

bitwise AND, 73–76

logical AND, 67, 68, 70, 71, 225–231

pointer operator, 535

&& (short-circuit or conditional AND), 67, 70–71, 225, 227–231


multiplication operator, 24, 63

pointer operator, 534535, 543

@ to designate verbatim string literals, 49–50

@-qualified keywords, 33–34


bitwise OR, 73, 76–77

logical OR, 67, 68, 69–70, 71, 225–231

|| (short-circuit or conditional OR), 67, 70, 71, 225, 227–231

[ ], 135, 136, 140, 143, 241, 471, 472, 546


bitwise exclusive OR, 73, 77–78

logical exclusive OR, 67, 68

: (colon), 265, 272, 333

:: namespace alias qualifier, 435–439

{ }, 19, 20, 21, 29, 31, 52, 118, 138, 142

=, 23, 7273

= = (relational operator), 27, 67, 220, 222, 299

and strings, 155, 621

!, 67, 68, 69, 225–227

!=, 27, 67, 222

and strings, 155, 621

/, 24, 63

/* */, 19

/** */, 867

//, 20

///, 867


I/O redirection operator, 379

relational operator, 27, 67, 220–222

< >, 485

<<, 73, 79–82

<=, 27, 67, 222

, 24, 63

>, 537

, 29, 63, 64–65, 213, 216


modulus operator, 63–64

used with custom date and time placeholder characters, 655

( ), 20, 84, 116, 122

. (dot operator), 111, 119, 200, 277, 331


addition operator, 24, 63

concatenating strings with, 156, 626

used with WriteLine( ), 24

++, 29, 63, 64–67, 213–216


used with preprocessor directive, 439

used with WriteLine( ), 45–46, 65–66


ternary operator, 82–83

used with nullable type declaration, 547

?? null coalescing operator, 549–550


I/O redirection operator, 379

relational operator, 27, 67, 220–222

>>, 73, 79–82

>=, 27, 67, 222

; (semicolon), 21, 31, 93, 142, 403


bitwise NOT, 73, 78–79

used in destructor declaration, 131


Abort( ), 697701

Abs( ), 189, 564

abstract type modifier, 287, 295, 298

Access control, 161–168

guidelines for using public and private, 163–164

Access modifiers/specifiers, 20, 110, 161–162, 256–257, 446


event, 414–418

indexer, 242, 245

property, 241, 250–251

using access modifiers with, 256–257

Acos( ), 564

Action delegate, 596–597

add event accessor, 414415, 418

Add( ), 578, 710, 711, 712, 722, 735, 736, 746, 748, 751, 821, 830, 842

AddAfter( ), 743

AddBefore( ), 743

AddFirst( ), 743

AddLast( ), 743

AddMemoryPressure( ), 614

AddRange( ), 715, 739

AllKeys property, 792

AllowMultiple named parameter, 479

AND operator

bitwise (&), 73–76

logical (&), 67, 68, 70, 71, 225–231

short-circuit or conditional (&&), 67, 70–71, 225, 227–231

And( ), 732

Application class, 829

Application.EnableVisualStyles( ), 842

Application.Exit( ), 836

ApplicationException, 335–336, 352, 355

ArgumentException, 371, 376, 378, 381, 758, 761, 821

ArgumentNullException, 371, 376, 378, 381, 393, 711, 736, 787

ArgumentOutOfRangeException, 371, 717

Arguments, 21, 116, 122

command-line, 195–197

passing, 170–172

type. See Type argument(s)

variable number of, using, 178–181

Arithmetic operators, 24, 63–67

Array class, 590–610

methods, table of, 598–610

properties, table of, 597

Array.ForEach( ), 596

Array(s), 135–149

boundaries, 139, 337

boundary errors, using indexer to prevent runtime exceptions caused by, 242–245, 248–250

boundary errors, using a property to prevent runtime exceptions caused by, 252–255

copying an, 593–594

custom, using indexers and properties to create, 257–262

dynamic, 714

and fixed-size buffers, 545–546

implemented in C# as objects, 135–136, 146

indexing (accessing elements of), 136–137, 140, 143–144

initializing, 138–139, 142

I/O using, 389–390

jagged, 143–145, 148–149

Length property of, 146–149

multidimensional, 139–145

null-terminated, 542

one-dimensional, 135–139

parameter params, 178–181, 190

of pointers, 544

pointers and, 540–542

rectangular, 143

reference variables, assigning, 145–146

returned from methods, 183–185

reversing an, 592–593

sorting, 590–592

searching, 152–153, 590–592

of strings, 157–158

ArrayList class, 707, 714–721, 734

methods, table of, 715–717

ArrayTypeMismatchException, 350

Arrow operator (>), 537

as operator, 448–450

ASCII character set, 42, 361

ASCIIEncoding, 620

Asin( ), 564

ASP.NET, 445, 777

AsReadOnly<T>( ), 598

Assembly, 162, 445–446

alias, 555–557

and DLL files, 468

friend, 552

and reflection, 463–468

Assembly class, 469

Assignment operator(s)

=, 23, 72–73

arithmetic and logical compound (op=), 72–73

bitwise compound, 82

and operator overloading, 235–236


reference variables and, 115–116, 145–146, 327, 328–329

structure, 327–328

type conversion in, 54–58

Atan( ), 564

Atan2( ), 564

Attribute class, 471, 472, 473

Attributes, 447, 471–481

attaching, 472–473

built-in, 478–481

creating, 472

and named parameters, 475–478

retrieving, 475

AttributeTargets enumeration, 479

AttributeUsage attribute, 471, 472, 478–479

AuthenticationLevel property, 782

AutoResetEvent, 693, 695

C# 2.0(c) The Complete Reference
C# 2.0: The Complete Reference (Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 0072262095
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 300 © 2008-2017.
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