of its parent's properties, methods and events as well as to all of its own. If the parent is itself a child, then it and its children have access to all of its parent's properties, methods and events. Consider the classes shown in Figure 11.6. All three children inherit Property A and Sub B from their parent. Child2 and Child3 have an additional event and a property, respectively. GrandChild1 has access to Property A, Sub B, and Event C from its parent and adds Function E and Sub F. The collection of a parent class along with its descendants is called a hierarchy.

Figure 11.6. Example of inheritance hierarchy.

There are two main benefits gained by using inheritance: First, it allows two or more classes to share some common features yet differentiate themselves on others. Second, it supports code reusability by avoiding the extra effort required to maintain duplicate code in multiple classes. For these reasons, inheritance is one of the most powerful tools of object-oriented programming. Considerable work goes into planning and defining the member variables and methods of the parent class. The child classes are beneficiaries of this effort.

[Page 583]

Just as structured programming requires the ability to break complex problems into simpler subproblems, object-oriented programming requires the skill to identify useful hierarchies of classes and derived classes. Software engineers are still working on the guidelines for when and how to establish hierarchies. One useful criterion is the ISA test: If one class is a more specific case of another class, the first class should be derived from the second class.

The Visual Basic keyword Inherits identifies the parent of a class. The code used to define the class Parent and its child class Child2 as illustrated in Figure 11.6 is

Class Parent   Public Property A     'Property Get and Set blocks   End Property   Sub B()     'Code for Sub procedure B   End Sub End Class Class Child2   Inherits Parent   Event C() End Class

As Child2 is itself a parent, its child GrandChild1 can be declared using a similar statement:

Class GrandChild1   Inherits Child2   Function E()     'Code for function E   End Sub   Sub F()     'Code for Sub procedure F   End Sub End Class

Example 1.
(This item is displayed on pages 583 - 586 in the print version)

In the following program, the user is presented with a basic adding machine. The Calculator class implements the Multiply and Divide methods and inherits the FirstNumber and SecondNumber properties and the Add and Subtract methods from its AddingMachine parent. When the Adding Machine radio button is selected, the user may add or subtract two numbers using an AddingMachine object. When the Calculator radio button is selected, the user may add, subtract, multiply, or divide two numbers using a Calculator object. Notice that the multiply and divide buttons are hidden when the Adding Machine is selected, and how the Click event procedures for the btnAdd and btnSubtract buttons examine the state of the radio button to determine which machine to use.

[Page 584]









First Number:





Second Number:














Adding Machine





















¸ (Cedilla)

 Public Class frmCalculate   'Create both machines.   Dim adder As New AddingMachine()   Dim calc As New Calculator()   Private Sub rdoAddingMachine_CheckedChanged(...) _                        Handles rdoAddingMachine.CheckedChanged     'Hide the multiply and divide functionality.     btnMultiply.Visible = False     btnDivide.Visible = False   End Sub   Private Sub rdoCalculator_CheckedChanged(...) _                           Handles rdoCalculator.CheckedChanged     'Show the multiply and divide functionality.     btnMultiply.Visible = True     btnDivide.Visible = True   End Sub   Private Sub btnAdd_Click(...) Handles btnAdd.Click     'Add two numbers.     If rdoAddingMachine.Checked Then       'If adding machine selected, use it to get the result.       adder.FirstNumber = CDbl(txtNumber1.Text)       adder.SecondNumber = CDbl(txtNumber2.Text)       txtResult.Text = CStr(adder.Add)     Else       'If calculator selected, use it to get the result.       calc.FirstNumber = CDbl(txtNumber1.Text)       calc.SecondNumber = CDbl(txtNumber2.Text)       txtResult.Text = CStr(calc.Add)     End If   End Sub 
[Page 585]
Private Sub
btnSubtract_Click(...) Handles btnSubtract.Click 'Subtract two numbers. If rdoAddingMachine.Checked Then 'If adding machine selected, use it to get the result. adder.FirstNumber = CDbl(txtNumber1.Text) adder.SecondNumber = CDbl(txtNumber2.Text) txtResult.Text = CStr(adder.Subtract) Else 'If calculator selected, use it to get the result. calc.FirstNumber = CDbl(txtNumber1.Text) calc.SecondNumber = CDbl(txtNumber2.Text) txtResult.Text = CStr(calc.Subtract) End If End Sub Private Sub btnMultiply_Click(...) Handles btnMultiply.Click 'Multiply two numbers. calc.FirstNumber = CDbl(txtNumber1.Text) calc.SecondNumber = CDbl(txtNumber2.Text) txtResult.Text = CStr(calc.Multiply) End Sub Private Sub btnDivide_Click(...) Handles btnDivide.Click 'Divide two numbers. calc.FirstNumber = CDbl(txtNumber1.Text) calc.SecondNumber = CDbl(txtNumber2.Text) txtResult.Text = CStr(calc.Divide) End Sub End Class Class AddingMachine Private m_num1, m_num2 As Double Public Property FirstNumber() As Double Get Return m_num1 End Get Set(ByVal value As Double) m_num1 = value End Set End Property Public Property SecondNumber() As Double Get Return m_num2 End Get Set(ByVal value As Double) m_num2 = value End Set End Property
[Page 586]
Function Add() As Double Return FirstNumber + SecondNumber End Function Function Subtract() As Double Return FirstNumber - SecondNumber End Function End Class Class Calculator Inherits AddingMachine 'Calculator inherits properties FirstNumber and SecondNumber 'and functions Add() and Subtract(). Function Multiply() As Double Return FirstNumber * SecondNumber End Function Function Divide() As Double Return FirstNumber / SecondNumber End Function End Class

