

Saab, 296 “297
Sabotage, 212
SAE J1730 standard, 245
Safety margins, 359 “360
Safety regulations, 54
in annual reports , 671
in balance sheets, 668
in benchmarking, 123
in breakeven analysis, 704 “705
in business assessments, 135
as cause of product failures, 291
costs of, 703
factors affecting , 710
in financial comparison, 131
forecasting, 710
maximizing, 662
as measure in TOC (theory of constraints), 462
promoting, 157
recording, 675
return on sales (ROS), 694
statistical forecasts of, 711
in surveys, 118
in theory of firm, 662
trend in, 487
Sales goals form (forecasting), 710
Salt spray, 289
Salvage value, 687
Sample data approach, 632
Sample difference, 656
Sample space, 622 “623, 632
Sampling, 170, 528
SAVE (Society of American Value Engineers), 556, 593
Savings potential, vs. time, 560
Scale parameter, 625, 641
Scales, 527
Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), benchmarking in, 125 “126
Scatter plots, 484
Scheduling, in project management, 603, 604
Schools and universities, 148
Scraps, 41, 278, 490
Screening methods , 585 “591
Seat belts, 177
Seating arrangements, in meetings, 33
Secondary functions, 557, 575
Secondary manufacturing process, 206
Securities, 671, 681
and business management, 663
as measure of quality cost, 501
Segmentation, 102, 549
Self loops , 538 “539
Seminars, 147
Senior management
as executive customer/supplier partner, 14
in expanded partnering, 23 “24
Sensitivity analysis, 475 “476
Sensors, 216 “219
Sequence resistors, 219
Sequential tests, 314
for binomial distribution, 317 “318
graphical solutions, 318
using exponential distribution, 321 “323
using Weibull and normal distributions in, 323
Sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT), 185
Series reliability block diagrams, 323 “324, 323 “325
Serviceability, 112, 293
Service FMEA, 225
in business assessments, 136
and customer satisfaction, 49 “51
data on, 282
delivery of, 49 “51
hot lines for, 118
and non-price reasons in buying, 114 “116
Servo transformers , 358
Sets, 184, 624 “625
Setup mistakes, 214
Severity rating, 245 “247;
see also occurrence rating
components of, 279
in design FMEA, 246
estimating, 265
and lowering risks, 267, 276
in process FMEA, 247
reducing, 253
Shape parameter, 625, 641, 643
Shareholder's equity, 667, 670 “671
Shareholders, 663
Shewart cycle, 111 “112
Shingo method, 208
Shipbuilding industry, 200
Shipping, as cause of product failures, 291
Shock, 289
Shock spectra, 179
Shoguns, in dealing with projects, 661
Short- term process variation, 4 “5
Should-cost/total-cost models, 17
Signal factors, 393, 431 “432
Signal flow graphs, 535 “536
basic operations on, 538
effects of self loops on, 538 “539
node absorption in, 539
rules of definitions of, 538
Signals, 27
Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, 393
calculating, 404
and loss function, 403 “405
for LTB (larger-the-better) situations, 413
for NTB (nominal-the-best) situations, 413 “415, 431 , 439 “441
for STB (smaller-the-better) situations, 412
in Taguchi approach, 370
Significant factors, effect of, 424
Simulated sampling, 170 “175
Simulation, 169 “170
in DFM/DFA (design for manufacturability/assembly), 199
and DFSS (design for six sigma), 185, 715
in sampling, 170 “175
software for, 169 “170
statistical modeling in, 485
in system and design controls, 266
as tool of quality cost, 485
Simultaneous engineering, 199, 364
Sine plates, 527
Singled station manufacturing, 207
Single-entry bookkeeping, 672
Site inspections, 148
Six sigma, 1;
see also DFSS (design for six sigma)
and benchmarking, 105 “107
equation for, 4
in external manufacturing, 6 “7
in internal manufacturing, 5 “6
philosophy, 1, 5 “7
and product design, 5 “7
and project management, 608
short- vs. long- term process variation, 4 “5
Six Sigma Mechanical Design Tolerancing (book), 5
Skills development, in partnering, 21
