Section 8.3. Useful Fixed View Queries


8.3 Useful Fixed View Queries

Almost every database administrator has a tool kit of V$ queries that she uses to help with database performance analysis work. This section discusses some of my favorites and I'm sure some of yours as well. Be prepared though. Chances are good that some of the reports you count on for information today are feeding you misleading data. Practically every V$ query you can run is susceptible to one or more serious interpretation fallacies. This section illustrates several.

8.3.1 Tom Kyte's Test Harness

One of my favorite fixed view-based tools ever is Tom Kyte's test harness that allows an application developer to compare the performance of two competing application development approaches. You can see a complete description online at This URL contains instructions about how to use the simple harness, including an example of using the harness to demonstrate the horrifyingly bad scalability of applications that do not use bind variables (

Tom's test harness is especially valuable for developers of Oracle applications to use early in their SQL development cycles. Developers usually write code that users will later execute on a busy system. However, the systems on which developers write that code are usually not busy ”at least not in the same way that their users' systems are. Tom's test harness measures an application's use of the Oracle resources that scale the worst (including, perhaps most notably, Oracle latches). The results are simple to interpret. The fewer serialized resources that an approach requires, the better you can expect it to scale when it becomes a part of your production workload. The best thing about Tom's harness is that it's so easy to use that developers actually will use it. Once developers start thinking in the terms of the resource consumption data that the harness provides, they write more scalable code.

8.3.2 Finding a Fixed View Definition

It can be difficult to find the information you need about a V$ fixed view from publications about Oracle. Sometimes the information you want is simply not published. Other times you find the information that you think you're looking for, but it's just plain wrong. Publications about Oracle are particularly unreliable in areas of the Oracle kernel that evolve quickly. Fortunately, the kernel is somewhat self-documenting in the domain of fixed views. One secret lies within knowing how to use V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION . The hardest part is knowing its name :

 SQL>  desc v$fixed_view_definition  Name                                   Null?    Type  -------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------  VIEW_NAME                                       VARCHAR2(30)  VIEW_DEFINITION                                 VARCHAR2(4000) 

V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION is the means through which I learned, for example, the detailed definitions of the STATE and WAIT_TIME columns of V$SESSION_WAIT . You can reproduce the result in just a few simple steps. Begin by executing the following query to return the definition of the V$SESSION_WAIT view:

 SQL>  select * from v$fixed_view_definition  2  where view_name='V$SESSION_WAIT';  VIEW_NAME ------------------------------ VIEW_DEFINITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- V$SESSION_WAIT select sid,seq#,event,p1text,p1,p1raw,p2text,p2,p2raw,p3text, p3,p3raw,wait _time,seconds_in_wait,state  from gv$session_wait  where inst_id = USERENV('I nstance') 

Notice, by the way, that the VIEW_NAME value for this view is stored using uppercase letters . So now you know that V$SESSION_WAIT is simply a projection of GV$SESSION_WAIT . That doesn't tell you very much yet, however. The next step is to figure out the definition of GV$SESSION_WAIT :

 SQL>  desc gv$session_wait  Name                                   Null?    Type  -------------------------------------- -------- --------------------------  INST_ID                                         NUMBER  SID                                             NUMBER  SEQ#                                            NUMBER  EVENT                                           VARCHAR2(64)  P1TEXT                                          VARCHAR2(64)  P1                                              NUMBER  P1RAW                                           RAW(4)  P2TEXT                                          VARCHAR2(64)  P2                                              NUMBER  P2RAW                                           RAW(4)  P3TEXT                                          VARCHAR2(64)  P3                                              NUMBER  P3RAW                                           RAW(4)  WAIT_TIME                                       NUMBER  SECONDS_IN_WAIT                                 NUMBER  STATE                                           VARCHAR2(19)     SQL>  select * from v$fixed_view_definition  2  where view_name='GV$SESSION_WAIT';  VIEW_NAME ------------------------------ VIEW_DEFINITION --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GV$SESSION_WAIT select s.inst_id,s.indx,s.ksussseq,e.kslednam, e.ksledp1,s.ksussp1,s.ksussp 1r,e.ksledp2, s.ksussp2,s.ksussp2r,e.ksledp3,s.ksussp3,s.ksussp3r,  round(s.   ksusstim / 10000)  , s.ksusewtm,  decode(s.ksusstim, 0, 'WAITING', -2, 'WAITED   UNKNOWN TIME',  -1, 'WAITED SHORT TIME', 'WAITED KNOWN TIME')  from x$ksus ecst s, x$ksled e where bitand(s.ksspaflg,1)!=0 and bitand(s.ksuseflg,1)!=0  and s.ksussseq!=0 and s.ksussopc=e.indx 

Voil  ! Here you can see the rounding operation used to compute WAIT_TIME . From what you see here, you can also determine the unit of measure in which this thing called X$KSUSECST.KSUSSTIM is expressed . We know that WAIT_TIME is reported in centiseconds, and we know that the Oracle kernel divides this value by 10 4 to produce a centisecond value. Therefore, there are 10 k KSUSSTIM units in one second, where 10 k /10 4 = 10 2 . Hence, there are 10 6 KSUSSTIM units in a second. In other words, the Oracle kernel computes the wait time in microseconds, but the public API ( V$SESSION_WAIT ) provides it in centiseconds.

8.3.3 Finding Inefficient SQL

Jeff Holt's htopsql.sql script, shown in Example 8-2, is what staff use when we wish to get a fast overview of which SQL statements presently in the library cache have contributed the most to recent workload. The query has no direct relationship to response time, but there is a strong correlation between a query's LIO count and the total execution time for most SQL statements. The new columns CPU_TIME and ELAPSED_TIME , available in Oracle9 i , reveal in V$SQL some of the data previously available only in SQL trace data.