[Run, type in 12 and 3, and press the + and - buttons. Click the Calculator radio button, and press the +, -, x, and ÷ buttons.]

Polymorphism and Overriding

The set of properties, methods, and events for a class is called the class interface. In essence, the interface of a class defines how it should behave. The interfaces of the classes AddingMachine and Calculator used in Example 1 are shown in Table 11.3.

Consider the classes used in Examples 1 and 2 of Section 11.1. Both Student and PFStudent have the same interface even though they carry out the task of computing a semester grade differently. See Table 11.4.

[Page 587]

Table 11.3. Interfaces used in Example 1.






















Table 11.4. Interfaces used in Examples 1 and 2 in Section 11.1.





















If a programmer wants to write a program that manipulates objects from these two classes, he or she need only know how to use the interface. The programmer need not be concerned with what specific implementation of that interface is being used. The object will then behave according to its specific implementation.

The programmer need only be aware of the CalcSemGrade method and needn't be concerned about its implementation. The feature that two classes can have methods that are named the same and have essentially the same purpose, but different implementations, is called polymorphism.

A programmer may employ polymorphism in three easy steps. First, the properties, methods, and events that make up an interface are defined. Second, a parent class is created that performs the functionality dictated by the interface. Finally, a child class inherits the parent and overrides the methods that require different implementation than the parent. The keyword Overridable is used to designate the parent's methods that can be overridden, and the keyword Overrides is used to designate the child's methods that are doing the overriding.

There are situations where a child class needs to access the parent class's implementation of a method that the child is overriding. Visual Basic provides the keyword MyBase to support this functionality.

Consider the code from Example 1 of Section 11.1. To employ polymorphism, the keyword Overridable is inserted into the header of the CalcSemGrade method in the Student class:

Overridable Function CalcSemGrade() As String

The PFStudent class inherits all of the properties and methods from its parent, overriding the CalcSemGrade method as follows:

[Page 588]

Class PFStudent   Inherits Student   Overrides Function CalcSemGrade() As String     'The student's grade for the semester     If MyBase.CalcSemGrade = "F" Then       Return "Fail"     Else       Return "Pass"     End If   End Function End Class

Example 2.
(This item is displayed on pages 588 - 591 in the print version)

In the following program, the user can enter student information and display the semester grades for the class. The PFStudent class inherits all of the properties from its parent Student, but overrides the CalcSemGrade method with its own implementation. The btnEnter_Click event procedure stores an element created by either class into the students array. However, the btnDisplay_Click event procedure does not need to know which elements are from which class, thus demonstrating polymorphism.






