

Way of the computer scientist, 473–507

analysis comparison, 503–5

defined, 4

dynamic-analysis tools, 488–503

linguistic formalism, 474–78

review, 505–7

static-analysis tools, 478–88

Way of the detective, 15–32

defined, 3

Lord Peter Wimsey, 33–47

Professor Solomon, 49–61

Sherlock Holmes, 17–31

Way of the engineer, 433–71

coding convention, 451–66

debugging infrastructure, 466–69

defined, 3–4

development stage, 437–50

error avoidance, 442–66

error classification, 437–42

review, 469–71

Way of the mathematician, 175–88

defined, 3

Polya, 176–79

Schoenfeld, 182–87

Way of the psychologist, 387–431

defined, 3

error causes explanation, 394–413

human cognition models, 388–89

human error definition/classification, 389–94

research, 414–27

review, 427–31

Way of the safety expert, 361–85

cause-event charting, 381–82

defined, 3

fault-tree analysis, 382–84

root-cause analysis, 362–63

software-defect root causes, 363–80

Web site, this book, 513–14

While loop, 327

Wimsey, Lord Peter, 33–47

alibis as clues, 36–38

applying, to debugging, 36

author behind, 35

character of, 33–35

curiosity, 39

facts organization, 42–43

gestalt understanding, 45–46

impossible cause elimination, 38

life of, 33–34

literature about, 34–35

logic, 40–41

methods of, 35–47

occurrence, 46

possibilities, enumerating, 41

reason based on facts, 40

search caution, 44

Write unit test, 224–25

defined, 224

potential problems, 225

purpose, 224

questions answered, 224

refined tactics, 225

related tactics, 225

See also Debugging tactics

Debugging by Thinking. A Multidisciplinary Approach
Debugging by Thinking: A Multidisciplinary Approach (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555583075
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 172 © 2008-2017.
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