Example 8-2. This script reports on the apparent efficiency of SQL statements whose information presently resides in the shared pool
 rem $Header: /usr/local/hostos/RCS/htopsql.sql,v 1.6 2001/11/19 22:31:35 rem  Author: rem          Copyright (c) 1999 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd.              All rights reserved. rem   Usage: This script shows inefficient SQL by computing the ratio rem          of logical_reads to rows_processed.  The user will have rem          to press return to see the first page.  The user should rem          be able to see the really bad stuff on the first page and rem          therefore should press ^C and then press [Return] when the rem          first page is completely displayed. rem          SQL hash values are really statement identifiers. These rem          identifiers are used as input to a hashing function to rem          determine if a statement is in the shared pool. rem          This script shows only statement identifiers. Use hsqltxt.sql rem          to display the text of interesting statements. rem   Notes: This will return data for select,insert,update, and delete rem          statements. We don't return rows for PL/SQL blocks because rem          their reads are counted in their underlying SQL statements. rem          There is value in knowing the PL/SQL routine that executes rem          an inefficient statement but it's only important once you rem          know what's wrong with the statment.     col stmtid      heading 'Stmt Id'               format    9999999999 col dr          heading 'PIO blks'              format   999,999,999 col bg          heading 'LIOs'                  format   999,999,999 col sr          heading 'Sorts'                 format       999,999 col exe         heading 'Runs'                  format   999,999,999 col rp          heading 'Rows'                  format 9,999,999,999 col rpr         heading 'LIOsper Row'          format   999,999,999 col rpe         heading 'LIOsper Run'          format   999,999,999     set termout   on set pause     on set pagesize  30 set pause     'More: ' set linesize  95     select  hash_value stmtid        ,sum(disk_reads) dr        ,sum(buffer_gets) bg        ,sum(rows_processed) rp        ,sum(buffer_gets)/greatest(sum(rows_processed),1) rpr        ,sum(executions) exe        ,sum(buffer_gets)/greatest(sum(executions),1) rpe  from v$sql where command_type in ( 2,3,6,7 ) group by hash_value order by 5 desc /     set pause off 

The query sorts its output by the number of LIO calls executed per row returned. This is a rough measure of statement efficiency. For example, the following output should bring to mind the question, "Why should an application require more than 174 million memory accesses to compute 5 rows?"

 SQL>  @htopsql  More:                                                       LIOs                  LIOs    Stmt Id    PIO blks         LIOs Rows      per Row       Runs    per Run ---------- ----------- ------------ ---- ------------ ---------- ---------- 2503207570      39,736  871,467,231    5  174,293,446        138  6,314,980 1647785011  10,287,310  337,616,703    3  112,538,901  7,730,556         44 4085942203      45,748  257,887,860    8   32,235,983        138  1,868,753 3955802477      10,201  257,887,221    8   32,235,903        138  1,868,748 1647618855      53,136    5,625,843    0    5,625,843    128,868         44 3368205675      35,666    3,534,374    0    3,534,374          1  3,534,374 3722360728      54,348      722,866    1      722,866          1    722,866  497954690      54,332      722,779    0      722,779          1    722,779   90462217     361,189    4,050,206    8      506,276        137     29,564  299369270       1,268      382,211    0      382,211     42,378          9 ... 

The output shown here was used in 1999 to identify a single SQL statement that was consuming almost 50% of the total daily CPU capacity of an online system. However, as with any ratio, the LIOs per row definition of statement efficiency can motivate false conclusions. For example, consider a SQL statement like this one:

 select cust, sum(bal) from colossal_order_history_table where cust_id=:id group by cust 

This query may legitimately visit a very large number of Oracle blocks (even using a primary key index on CUST_ID ), but it will at most return only one row. An htopsql.sql report would thus imply that this query is inefficient, when in fact this might be a false negative implication .

Many analysts use a query like htopsql.sql as the beginning step in each of their performance improvement projects. However, basing a performance improvement method upon any report upon V$SQL suffers from deficiencies induced by time scope and program scope errors. Like most information you learn from V$ fixed views, it is difficult to exercise control over the time scope and program scope of data obtained from V$SQL . For example, consider the following situations:

  • The SQL statement that most needs your attention is one that has not been run since last month's month-end close. The statement is no longer in the library cache, so it will not be revealed in today's V$SQL report.

  • The SQL statement that appears "most inefficient" is an element of an interface upload program that your company will never run again.

  • The SQL statement that appears "most inefficient" is one that runs from midnight to 3:00 a.m. Since its window of permissible execution time extends until 6:00 a.m., and since all the nightly batch work finishes long before that deadline, nobody cares that the inefficient SQL statement is slow.

  • The SQL statement whose performance is most hurting the business's ability to improve net profit, cash flow, and return on investment is not listed near the top of any of your V$SQL reports. Its ranking is mediocre because none of its statistics is particularly remarkable , but from the business's perspective, this is clearly the statement that is most hurting the system's economic value.

Without obtaining information from the business , there is no way to know whether the performance of a SQL statement that rises to the top of the report is actually even critical to the business. I believe that V$SQL is any performance analyst's most valuable V$ fixed view in the database. However, the power of using V$SQL is far less than the power of a performance improvement project that follows Method R.

8.3.4 Finding Where a Session Is Stuck

From time to time, we all get that call. It's Nancy on the phone, and her session is "stuck." She's asked her colleagues already if the system is down, and everyone else around her seems to be working fine. Perhaps the reason Nancy's calling is because in last week's brown-bag lunch event, [1] you explained to your users why they should not reboot their personal computer when this kind of thing happens. If you know how to find Nancy's session ID (Chapter 6), then it is easy to determine what's going on with her session. Imagine that we had found out that Nancy's session ID is 42. Then you use the following query to determine why she's stuck:

[1] A brown-bag lunch is an event at which employees eat lunch they've brought while they discuss a work- related topic.

 SQL>  col sid format 999990  SQL>  col seq# format 999,990  SQL>  col event format a26  SQL>  select sid, seq#, event, state, seconds_in_wait seconds  2  from v$session_wait  3  where sid=42  SID     SEQ# EVENT                      STATE                  SECONDS ------- -------- -------------------------- ------------------- ----------      42   29,786 db file sequential read    WAITED SHORT TIME          174 

Does this mean that Nancy's session is stuck waiting for I/O? No; actually this query indicates the contrary. The most recent wait event that Nancy's Oracle kernel process executed was in fact a file read operation, but the operation completed approximately 174 seconds ago (plus or minus roughly 3 seconds). Furthermore, the operation completed in less than one unit of Oracle timer resolution. (On an Oracle8 i system, this means that the elapsed time of the read operation was less than 0.01 seconds.) So what is Nancy's session waiting on?

