C_DEFINES macro, 627, 632

C++ programming for UMDF drivers, 87

callbacks, 54, 75, 93–94

cleanup callbacks, 111, 117

context data and, 123–124

creating callback objects, 106–107

destroy callbacks, 118

I/O event callbacks, 271–291

automatic forwarding, 272–273

for create requests, 273–280, 280–281

file object creation, 271–272

I/O targets (KMDF), 320–321

for read/write and IOCTL requests, 282–291

self-managed, 298

KMDF drivers, 72–73

lifetime of callback objects, 113

per role type (SDV), 837–838

Plug and Play and power management, 171–173, 176–189. See also Plug and Play; power management

serialization, 385

requesting at intervals. See timer objects

serialization, synchronization scope and, 387–398

KMDF drivers, 391–398

UMDF drivers, 390–391

Skeleton sample driver, 481–486

UMDF drivers, 70, 585–586, 611–613

callback interfaces, 96–97

when to implement, 76

WMI instance events, 470–473

calling thread context, 510–511

cancel spin lock, annotations for, 795–796

canceled I/O requests, 56–57, 293–296, 351–352

adaptive time-outs (UMDF), 297

annotations for, 806

request-cancellation rules (KMDF), 850

synchronization of cancellation, 401–409

CancelIoEx function (Windows), 351

CancelSentRequest method (IWDFIoRequest), 351

CancelSentRequestsForFile method (IWDFIoTarget), 351

.cat files, 643, 653–654

categorizing trace messages, 419

CClassFactory class, 480

Channel 9 Web site, 22

checked builds of co-installers, 640

checked builds of drivers, 620, 700

checked builds of Windows, 47

obtaining, 17–18

testing drivers, 668

__checkReturn annotation, 761, 773–774

child devices

child devices, 143, 157–159

enumerating, 143, 157–159

startup and, 180–183

child list objects, 102, 114

creating, 157

deleting, 115, 121

child objects. See hierarchy of WDF objects

ChkINF utility, 671

circular references, 113–114

class factories, 603–606

class IDs (CLSIDs), 592

class relationships (COM), 586

classes on driver development, 22

[ClassInstall32] section, INF files, 644

cleaning up tracing, 429–431

cleanup callbacks, 111, 117

cleanup of objects, defined, 112

cleanup requests (I/O), 224–225, 242

automatic forwarding, 272–273

event callbacks for, 280–281

unbalanced with create requests, 273

Cleanup4CtlDeviceRegistered rule, 848



close requests (I/O), 224–225, 242

automatic forwarding, 272–273

event callbacks for, 280–281

unbalanced with create requests, 273

Closed state (I/O targets), 319, 340

CloseHandle function, 224–225

CLSIDs (class IDs), 592


CmResourceXxx types, 533, 536

co-installer packages, 14, 640–642

incorrect version errors, 665

INF files and, 646–648

coding errors, detecting. See PREfast for Drivers

coding noise, reducing, 749–752, 815

collection objects, 102, 114, 455–459

deleting, 115

COM (Component Object Model), 583–613

as basis for UMDF, 69, 480–481

callback objects, implementing, 606–613

DLL infrastructure, implementing, 478–480, 600–606

overview of, 586–597

using UMDF COM objects, 597–600

Command window (WinDbg), 700–701

command window, opening with elevated privileges, 15

common-buffer DMA devices, 551, 553, 566

compatibility problems. See serviceability

Complete method (IWDFIoRequest), 292

completed I/O requests, 121

CompleteWithInformation method (IWDFIoRequest), 292, 343

completing I/O requests, 291–293. See also completion routines (I/O)

adaptive time-outs (UMDF), 297

parent objects and, 121

request completion information objects, 98

request completion parameters objects, 98–99

USB targets, 99

completion routines (I/O), 34, 47, 238–239. See also completing I/O requests

DMA drivers, 575–577

for I/O requests, 334–336

CompletionRoutine callback, 391

Comsup.cpp and Comsup.h files, 476

concurrency, 39–41

WDF object hierarchy, 55

conditional driver annotations, 779–783

conditions on trace messages, 418–419

conferences for driver developers, 22

configuration descriptors for USB devices, 356–357

configuration structures for KMDF objects, 107

Configure public helper method, 485

ConfigureRequestDispatching method, 263–264

connecting interrupts, 540

constants as parameters, checking, 788

context areas

for device objects (KMDF), 154

type declaration (KMDF), 127

context, object, 95, 122–128

KMDF drivers, 126–128

UMDF drivers, 122–125

CONTEXT structure (threads), 509

context, thread, 509–511. See also threads

ContextSizeOverride attribute, 108

ContextTypeInfo attribute, 108

contiguous data buffers, 560

continuous reader (USB devices), 375–376

control codes, 226–227

control device objects, 79, 140, 143–144

cleanup rules (KMDF), 848

control GUIDs, 425–427

control requests, 33, 48, 225–226, 242

control codes for, 226–227, 228

event callbacks for, 282–291

formatting for I/O targets, 331–333

internal, 228, 242, 322

formatting for I/O targets, 332–333

synchronous, 337

synchronous, 337

ControlDeviceDeleted rule, 848

ControlDeviceInitAPI rule, 848

converting time values, 461

CopyFromBuffer method (IWDFMemory), 246, 444

CopyFromMemory method (IWDFMemory), 444

CopyToBuffer method (IWDFMemory), 246, 444

core Windows system architecture, 25–27

CPU architecture, selecting, 620

INFs for, 645–646

crash, debugging, 710, 715–716

crash dump analysis, 698, 728

CrateWdfMemory method (IWDFDriver), 327

create requests (I/O), 224, 242

automatic forwarding, 272–273

event callbacks for, 273–280

unbalanced, with cleanup/close, 273

CreateDevice method (IWDFDriver), 149, 151

CreateDeviceInterface method (IWDFDevice), 152

CreateFile function, 224

CreateFileHandleTarget method, 353–354

CreateInstance method (IClassFactory), 132, 135–137, 480–481, 603, 604–605

CreateInstance public helper function, 481–482, 484

CreateIoQueue method (IWDFDevice), 197, 198, 261

CreateObject methods, 106

CreatePreallocatedWdfMemory method (IWDFDriver), 327, 329, 443–444

CreateRequest method (IWDFDevice), 322, 598–599

CreateUsbTargetDevice method (IWDFUsbTargetFactory), 359, 362

CreateWdfFile method (IWDFDevice), 312

CreateWdfMemory method (IWDFDriver), 443

CreateWdfObject method (IWDFDriver), 454

critical regions

annotations for, 795–796


.ctl files, generating, 434

CtlDeviceFinishInItDeviceAdd rule, 847

CtlDeviceFinishInItDrEntry rule, 847

CUnknown class, 480

current IRQL, finding, 522

current priority (threads), 508

custom installation applications, 658

custom trace message functions, 419. See also tracing

Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation
Developing Drivers with the Windows Driver Foundation (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735623740
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 224

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