

Parent(s), 230. See also Fatherhood, Women

dual income challenge for, 55–59

regular chats with children by, 126–129

single, challenge of, 59–60, 106, 118

sneak-ins and sneak-outs with child and, 125–126

teaching children to work by, 89–90

Partnership agreements, 73–74

Peak Performers (Garfield), 43

Peck, M. Scott, 24

Personal computer (PC), 169–170, 173, 174–176

Personal leadership system, 167–168

Personal mission statement

navigational intelligence and, 42

vision with, 115

Planning system, 166

Principle(s), 83, 211

based expectations, 34

of contribution, 113–114, 241

list of, 136–137

proactivity from, 64

as self-evident, 109

valuing, 41–42, 228–237

of work and balance, 97–98

Proactivity, 64

with family, 112

with money, 20

6 for personal job satisfaction, 65–66

from principles, 64

time and importance of, 151

with work, 64–67


courage/wisdom from, 24

money, 190–191

as part of life, 23–24

Professional development, 80

Life Matters. Creating a Dynamic Balance of Work, Family, Time & Money
Life Matters: Creating a dynamic balance of work, family, time, & money
ISBN: 0071441786
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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