The answer is that her session (really, her Oracle kernel process) is either working its brains out consuming CPU capacity, or her session is waiting its turn in the ready to run queue for its next opportunity to work its brains out consuming CPU capacity. You can watch what the session is doing by issuing successive queries of V$SESS_IO :

 SQL>  col block_gets format 999,999,999,990  SQL>  col consistent_gets format 999,999,999,990  SQL>  select to_char(sysdate, 'hh:mi:ss') "TIME",  2  block_gets, consistent_gets  3  from v$sess_io where sid=42;  TIME           BLOCK_GETS  CONSISTENT_GETS -------- ---------------- ---------------- 05:20:27            2,224       22,647,561     SQL>  /  TIME           BLOCK_GETS  CONSISTENT_GETS -------- ---------------- ---------------- 05:20:44            2,296       23,382,994 

By incorporating a timestamp into your query, you can get a feel for the rate at which your Oracle system can process LIO calls. The system shown here processed 735,505 LIO calls in about 17 seconds, which yields a rate of 43,265 LIOs per second. With this information, you can begin to appreciate what Nancy is going through. The more than 22,000,000 LIOs executed by her program when you first began looking at it had already consumed almost nine minutes of execution time. It's time now for you to find out what SQL Nancy's program is running so that you can get it fixed. You can do that job by joining V$OPEN_CURSOR and V$SQL . I'd rather have extended SQL trace data for Nancy's program if I could get it, but if you don't have that luxury, smart use of Oracle's fixed views can help you find the problem.

8.3.5 Finding Where a System Is Stuck

Sometimes the phone rings, and before Nancy finishes describing her problem, you notice another incoming call on line two. Then within two minutes, you've heard complaints from four users, and you have seven new voicemails containing ones you haven't heard yet. What should you do? If your system permits the execution of a query, here's the one I'd suggest that you run:

 SQL>  break on report  SQL>  compute sum of sessions on report  SQL>  select event, count(*) sessions from v$session_wait  2  where state='WAITING'  3  group by event  4  order by 2 desc;  EVENT                                                              SESSIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- SQL*Net message from client                                             211 log file switch (archiving needed)                                      187 db file sequential read                                                  27 db file scattered read                                                    9 rdbms ipc message                                                         4 smon timer                                                                1 pmon timer                                                                1                                                                  ---------- sum                                                                     440 

The report shown here depicts 440 connected sessions. At the time of the query, over 200 of the Oracle kernel processes are blocked on a read of the SQL*Net socket while their end-user applications execute code path between database calls. Many of these 211 processes are probably sitting idle while their users use non-Oracle applications, talk with colleagues, or attend to one or more of our species' many physiological needs. More disturbing is that 187 sessions are blocked waiting for log file switch (archiving needed) . This message indicates that the Oracle ARCH process is not able to keep pace with the generation of online redo.

A few other users on the system are actually getting work done (36 are engaged in reading database files), but as each user attempts to execute a database COMMIT call, she'll get caught waiting for a log file switch (archiving needed) event. The longer the problem goes uncorrected, the more users will get stuck waiting for the event. On the system where this output was obtained, the database administrator had neglected to anticipate that on this particular day, the ARCH process's destination file system would fill.

8.3.6 Approximating a Session's Resource Profile

The program vprof , shown in Example 8-3, is something that I cobbled together to collect Oracle timing data for a specified Oracle session for a specified time interval. I designed vprof not for production use (I don't consider it worthy for production use), but to illustrate some of the complexities of trying to use SQL upon fixed views to perform well-scoped diagnostic data collection. I find vprof to be useful in educational environments to help explain points including:

  • The union of data from V$SESSTAT and V$SESSION_EVENT approximately accounts for the total response time of a user action.

  • Attempts to obtain user action timing data from Oracle V$ fixed views are plagued by difficult time scope challenges.

  • Diagnosing the performance problem of a targeted user action is a much bigger job than just creating the action's resource profile.

