Recipe11.16.Viewing an Image from a URL with Swing and Jython

Recipe 11.16. Viewing an Image from a URL with Swing and Jython

Credit: Joel Lawhead, Chuck Parker


You want to make a simple Swing image viewer, accepting the URL to an image and displaying the image in a Swing window.


Jython makes this task very easy:

from pawt import swing from java import net def view(url):     frame = swing.JFrame("Image: " + url, visible=1)     frame.getContentPane( ).add(swing.JLabel(swing.ImageIcon(net.URL(url))))     frame.setSize(400,250) ) if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':     view("")


Swing's JLabel and ImageIcon widgets can be easily combined in Jython to make a simple image viewer. The need to pass a URL to the view function is not at all a limitation, because you can always use the file: protocol in your URL if you want to display an image that lives on your filesystem rather than out there on the Web. Remember that the U in URL stands for Universal!

See Also

Swing docs are at; Jython is at

Python Cookbook
Python Cookbook
ISBN: 0596007973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 420 © 2008-2017.
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