1.8 Client-Server Model

1.8 Client-Server Model

Most networking applications are written assuming one side is the client and the other the server. The purpose of the application is for the server to provide some defined service for clients .

We can categorize servers into two classes: iterative or concurrent. An iterative server iterates through the following steps.

I1. Wait for a client request to arrive .

I2. Process the client request.

I3. Send the response back to the client that sent the request.

I4. Go back to step I1.

The problem with an iterative server is when step I2 takes a while. During this time no other clients are serviced.

A concurrent server, on the other hand, performs the following steps.

C1. Wait for a client request to arrive.

C2. Start a new server to handle this client's request. This may involve creating a new process, task, or thread, depending on what the underlying operating system supports. How this step is performed depends on the operating system.

This new server handles this client's entire request. When complete, this new server terminates.

C3. Go back to step C1.

The advantage of a concurrent server is that the server just spawns other servers to handle the client requests . Each client has, in essence, its own server. Assuming the operating system allows multiprogramming, multiple clients are serviced concurrently.

The reason we categorize servers, and not clients, is because a client normally can't tell whether it's talking to an iterative server or a concurrent server.

As a general rule, TCP servers are concurrent, and UDP servers are iterative, but there are a few exceptions. We'll look in detail at the impact of UDP on its servers in Section 11.12, and the impact of TCP on its servers in Section 18.11.

TCP.IP Illustrated, Volume 1. The Protocols
TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols (Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series)
ISBN: 0201633469
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1993
Pages: 378

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