Example 8-3. A Perl program that uses SQL to approximate a session's resource profile for a specified time interval
 #!/usr/bin/perl     # $Header: /home/cvs/cvm-book1/sqltrace/,v 1.8 2003/04/08 14:27:30 # Cary Millsap ( # Copyright (c) 2003 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.     use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use DBI; use Time::HiRes  qw(gettimeofday); use Date::Format qw(time2str);     sub nvl($;$) {     my $value   = shift;     my $default = shift  0;     return $value ? $value : $default; }     # fetch command-line options my %opt = (     service      => "",     username     => "/",     password     => "",     debug        => 0, ); GetOptions(     "service=s"  => $opt{service},     "username=s" => $opt{username},     "password=s" => $opt{password},     "debug"      => $opt{debug}, );     # fetch sid from command line my $usage = "Usage: 
 #!/usr/bin/perl # $Header: /home/cvs/cvm-book1/sqltrace/,v 1.8 2003/04/08 14:27:30 # Cary Millsap ( # Copyright (c) 2003 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use DBI; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday); use Date::Format qw(time2str); sub nvl($;$) { my $value = shift; my $default = shift  0; return $value ? $value : $default; } # fetch command-line options my %opt = ( service => "", username => "/", password => "", debug => 0, ); GetOptions( "service=s" => \$opt{service}, "username=s" => \$opt{username}, "password=s" => \$opt{password}, "debug" => \$opt{debug}, ); # fetch sid from command line my $usage = "Usage: $0 [options] sid\n\t"; my $sid = shift or die $usage; # connect to Oracle and prepare snapshot SQL my %attr = (RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$opt{service}", $opt{username}, $opt{password}, \%attr ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<'END OF SQL', {ora_check_sql => 0}); select 'CPU service' ACTIVITY, value TIME, ( select value from v$sesstat s, v$statname n where sid = ? and n.statistic# = s.statistic# and = 'user calls' ) CALLS from v$sesstat s, v$statname n where sid = ? and n.statistic# = s.statistic# and = 'CPU used by this session' union select e.event ACTIVITY, e.time_waited TIME, e.total_waits CALLS from v$session_event e where sid = ? END OF SQL # wait for signal and collect t0 consumption snapshot print "Press <Enter> to mark time t0: "; <>; my ($sec0, $msec0) = gettimeofday; $sth->execute($sid, $sid, $sid); my $h0 = $sth->fetchall_hashref("ACTIVITY"); # wait for signal and collect t1 consumption snapshot print "Press <Enter> to mark time t1: "; <>; my ($sec1, $msec1) = gettimeofday; $sth->execute($sid, $sid, $sid); my $h1 = $sth->fetchall_hashref("ACTIVITY"); # construct profile table my %prof; for my $k (keys %$h1) { my $calls = $h1->{$k}->{CALLS} - nvl($h0->{$k}->{CALLS}) or next; $prof{$k}->{CALLS} = $calls; $prof{$k}->{TIME} = ($h1->{$k}->{TIME} - nvl($h0->{$k}->{TIME})) / 100; } # compute unaccounted-for duration my $interval = ($sec1 - $sec0) + ($msec1 - $msec0)/1E6; my $accounted = 0; $accounted += $prof{$_}->{TIME} for keys %prof; $prof{"unaccounted-for"} = { ACTIVITY => " unaccounted-for ", TIME => $interval - $accounted, CALLS => 1, }; # print debugging output if requested if ($opt{debug}) { use Data::Dumper; printf "t0 snapshot:\n%s\n", Dumper($h0); printf "t1 snapshot:\n%s\n", Dumper($h1); print "\n\n"; } # print the resource profile print "\nResource Profile for Session $sid\n\n"; printf "%24s = %s.%06d\n", "t0", time2str("%T", $sec0), $msec0; printf "%24s = %s.%06d\n", "t1", time2str("%T", $sec1), $msec1; printf "%24s = %15.6fs\n", "interval duration", $interval; printf "%24s = %15.6fs\n", "accounted-for duration", $accounted; print "\n"; my ($c1, $c2, $c4, $c5) = (32, 10, 10, 11); my ($c23) = ($c2+1+7+1); printf "%-${c1}s %${c23}s %${c4}s %${c5}s\n", "Response Time Component", "Duration (seconds)", "Calls", "Dur/Call"; printf "%-${c1}s %${c23}s %${c4}s %${c5}s\n", "-"x$c1, "-"x$c23, "-"x$c4, "-"x$c5; for my $k ( sort { $prof{$b}->{TIME} <=> $prof{$a}->{TIME} } keys %prof) { printf "%-${c1}s ", $k; printf "%${c2}.2f ", $prof{$k}->{TIME}; printf "%7.1f%% ", $prof{$k}->{TIME}/$interval*100; printf "%${c4}d ", $prof{$k}->{CALLS}; printf "%${c5}.6f\n", ($prof{$k}->{CALLS} ? $prof{$k}->{TIME}/$prof{$k}->{CALLS} : 0); } printf "%-${c1}s %${c23}s %${c4}s %${c5}s\n", "-"x$c1, "-"x$c23, "-"x$c4, "-"x$c5; printf "%-${c1}s %${c2}.2f %7.1f%%\n", "Total", $interval, $interval/$interval*100; # wrap up $dbh->disconnect; _ _END_ _ =head1 NAME vprof - create an approximate resource profile for a session =head1 SYNOPSIS vprof [--service=I<h>] [--username=I<u>] [--password=I<p>] [--debug=I<d>] I<session-id> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<vprof> uses queries from B<V$SESSTAT> and B<V$SESSION_EVENT> to construct an approximate resource profile for the Oracle session whose B<V$SESSION.SID> value is given by I<session-id>. The time scope of the observation interval is defined interactively by the user's response to the prompts to mark the times I<t0> and I<t1>, where I<t0> is the observation interval start time, and I<t1> is the observation interval end time. =head2 Options =over 4 =item B<--service=>I<h> The name of the Oracle service to which B<vprof> will connect. The default value is "" (the empty string), which will cause B<vprof> to connect using, for example, the default Oracle TNS alias. =item B<--username=>I<u> The name of the Oracle schema to which B<vprof> will connect. The default value is "/". =item B<--password=>I<p> The Oracle password that B<vprof> will use to connect. The default value is "" (the empty string). =item B<--debug=>I<d> When set to 1, B<vprof> dumps its internal data structures in addition to its normal output. The default value is 0. =back =head1 EXAMPLES Use of B<vprof> will resemble something like the following case in which I used B<vprof> to report on statistics generated by B<vprof>'s own Oracle connection: $ vprof --username=system --password=manager 8 Press <Enter> to mark time t0: Press <Enter> to mark time t1: Resource Profile for Session 8 t0 = 14:59:12.596000 t1 = 14:59:14.349000 interval duration = 1.753000s accounted-for duration = 1.670000s Response Time Component Duration (seconds) Calls Dur/Call ----------------------------- -------------------- --------- ---------- SQL*Net message from client 1.38 78.7% 1 1.380000 CPU service 0.29 16.5% 1 0.290000 unaccounted-for 0.08 4.7% 1 0.083000 SQL*Net message to client 0.00 0.0% 1 0.000000 ----------------------------- -------------------- --------- ---------- Total 1.75 100.0% =head1 AUTHOR Cary Millsap ( =head1 BUGS B<vprof> suffers from several severe limitations, including: =over 2 =item - If a wait event is pending at time I<t0>, then the profile will contain excess time, which will manifest as negative "unaccounted-for" time. This situation happens frequently for the event 'SQL*Net message from client'. This is the wait event whose execution is pending while an application user is idle. =item - If a wait event is pending at time I<t1>, then the profile will be absent some missing time, which will manifest as positive "unaccounted-for" time. This situation is likely to happen if you choose time I<t1> to occur during a long-running program. =item - The limitations listed above can combine to offset each other, on occasion resulting in small "unaccounted-for" duration. This produces a false positive indication that everything is alright when actually there are two problems. =item - If the specified sid does not exist at time I<t0>, then the program will return a profile filled with unaccounted-for time. =item - If a session with the specified sid terminates between time I<t0> and I<t1>, then the resulting resource profile will contain only unaccounted-for time. ...Unless a new session with the specified B<sid> (but of course a different B<serial#>) is created before I<t1>. In this case, the output will look appropriate but be completely erroneous. =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. 