Slow assets, 666, 670
Slowness mistakes, 211
SMEs (subject matter experts), 78
Smith, Adam, 661 “662
Social events, 147
Society of American Value Engineers (SAVE), 556, 593
Software, 6, 504 “505
Software FMEA, 225
Solid elements, 176
Solid mechanics, 177
Solutions, in partnering, 19
Solver (Excel), 182
Source inspection, 217
Spare parts use growth curves, 485
Special interest books, 145
Special purpose elements, 176
Specified dimensions, 523
Specified reliability (R s ), 312, 318
Spherical radius, 522
Spline gages, 527
Spoilage, 36
Sport weld forces, 177
Springs, 176
SQM (strategic quality management), 102 “105
Squared deviations, 91 “93
SS (sum of squares), 415 “416
SSO (strategic standardization organization), 77
Stainless steel , 531
Standard's optimal inventory cycle, 707
Standard and Poor's, 145, 696 “697
Standard cost, 478, 704
Standard deviation, 4 “5, 91 “93
Standard normal distribution, 647
Standards, 45
hierarchy of, 525
lack of, 211
Startup costs, 74
Startup losses, 278
State corporate filings, 147
Statement of changes, 669
Statement of condition. see balance sheets
Statement of financial position. see balance sheets
State variables , 183 “185
Static process, vs. dynamic process, 1 “2
Stationary hook hopper feeders, 207
Statistical analysis, 699, 711
Statistical modeling, 485
Statistical process control, 133
in monitoring team performance, 33
in process FMEA, 274
Statistical tolerancing, 721
Statistics for Experiments (book), 397
STB (smaller-the-better), 401, 412
Steel industry, 200
Steering wheels, 33
Step-stress testing, 306
Stockholders, 667
Stock markets, 688
Stocks, 670, 696 “698
Stock size , 522
Stoppage, 278
Stoppers, 219
Storage, as cause of product failures, 291
Straight line depreciation, 685 “686
Strain energy distribution, 177
Strain gages, 181
Strategic goals, 19
Strategic Planning Institute, 119
Strategic quality management (SQM), 102 “5
Strategic quality planning, 22, 24
Strategic standardization organization (SSO), 77
Stratification charts , 484
Stress, 176
Stress contours , 177
Structural pressure, 128
Sub-customers, 54
Subject matter experts (SMEs), 78
Suboptimization, 35 “36
Subsidiaries, 667
Substructuring, 179
Subsystem view, 238
Success factors in business, 129 “130
Success testing, 316 “317
Sudden-death testing, 302 “304
Sumerian farmers, 672
Sum of squares (SS), 415 “416
Sum-of-the- years ' digits (SYD), 686
SUMT (sequential unconstrained minimization technique), 185
Sunk cost, 704
Supermarkets, 116 “117
Supervision, as measure of quality cost, 501 “502
Suppliers, 10
and benchmarking, 104
councils/ teams for, 15
evaluating and selecting, 14
involvement in partnering, 15
partnering managers for, 14 “15
in process FMEA, 269
roles in customer/supplier relationship, 13
Supply, factors affecting, 129
Supporting functions, 264
Surface elements, 176
Surface plates, 527
Surplus in capital, 670
Surprise mistakes, 211
Surrogate machinery FMEA, 279, 282
Surveillance equipment, 148
Surveys, 118 “119
Survival function, 642
SYD (sum-of-the-years' digits), 686
System/concept FMEA, 262
System controls, 265 “266
System customers, 229
System design, 371
System failure, 627 “629
System feedback, 31
System FMEA, 224 “225, 262
System initial design review, 466
System/part FMEA, 238
System reliability, 324
System requirements review, 465 “466
Systems, 34 “35
definition of, 34
in management, 35 “37
Systems engineering, 34
definition of, 37
design synthesis in, 38 “39
pre-feasibility analysis in, 38
requirement analysis in, 38
trade-off analysis in, 39
verification in, 39 “40
System view, 238

Six Sigma and Beyond. Design for Six Sigma (Vol. 6)
Six Sigma and Beyond: Design for Six Sigma, Volume VI
ISBN: 1574443151
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 235 © 2008-2017.
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