Changing Text to a Table

 < Day Day Up > 

The process for changing text to a table is equally simple. When you select text in Word to be formatted as a table and you choose Table, Convert, Text To Table, the Convert Text To Table dialog box asks for input similar to what you entered in the Insert Table dialog box. The program will want to know how many columns and rows you want to use, how you want to use AutoFit, which Table AutoFormat you want to use (if any), and finally, which characters have been used to delineate the individual text entries. Click your choices and click OK. Word converts the text to a new table.

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft Office Word 2003 Inside Out (Bpg-Inside Out)
ISBN: 0735615152
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 373 © 2008-2017.
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