[options] sid\n\t"; my $sid = shift or die $usage; # connect to Oracle and prepare snapshot SQL my %attr = (RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "dbi:Oracle:$opt{service}", $opt{username}, $opt{password}, \%attr ); my $sth = $dbh->prepare(<<'END OF SQL', {ora_check_sql => 0}); select 'CPU service' ACTIVITY, value TIME, ( select value from v$sesstat s, v$statname n where sid = ? and n.statistic# = s.statistic# and = 'user calls' ) CALLS from v$sesstat s, v$statname n where sid = ? and n.statistic# = s.statistic# and = 'CPU used by this session' union select e.event ACTIVITY, e.time_waited TIME, e.total_waits CALLS from v$session_event e where sid = ? END OF SQL # wait for signal and collect t0 consumption snapshot print "Press <Enter> to mark time t0: "; <>; my ($sec0, $msec0) = gettimeofday; $sth->execute($sid, $sid, $sid); my $h0 = $sth->fetchall_hashref("ACTIVITY"); # wait for signal and collect t1 consumption snapshot print "Press <Enter> to mark time t1: "; <>; my ($sec1, $msec1) = gettimeofday; $sth->execute($sid, $sid, $sid); my $h1 = $sth->fetchall_hashref("ACTIVITY"); # construct profile table my %prof; for my $k (keys %$h1) { my $calls = $h1->{$k}->{CALLS} - nvl($h0->{$k}->{CALLS}) or next; $prof{$k}->{CALLS} = $calls; $prof{$k}->{TIME} = ($h1->{$k}->{TIME} - nvl($h0->{$k}->{TIME})) / 100; } # compute unaccounted-for duration my $interval = ($sec1 - $sec0) + ($msec1 - $msec0)/1E6; my $accounted = 0; $accounted += $prof{$_}->{TIME} for keys %prof; $prof{"unaccounted-for"} = { ACTIVITY => "unaccounted-for", TIME => $interval - $accounted, CALLS => 1, }; # print debugging output if requested if ($opt{debug}) { use Data::Dumper; printf "t0 snapshot:\n%s\n", Dumper($h0); printf "t1 snapshot:\n%s\n", Dumper($h1); print "\n\n"; } # print the resource profile print "\nResource Profile for Session $sid\n\n"; printf "%24s = %s.%06d\n", "t0", time2str("%T", $sec0), $msec0; printf "%24s = %s.%06d\n", "t1", time2str("%T", $sec1), $msec1; printf "%24s = %15.6fs\n", "interval duration", $interval; printf "%24s = %15.6fs\n", "accounted-for duration", $accounted; print "\n"; my ($c1, $c2, $c4, $c5) = (32, 10, 10, 11); my ($c23) = ($c2+1+7+1); printf "%-${c1}s %${c23}s %${c4}s %${c5}s\n", "Response Time Component", "Duration (seconds)", "Calls", "Dur/Call"; printf "%-${c1}s %${c23}s %${c4}s %${c5}s\n", "-"x$c1, "-"x$c23, "-"x$c4, "-"x$c5; for my $k (sort { $prof{$b}->{TIME} <=> $prof{$a}->{TIME} } keys %prof) { printf "%-${c1}s ", $k; printf "%${c2}.2f ", $prof{$k}->{TIME}; printf "%7.1f%% ", $prof{$k}->{TIME}/$interval*100; printf "%${c4}d ", $prof{$k}->{CALLS}; printf "%${c5}.6f\n", ($prof{$k}->{CALLS} ? $prof{$k}->{TIME}/$prof{$k}->{CALLS} : 0); } printf "%-${c1}s %${c23}s %${c4}s %${c5}s\n", "-"x$c1, "-"x$c23, "-"x$c4, "-"x$c5; printf "%-${c1}s %${c2}.2f %7.1f%%\n", "Total", $interval, $interval/$interval*100; # wrap up $dbh->disconnect; _ _END_ _ =head1 NAME vprof - create an approximate resource profile for a session =head1 SYNOPSIS vprof [--service=I<h>] [--username=I<u>] [--password=I<p>] [--debug=I<d>] I<session-id> =head1 DESCRIPTION B<vprof> uses queries from B<V$SESSTAT> and B<V$SESSION_EVENT> to construct an approximate resource profile for the Oracle session whose B<V$SESSION.SID> value is given by I<session-id>. The time scope of the observation interval is defined interactively by the user's response to the prompts to mark the times I<t0> and I<t1>, where I<t0> is the observation interval start time, and I<t1> is the observation interval end time. =head2 Options =over 4 =item B<--service=>I<h> The name of the Oracle service to which B<vprof> will connect. The default value is "" (the empty string), which will cause B<vprof> to connect using, for example, the default Oracle TNS alias. =item B<--username=>I<u> The name of the Oracle schema to which B<vprof> will connect. The default value is "/". =item B<--password=>I<p> The Oracle password that B<vprof> will use to connect. The default value is "" (the empty string). =item B<--debug=>I<d> When set to 1, B<vprof> dumps its internal data structures in addition to its normal output. The default value is 0. =back =head1 EXAMPLES Use of B<vprof> will resemble something like the following case in which I used B<vprof> to report on statistics generated by B<vprof>'s own Oracle connection: $ vprof --username=system --password=manager 8 Press <Enter> to mark time t0: Press <Enter> to mark time t1: Resource Profile for Session 8 t0 = 14:59:12.596000 t1 = 14:59:14.349000 interval duration = 1.753000s accounted-for duration = 1.670000s Response Time Component Duration (seconds) Calls Dur/Call ----------------------------- -------------------- --------- ---------- SQL*Net message from client 1.38 78.7% 1 1.380000 CPU service 0.29 16.5% 1 0.290000 unaccounted-for 0.08 4.7% 1 0.083000 SQL*Net message to client 0.00 0.0% 1 0.000000 ----------------------------- -------------------- --------- ---------- Total 1.75 100.0% =head1 AUTHOR Cary Millsap ( =head1 BUGS B<vprof> suffers from several severe limitations, including: =over 2 =item - If a wait event is pending at time I<t0>, then the profile will contain excess time, which will manifest as negative "unaccounted-for" time. This situation happens frequently for the event 'SQL*Net message from client'. This is the wait event whose execution is pending while an application user is idle. =item - If a wait event is pending at time I<t1>, then the profile will be absent some missing time, which will manifest as positive "unaccounted-for" time. This situation is likely to happen if you choose time I<t1> to occur during a long-running program. =item - The limitations listed above can combine to offset each other, on occasion resulting in small "unaccounted-for" duration. This produces a false positive indication that everything is alright when actually there are two problems. =item - If the specified sid does not exist at time I<t0>, then the program will return a profile filled with unaccounted-for time. =item - If a session with the specified sid terminates between time I<t0> and I<t1>, then the resulting resource profile will contain only unaccounted-for time. ...Unless a new session with the specified B<sid> (but of course a different B<serial#>) is created before I<t1>. In this case, the output will look appropriate but be completely erroneous. =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.

