The Four Types of Hostage Takers

At the NYPD we used to break down hostage takers into four broad categories:

  • Professional criminals who found themselves trapped after trying to escape from a crime.

  • Emotionally disturbed individuals—a catchall category for everyone from a paranoid schizophrenic to a severely depressed person.

  • People involved in domestic incidents, possibly the most unpredictable of all. These incidents involve people who know each other and in many cases are married or living together.

  • Terrorists—groups driven by distorted beliefs, be they political, religious, or ethnic. The common perception is that the police or government does not negotiate with a terrorist, but that’s not necessarily true.

Negotiate and Win. Proven Strategies from the NYPD's Top Hostage Negotiator
Negotiate and Win: Proven Strategies from the NYPDs Top Hostage Negotiator
ISBN: 0071737774
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 180 © 2008-2017.
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