Semester Grade
























&Enter Information



&Display Grades






Grading Option



Letter Grade









 Public Class frmGrades   Dim students(49) As Student           'Stores the class   Dim lastStudentAdded As Integer = -1   'Last student added to students   Private Sub btnEnter_Click(...) Handles btnEnter.Click     'Stores a student into the array.     Dim pupil As Student     'Create the appropriate object depending upon the radio button.     If rdoPassFail.Checked Then       pupil = New PFStudent() 
[Page 589]
Else pupil = New Student() End If 'Store the values in the text boxes into the object. pupil.Name = txtName.Text pupil.SocSecNum = mtxtSSN.Text pupil.Midterm = CDbl(txtMidterm.Text) pupil.Final = CDbl(txtFinal.Text) 'Add the student to the array. lastStudentAdded += 1 students(lastStudentAdded) = pupil 'Clear text boxes and list box. txtName.Clear() mtxtSSN.Clear() txtMidterm.Clear() txtFinal.Clear() lstGrades.Items.Add("Student #" & lastStudentAdded + 1 _ & " recorded.") End Sub Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click 'Display the students' information and semester grade. Dim fmtStr As String = "{0,-20}{1,-15}{2,-4}" lstGrades.Items.Clear() 'Loop over all available elements of the Student array. For i As Integer = 0 To lastStudentAdded lstGrades.Items.Add(String.Format(fmtStr, students(i).Name, _ students(i).SocSecNum, students(i).CalcSemGrade)) Next End Sub Private Sub btnQuit_Click(...) Handles btnQuit.Click 'Quit the program End End Sub End Class Class Student 'Member variables to hold the property values Private m_name As String Private m_ssn As String Private m_midterm As Double Private m_final As Double Public Property Name() As String 'The student's name Get Return m_name End Get
[Page 590]
Set(ByVal value As String) m_name = value End Set End Property Public Property SocSecNum() As String 'The student's Social Security Number Get Return m_ssn End Get Set(ByVal value As String) m_ssn = value End Set End Property Public WriteOnly Property Midterm() As Double 'The student's score on the midterm exam Set(ByVal value As Double) m_midterm = value End Set End Property Public WriteOnly Property Final() As Double 'The student's score on the final exam Set(ByVal value As Double) m_final = value End Set End Property Overridable Function CalcSemGrade() As String 'The student's grade for the semester Dim grade As Double 'The grade is based upon average of the midterm and final exams. grade = (m_midterm + m_final) / 2 grade = Math.Round(grade) 'Round the grade. Select Case grade Case Is >= 90 Return "A" Case Is >= 80 Return "B" Case Is >= 70 Return "C" Case Is >= 60 Return "D" Case Else Return "F" End Select End Function End Class
[Page 591]
PFStudent Inherits Student Overrides Function CalcSemGrade() As String 'The student's grade for the semester If MyBase.CalcSemGrade = "F" Then Return "Fail" Else Return "Pass" End If End Function End Class

[Enter the data, press the Enter Information button for three student, press the Display Grades button, and then enter the data for another student.]

Example 2 employs inheritance and overriding to provide functionality to one child class. If a program contains two or more children of a class, however, the technique of overriding can lead to confusing programs. Visual Basic provides a cleaner design through the use of abstract classes.

Abstract Properties, Methods, and Classes

Sometimes you want to insist that each child of a class have a certain property or method that it must implement for its own use. Such a property or method is said to be abstract and is declared with the keyword MustOverride. An abstract property or method consists of just a header with no code following it. It has no corresponding End Property, End Sub, or End Function statement. Its class is called an abstract base class and must be declared with the keyword MustInherit. Abstract classes cannot be instantiated, only their children can be instantiated.

[Page 592]

Example 3.
(This item is displayed on pages 592 - 594 in the print version)

The following program calculates the area of several regular two-dimensional shapes given the length of one side. (A regular shape is a shape whose sides have identical length and whose interior angles are identical.) The abstract parent class Shape implements the Length property and declares the Name and Area functions as MustOverride. Notice that methods declared with MustOverride do not have any implementation code. Each child class inherits the property from the parent and implements the two functions. The btnDisplay_Click event procedure uses polymorphism to set the shapes' length and display the shapes' names and areas.






Two-Dimensional Shapes



Length of a side:








 Public Class frmShapes   'Declare shape array.   Dim shape(3) As Shape   Private Sub frmShapes_Load(...) Handles MyBase.Load     'Populate the array with shapes.     shape(0) = New EquilateralTriangle()     shape(1) = New Square()     shape(2) = New Pentagon()     shape(3) = New Hexagon()   End Sub   Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(...) Handles btnDisplay.Click     Dim length As Double     'Set lengths of all shapes.     length = CDbl(txtLength.Text)     For i As Integer = 0 To 3       shape(i).Length = length     Next     'Display results.     lstOutput.Items.Clear()     For i As Integer = 0 To 3       lstOutput.Items.Add("The " & shape(i).Name & " has area " _                          & FormatNumber(shape(i).Area))     Next   End Sub End Class MustInherit Class Shape   Private m_length As Double   'Stores the value of Length property 
[Page 593]
Public Property Length() As Double 'Length of a side Get Return m_length End Get Set(ByVal value As Double) m_length = value End Set End Property MustOverride Function Name() As String 'Returns the name of the shape. MustOverride Function Area() As Double 'Returns the area of the shape. End Class Class EquilateralTriangle Inherits Shape Overrides Function Name() As String 'The name of this shape Return "Equilateral Triangle" End Function Overrides Function Area() As Double 'Formula for the area of an equilateral triangle Return Length * Length * Math.Sqrt(3) / 4 End Function End Class Class Square Inherits Shape Overrides Function Name() As String 'The name of this shape Return "Square" End Function Overrides Function Area() As Double 'Formula for the area of a square Return Length * Length End Function End Class Class Pentagon Inherits Shape Overrides Function Name() As String 'The name of this shape Return "Pentagon" End Function
[Page 594]
Overrides Function
Area() As Double 'Formula for the area of a pentagon Return Length * Length * Math.Sqrt(25 + (10 * Math.Sqrt(5))) / 4 End Function End Class Class Hexagon Inherits Shape Overrides Function Name() As String 'The name of this shape Return "Hexagon" End Function Overrides Function Area() As Double 'Formula for the area of a hexagon Return Length * Length * 3 * Math.Sqrt(3) / 2 End Function End Class

[Run the program, enter 5, and press the Display button.]


  1. Visual Basic uses inheritance in every Windows application that is written. Examination of any program's code reveals that the form's class inherits from the class System.Windows.Forms.Form.

  2. In Example 2, the btnDisplay_Click event procedure does not need to know which elements of the Student array are instances of the Student class and which are instances of the PFStudent class. In some situations, however, the program may want to know this. Visual Basic provides the expression TypeOf...Is to test if an instance was created from a particular class (or from the class' parents, grandparents, etc.) For example, the following procedure counts the number of pass/fail students in the students array:

    Sub CountPassFail()   Dim count As Integer = 0   For i As Integer = 0 To lastStudentAdded     If TypeOf students(i) Is PFStudent Then       count += 1     End If   Next   MsgBox("There are " & count & " pass/fail students out of " _     & lastStudentAdded & " students in the class.") End Sub

  3. Child classes do not inherit or have access to the parent's Private member variables.

[Page 595]
Practice Problems 11.3


In the class AddingMachine of Example 1, the Add function could have been defined with

Function Add() As Double   Return m_num1 + m_num2 End Function

Explain why the Multiply function of the class Calculator cannot be defined with

Function Multiply() As Double   Return m_num1 * m_num2b End Function


Consider the hierarchy of classes shown below. What value is assigned to the variable phrase by the following two lines of code?

  Dim mammal As New Mammals()   Dim phrase As String = mammal.Msg Class Animals   Overridable Function Msg() As String     Return "Can move"   End Function End Class Class Vertebrates   Inherits Animals   Overrides Function Msg() As String     Return MyBase.Msg & " " & "Has a backbone"   End Function End Class Class Mammals   Inherits Vertebrates   Overrides Function Msg() As String     Return MyBase.Msg & " " & "Nurtures young with mother's milk"   End Function End Class Class Anthropods   Inherits Animals   Overrides Function Msg() As String     Return MyBase.Msg & " " & "Has jointed limbs and no backbone"   End Function End Class

[Page 596]
Exercises 11.3

In Exercises 1 through 4, identify the output of the code that uses the following two classes:

Class Square   Overridable Function Result(ByVal num As Double) As Double     Return num * num   End Function End Class Class Cube   Inherits Square   Overrides Function Result(ByVal num As Double) As Double     Return num * num * num   End Function End Class


Dim sq As Square = New Square() txtOutput.Text = CStr(sq.Result(2))


Dim cb As Cube = New Cube() txtOutput.Text = CStr(cb.Result(2))


Dim m As Square = New Square() Dim n As Cube = New Cube() txtOutput.Text = CStr(m.Result(n.Result(2)))


Dim m As Square = New Cube()   txtOutput.Text = CStr(m.Result(2))


Consider the class hierarchy in the second practice problem. What value is assigned to the variable phrase by the following two lines of code?

Dim anthropod As New Anthropods() Dim phrase As String = anthropod.Msg


Consider the class hierarchy in the second practice problem. What value is assigned to the variable phrase by the following two lines of code?

Dim vertebrate As New Vertebrates() Dim phrase As String = vertebrate.Msg

In Exercises 7 through 16, identify the error in the code.