The output of vprof looks like this for a session on my system with V$SESSION.SID=8 :

 $  perl --username=system --password=manager 8  Press <Enter> to mark time t0:  [RETURN]  Press <Enter> to mark time t1:  [RETURN]  Resource Profile for Session 8                           t0 = 09:08:00.823000                       t1 = 09:08:01.103000        interval duration =        0.280000s   accounted-for duration =        0.280000s     Response Time Component            Duration (seconds)       Calls  Dur/Call -------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- --------- CPU service                             0.27    96.4%           1  0.270000 SQL*Net message from client             0.01     3.6%           1  0.010000 unaccounted-for                         0.00     0.0%           1  0.000000 SQL*Net message to client               0.00     0.0%           1  0.000000 -------------------------------- -------------------- ----------- --------- Total                                   0.28   100.0% 

The chief benefit of vprof is how it puts CPU service, unaccounted-for time, and the actual Oracle wait events on an equal footing to create a real resource profile. The output of vprof gets really interesting when you experiment with the timing of the two interactive inputs. For example, if you mark the time t several seconds before the session under diagnosis does anything, then vprof will produce a large negative unaccounted-for duration, as follows:

 $  perl --username=system --password=manager 58  Press <Enter> to mark time t0:  [RETURN]  Press <Enter> to mark time t1:  [RETURN]  Resource Profile for Session 58                           t0 = 23:48:18.072254                       t1 = 23:49:09.992339        interval duration =       51.920085s   accounted-for duration =       86.990000s     Response Time Component           Duration (seconds)      Calls    Dur/Call -------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------- SQL*Net message from client           54.04   104.1%          2   27.020000 CPU service                           31.98    61.6%          3   10.660000 db file sequential read                0.93     1.8%      29181    0.000032 async disk IO                          0.03     0.1%       6954    0.000004 direct path read                       0.01     0.0%       1228    0.000008 SQL*Net message to client              0.00     0.0%          2    0.000000 db file scattered read                 0.00     0.0%          4    0.000000 direct path write                      0.00     0.0%          2    0.000000 unaccounted-for                      -35.07   -67.5%          1  -35.069915 -------------------------------- ------------------- ---------- ----------- Total                                 51.92   100.0% 

At the time t , a long SQL*Net message from client event was in-process, so none of its total duration had yet been tallied to V$SESSION_EVENT . By the arrival of time t 1 , the entire long SQL*Net message from client event had tallied to V$SESSION_EVENT , but part of that event duration occurred prior to the beginning of the observation interval. The vprof program computed the interval duration correctly as t 1 - t , but the total Oracle event time accounted for between times t 1 and t exceeded the quantity t 1 - t , so vprof introduced a negative unaccounted-for pseudo-event to true up the profile.

This is a nice example of collection error that can taint your diagnostic data (see Chapter 6 for more on the topic of collection error). If you were to improve the production-worthiness of vprof , you could check V$SESSION_WAIT for an in-process event execution at t and then correct for it based on what you found. This is the kind of thing we did in the year 2000 for our big V$ data analysis project. It was after figuring out how to correct several problems like this that we discovered all the other limitations described earlier in this chapter and decided to cut our losses on the project. For example, what if enqueue waits had shown up at the top of your resource profile? How would you go about determining which lock it was that your program under diagnosis had waited on (past tense) when it was running? Performing further diagnosis of such a problem without properly time- and action-scoped data is a non-deterministic process that can easily result in one of the project catastrophes described in Chapter 1.

8.3.7 Viewing Waits System-Wide

One of the most popular reports on system performance executed since the mid-1990s is probably the system-wide events report. Just about the simplest decent version of the report looks something like this:

 SQL>  col event format a46  SQL>  col seconds format 999,999,990.00  SQL>  col calls format 999,999,990  SQL>  select event, time_waited/100 seconds, total_waits calls  2  from v$system_event  3  order by 2 desc;  EVENT                                                  SECONDS        CALLS ---------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ rdbms ipc message                                13,841,814.91    3,671,093 pmon timer                                        3,652,242.44    1,305,093 smon timer                                        3,526,140.14       12,182 SQL*Net message from client                          20,754.41       12,627 control file parallel write                           2,153.49    1,218,538 db file sequential read                                  91.61      547,488 log file parallel write                                  55.66       23,726 db file scattered read                                   26.26      235,882 control file sequential read                              8.12      365,643 control file heartbeat                                    3.99            1 latch activity                                            2.93           30 buffer busy waits                                         1.41           72 resmgr:waiting in end wait                                0.93           44 latch free                                                0.80           39 resmgr:waiting in check                                   0.53           36 log file sync                                             0.28           19 process startup                                           0.22            6 rdbms ipc reply                                           0.14            9 db file parallel read                                     0.11            4 async disk IO                                             0.10       19,116 db file parallel write                                    0.09       24,420 SQL*Net more data to client                               0.09        2,014 resmgr:waiting in check2                                  0.06            2 SQL*Net message to client                                 0.06       12,635 direct path read                                          0.05        5,014 log file sequential read                                  0.03            4 refresh controlfile command                               0.00            1 log file single write                                     0.00            4 SQL*Net break/reset to client                             0.00           23 direct path write                                         0.00           10     30 rows selected. 

This type of report is supposed to help the performance analyst instantly determine the nature of a "system's" performance problem. However, the report has many problems living up to that job description. Reports like this can help you solve some types of performance problems, but they fail to help you solve many of the problems I've illustrated throughout this book, such as:

  • Problems with user actions whose performance characteristics do not resemble the system-wide average performance characteristics. You cannot extrapolate detail from an aggregate. Not realizing this can lead to accidental performance degradation for important user actions for the reasons described in Chapter 4.

  • Problems with user actions whose performance problems can be diagnosed quickly by observing SQL*Net message from client durations that should be counted as user action response time. Does the SQL*Net message from client duration shown in a V$SYSTEM_EVENT report indicate a network I/O inefficiency, or that an application is issuing an excessive number of database calls? You simply can't tell from V$SYSTEM_EVENT data. Big numbers might indicate problems like these. And big numbers might indicate simply that users spend a lot of time connected but not doing anything productive.

Relying on V$SYSTEM_EVENT reports thus returns me to the topic I addressed in Chapter 3 about whether it makes sense to use different methods for different problems. Using different methods to diagnose different problem types presupposes that you can guess what the problem is before you begin your diagnosis. This is the method deficiency that causes many of the project catastrophes that I describe in Chapter 1.

The following sections illustrate some of the reasons why V$SYSTEM_EVENT reports fail to help you solve certain performance problem types. The "idle events" problem

From looking at the system-wide events report shown previously, a na ve analyst would surely identify rdbms ipc message as far and away the top problem on the system. However, this diagnosis would probably be incorrect. As most analysts experienced with the "Oracle wait interface" know, rdbms ipc message is one of the so-called idle wait events . The event is in fact where Oracle DBW n , LGWR , CKPT , and RECO processes log all the time they spend not doing anything. For similar reasons, pmon timer , smon timer , and SQL*Net message from client are regarded as idle events as well.

