The compatible Parameter

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The compatible Parameter

The compatible parameter makes vim more compatible with vi. By default this parameter is set so that vim works like vi. If you set up a ~/.vimrc startup file (page 176), the compatible parameter is unset and vim works like vim. To get started with vim you can ignore this parameter.

Setting the compatible parameter changes many aspects of how vim works. For example, when the compatible parameter is set, the Undo command (page 146) can undo only your most recent change; with the compatible parameter unset, you can call undo repeatedly to undo many changes. This chapter notes when the compatible parameter affects a command. To obtain more details on the compatible parameter, give the command :help compatible RETURN. For a complete list of how vim differs from the original vi, use :help vi-diff RETURN. See page 144 for a discussion of the help command.

From the command line use the C option to set the compatible parameter and the N option to unset it. Refer to "Setting Parameters from Within vim" on page 175 for information on how to change the compatible parameter while you are running vim.

     < Day Day Up > 

    A Practical Guide to LinuxR Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming
    A Practical Guide to LinuxR Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming
    ISBN: 131478230
    EAN: N/A
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 213 © 2008-2017.
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