Class Hello   Function Hi() As String     Return "hi!"   End Function End Class 
[Page 597]
Class Greetings Overrides Hello Function GoodBye() As String Return "goodbye" End Function End Class


Class Hello   Function Hi() As String     Return "hi!"   End Function End Class Class Greetings   Inherits Hi()   Function GoodBye() As String     Return "goodbye"   End Function End Class


Class Hello   Function Hi() As String     Return "hi!"   End Function End Class Class Aussie   Inherits Hello   Function Hi() As String     Return "G'day mate!"   End Function End Class


Class Hello   Function Hi() As String     Return "hi!"   End Function End Class Class WithIt   Inherits Hello   Overrides Function Hi() As String     Return "Hey"   End Function End Class


Class Hello   Overridable Function Hi() As String     Return "hi!"   End Function End Class 
[Page 598]
Class Cowboy Inherits Hello Function Hi() As String Return "howdy!" End Function End Class


Class Hello   MustOverride Function Hi() As String     Return "hi!"   End Function End Class Class DragRacer   Inherits Hello   Overrides Function Hi() As String     Return "Start your engines!"   End Function End Class


Class Hello   MustInherit Function Hi() As String End Class Class Gentleman   Inherits Hello   Overrides Function Hi() As String     Return "Good day"   End Function End Class


Class Hello   MustOverride Function Hi() As String End Class Class Euro   Inherits Hello   Overrides Function Hi() As String     Return "Caio"   End Function End Class


MustOverride Class Hello   MustOverride Function Hi() As String End Class Class Southerner   Inherits Hello   Overrides Function Hi() As String     Return "Hi y'all"   End Function End Class

[Page 599]

MustInherit Class Hello   MustOverride Function Hi() As String End Class Class NorthEasterner   Inherits Hello   Overrides Function Hi(ByVal name As String) As String     Return "How ya doin', "& name   End Function End Class


Expand Example 1 to use a class ScientificCalculator that is derived from the class Calculator and has an exponentiation button in addition to the four arithmetic buttons.


Rewrite Example 2 so that the class Student has an abstract method CalcSemGrade and two derived classes called LGStudent (LG stands for "Letter Grade") and PFStudent.


Consider the class CashRegister from Exercise 25 of Section 11.1. Create a derived class called FastTrackRegister that could be used by at a toll booth to collect money from vehicles and keep track of the number of vehicles processed. Write a program using the class and having the form in Figure 11.7. One dollar should be collected from each car and two dollars from each truck.

Figure 11.7. Form for Exercise 19.


Write a program that keeps track of a bookstore's inventory. The store orders both trade books and textbooks from publishers. The program should define an abstract class Book that contains the MustOverride property Price, and the ordinary properties Quantity, Name, and Cost. The Textbook and Tradebook classes should be derived from the class Book and should override property Price by adding a markup. (Assume that the markup is 40% for a trade book and 20% for a textbook.) The program should accept input from the user on book orders and display the following statistics: total number of books, number of textbooks, total cost of the orders, and total value of the inventory. (The value of the inventory is the amount of money that the bookstore can make if it sells all of the books in stock.) A sample output is shown in Figure 11.8.

[Page 600]

Figure 11.8. Sample output for Exercise 20.


Write a program that records the weekly payroll of a department that hires both salaried and hourly employees. The program should accept user input and display the number of employees, the number of salaried employees, the total payroll, and the average number of hours worked. The abstract class Employee should contain Name and Rate properties. (The Rate text box should be filled in with the weekly salary for salaried workers and the hourly wage for hourly workers.) The Salaried and Hourly classes should inherit the Employee class and override the method GrossPay that accepts the number of hours worked as a parameter. A sample output is shown in Figure 11.9. Hint: Use an array of a structure that holds the employee object and the number of hours worked during the week.

Figure 11.9. Sample output for Exercise 21.

[Page 601]

Consider the class Statistics from Exercise 26 of Section 11.1. Create a derived class called CompleteStats that also provides a Spread function and an event called NewSpread. This event should be raised whenever the spread changes. Write a program that uses the classes to analyze up to 50 exam grades input by the user. The program should display the number of grades and the current spread at all times. When the Calculate Average button is pressed, the program should display the average of the grades. A sample output is shown in Figure 11.10.

Figure 11.10. Sample output for Exercise 22.

Solutions to Practice Problems 11.3


While the derived class Calculator has access to the Properties and Methods of the base class AddingMachine, it does not have access to its Private member variables.


The string "Can move Has a backbone Nurtures young with mother's milk"

An Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005
Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2005, An (6th Edition)
ISBN: 0130306541
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 164 © 2008-2017.
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