The standard advice is that you should ignore Oracle idle events. However, there's a big problem with this advice: considering some events to be "idle" eliminates your ability to diagnose certain whole problem classes. Some of the case studies shown in Chapter 12 illustrate this point. In targeted user actions that my colleagues and I have diagnosed since the year 2000, in a significant proportion of cases SQL*Net message from client is the dominant contributor to end-user response time.

Why, then, is SQL*Net message from client considered an "idle event"? It is because in a profile with whole-instance action scope and since-startup time scope, most sessions in fact sit idle awaiting user input. The whole time you spend connected but not making Oracle database calls while you're on a coffee break is tallied to the event SQL*Net message from client . So in a system-wide wait event report, you really must ignore all the idle events. More "sophisticated" applications that produce system-wide wait data reports use a table of idle events to filter "idle event" rows completely out of the report. The denominator problem

If you study a simple V$SYSTEM_EVENT report for a while, you might start wondering how the statistics relate to total instance uptime. Just about the fanciest program I've ever seen to help answer this question is shown in Example 8-4. This SQL*Plus program is an attempt to produces a true resource profile that depicts each event's total duration as a percentage of total instance uptime.

Example 8-4. A SQL program that displays a system's wait events
 /* $Header: /home/cvs/cvm-book1/sql/sysprof.sql,v 1.2 2003/04/24 05:19:20 Cary Millsap ( Copyright (c) 2002 by Hotsos Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.     This program creates an approximate resource profile for a system. Note, however, that the very concept of attributing time_waited as a proportion of instance uptime makes no sense, because it doesn't take into account the varying number of sessions that are active at different times in the history of the instance. */     set echo off feedback on termout on linesize 75 pagesize 66 clear col break compute undef instance_uptime cpu_consumption event_duration delta     /* compute total instance uptime */ col td format 999,999,999,990 new_value instance_uptime select (sysdate-startup_time)*(60*60*24) td from v$instance;     /* compute total Oracle kernel CPU consumption */ col cd format 999,999,999,990 new_value cpu_consumption select value/100 cd from v$sysstat where name = 'CPU used by this session';     /* compute total event duration */ col ed format 999,999,999,990 new_value event_duration select sum(time_waited)/100 ed from v$system_event;     /* compute unaccounted-for duration */ col dd format 999,999,999,990 new_value delta select &instance_uptime - (&cpu_consumption + &event_duration) dd from dual;     /* compute the resource profile */ col e format a30                 head 'Event' col t format 99,999,990.00       head 'Duration' col p format 990.9               head '%' col w format 999,999,999,999,990 head 'Calls' break on report compute sum label TOTAL of w t p on report select   'CPU service' e,    &cpu_consumption t,    (&cpu_consumption)/(&instance_uptime)*100 p,    (select value from v$sysstat where name = 'user calls') w from dual union select   'unaccounted for' e,   &delta t,   (&delta)/(&instance_uptime)*100 p,   NULL w from dual union select   e.event e,   e.time_waited/100 t,   (e.time_waited/100)/(&instance_uptime)*100 p,   e.total_waits w from v$system_event e order by t desc / 

Does printing event wait time as a percentage of total instance uptime sound like a nice theory to you? Here's a report that does it:

 Event                                Duration      %                Calls ------------------------------ -------------- ------ -------------------- rdbms ipc message               13,848,861.00  369.6            3,672,850 pmon timer                       3,653,991.35   97.5            1,305,718 smon timer                       3,527,940.29   94.2               12,188 CPU service                         89,365.37    2.4               12,807 SQL*Net message from client         23,209.05    0.6               12,655 control file parallel write          2,154.32    0.1            1,219,121 db file sequential read                 91.66    0.0              547,493 log file parallel write                 55.68    0.0               23,739 db file scattered read                  26.66    0.0              236,079 control file sequential read             8.12    0.0              365,817 control file heartbeat                   3.99    0.0                    1 latch activity                           2.93    0.0                   30 buffer busy waits                        1.41    0.0                   72 resmgr:waiting in end wait               0.93    0.0                   44 latch free                               0.80    0.0                   39 resmgr:waiting in check                  0.53    0.0                   36 log file sync                            0.28    0.0                   19 process startup                          0.22    0.0                    6 rdbms ipc reply                          0.14    0.0                    9 db file parallel read                    0.11    0.0                    4 async disk IO                            0.10    0.0               19,116 SQL*Net more data to client              0.09    0.0                2,018 db file parallel write                   0.09    0.0               24,436 SQL*Net message to client                0.06    0.0               12,663 resmgr:waiting in check2                 0.06    0.0                    2 direct path read                         0.05    0.0                5,014 log file sequential read                 0.03    0.0                    4 SQL*Net break/reset to client            0.00    0.0                   25 direct path write                        0.00    0.0                   10 log file single write                    0.00    0.0                    4 refresh controlfile command              0.00    0.0                    1 unaccounted for                -17,398,633.00 -464.3                                -------------- ------ -------------------- TOTAL                            3,747,082.32  100.0            7,472,020 

Notice the percentage for the rdbms ipc message event. Weird, right? How can a single event's total duration be 369.6% of total instance uptime? This one's actually easy. It's because on the system behind this report, there are four processes logging time to rdbms ipc message , and each is logging nearly 100% of its time to the event (my test system behind this report is a mostly idle instance). Next, what's up with the -17,398,633.00 seconds of unaccounted-for time? It's a simple artifact of my program's attempt to "true up" the accounting of all the time that is attributed to an observation interval that is known to be 3,747,082.32 seconds long (our instance has been running for about 43 days).

Perhaps a great idea would be to create a report that shows consumption for each type of resource as a percentage of total capacity for that resource? It's a nice idea, but even this introduces several surprises . You've already seen that the "capacity" for a system's rdbms ipc message consumption is the uptime for the instance times the number of processes that might log time to the event. Consider some other events:

CPU service

A system's CPU service capacity is the number of CPUs times the uptime for the instance.

SQL*Net message from client

A system's capacity for logging "between db call" time is the sum of all the Oracle session durations that have occurred since instance startup. One might calculate this figure using operational data available from connect-level auditing.

db file scattered read

A system's disk read capacity is the number of disk drives times the uptime for the instance, right? Not so fast. The Oracle kernel includes more than just disk service time in an Oracle wait event duration. Remember from Chapter 7 that, in addition to resource service time, there's also (most significantly) queueing for the resource and time spent in the operating system's ready to run state. A system's db file scattered read capacity is thus also the sum of all the Oracle session durations that have occurred since instance startup.

As far as I can tell, there's no denominator by which you can divide to make a V$SYSTEM_EVENT report into a legitimate resource profile. Infinite capacity for waiting

A big part of the problem is a principal that I can best illustrate with a brief thought experiment. Imagine that a hundred users stand in line to connect to an Oracle instance on a desktop personal computer with one very slow CPU and one very slow disk drive. When a user reaches the head of the queue, she opens a new SQL*Plus session, connects to Oracle, minimizes the session, and then leaves the room. After all 100 users had performed this task, imagine that you could see exactly how the resulting 100 Oracle sessions had consumed their time for a one-minute interval.

You would find that there had been 100 minutes of time spent by the Oracle kernel waiting on 100 different blocking read calls of a SQL*Net socket. An instance-wide resource profile for that minute would reveal that the system had consumed 100 minutes of elapsed time "executing an event." How can this be? The system has only one CPU and one disk. How could it have enough capacity for 100 users to have consumed 100 minutes of elapsed time? The answer is simple:

Any system has an infinite capacity for waiting.

Of course, this example proves only a weak little point, because the event I've asked you to consider is widely acknowledged as an "idle event." Even a single-CPU system could wait for a million idle events at the same time and never use the CPU or disk at all.

The stunning thing is that the example works equally well if we modify it to integrate quite an obviously non-idle event into the starring role. Imagine that through some trick of coordination, all 100 users were able to simultaneously request different database blocks from the single very slow disk drive on this desktop PC. Let's say for the sake of simplicity that this very slow disk was able to fulfill the read requests at a rate of one block per second.

At first, all 100 sessions would be waiting for a single-block db file sequential read event. After one second, the first session to have its read request fulfilled would switch to waiting for SQL*Net message from client , and the other 99 would continue to wait for db file sequential read . After two seconds, there would be two sessions waiting on socket reads, and 98 sessions waiting on file reads. Finally, after 100 seconds, all 100 sessions would again be waiting on SQL*Net socket reads.

After 100 seconds, there would be 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 100 seconds' worth of waiting on file reads, for a grand total of 5,050 seconds of waiting. And there would be 99 + 98 + 97 + ... + 0 seconds' worth of waiting on socket reads, for a grand total of 4,950 seconds of waiting. A system-wide resource profile for the 100-seconds interval during fulfillment of the 100 file reads would look like this:

 Event                                Duration        %                Calls ------------------------------ -------------- -------- -------------------- db file sequential read              5,050.00  5,050.0                  100 SQL*Net message from client          4,950.00  4,950.0                   99 unaccounted for                     -9,900.00 -9,900.0                                -------------- -------- -------------------- TOTAL                                  100.00    100.0                  200 

Now, it appears that our single-CPU system with one very slow disk has provided 5,050 seconds' worth of disk service to its users in a 100 second interval. How can this be possible? It is because there were only 100 seconds' worth of disk service provided to end users' sessions. The remainder of the "wait time" (which is actually a response time in queueing theory terms, as you'll see in Chapter 11) is actually queueing delay ”time spent waiting for the busy disk device. Again, you see, any system has an infinite capacity for waiting. Idle events in background sessions

User sessions (sessions for which V$SESSION.TYPE = ' USER ') tend to tally time to SQL*Net message from client when their human end-users are idle. On Oracle systems with a lot of user logons executed over the life of an instance, this time commonly sorts to the top of any query on V$SYSTEM_EVENT that sorts by descending TIME_WAITED order.

However, the Oracle background processes (sessions for which V$SESSION.TYPE = ' BACKGROUND ') stay connected for an instance's entire lifespan, and background processes do very little when they're not required to. Consequently, background processes contribute heavily to the body of "idle events." The following query shows why:

 SQL>  col program format a23  SQL>  col event format a18  SQL>  col seconds format 99,999,990  SQL>  col state format a17  SQL>  select s.program, w.event, w.seconds_in_wait seconds, w.state  2  from v$session s, v$session_wait w  3  where s.sid = w.sid and s.type = 'BACKGROUND'  4  order by s.sid;  PROGRAM                 EVENT                  SECONDS STATE ----------------------- ------------------ ----------- ----------------- oracle@research (PMON)  pmon timer           1,529,843 WAITING oracle@research (DBW0)  rdbms ipc message          249 WAITING oracle@research (LGWR)  rdbms ipc message          246 WAITING oracle@research (CKPT)  rdbms ipc message            0 WAITING oracle@research (SMON)  smon timer               1,790 WAITING oracle@research (RECO)  rdbms ipc message      208,071 WAITING     6 rows selected. 

You can see in this report that the PMON session has been "waiting" on an event called pmon timer for roughly 17.7 days (we don't do much work on our research instance). The DBW0 , LGWR , CKPT , and RECO sessions are waiting on an event called rdbms ipc message . And SMON has its own timer event called smon timer . It is completely fair to call these events "idle," because the sessions that log time to them are literally sitting idle, awaiting demand to arrive upon some communication device.

However, ignoring idle events is a poor workaround to the fundamental problem of botching either the time scope or the action scope of the data collection process. Unless you are concerned that the performance of a background session requires improvement, you should never encounter pmon timer , rdbms ipc message , or smon timer events in an analysis. If you actually are working on improving the performance of a background session, and your well-scoped diagnostic data contain large contributions of one of these events, then the right question for you to answer is:

Why is this session sitting idle when I expect it to be doing its work more quickly than it is right now?

If a so-called idle event is consuming end-user response time, then it is something to worry about. Targeting revisited

Why have I waited until this late in the book to tell you about the horrible complications caused by these "idle events"? Actually, I haven't. I described Oracle idle events in Chapter 5. However, I called them "events that occur between database calls," and I never once described them in a manner that makes them seem like a problem. The between-call events aren't a problem at all if you are using properly scoped diagnostic data. Without proper scoping, you lose data. With proper scoping, a between-call event has every bit as much diagnostic value as any other event.

Proper scoping during the data collection phase of a performance improvement project makes all Oracle wait events relevant. With properly scoped data, there is no such thing as an "idle event" that can be ignored.

Targeting is the key to economically efficient performance improvement.


Optimizing Oracle Performance
Optimizing Oracle Performance
ISBN: 059600527X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 102 © 2008-2017.
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