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abstract class 
    An abstract class is a class that cannot be directly instantiated. An instance can be created only i 
action  2nd 
    An action is an individual operation that performs a single task on an element of a model. 
action language  2nd 
    data types 
    test state 
action language:procedure
    procedure:action language 
activation  2nd 
    An activation is the execution of a single procedure in a state machine instance at some time. 
activity  2nd 
    initiation by external signal 
activity diagram 
    input sequencing 
actor  2nd 
    An actor is a role played by an external entity that requires something from the system in one or mo 
actual parameter
agile  2nd 
Alexander, Christopher  2nd 
    Ishikawa, Sara
         Silverstein, Murray 
archetype  2nd 
    An archetype is a fragment of data access and text manipulation logic that states formally how to em 
    -oriented  2nd 
    join point 
assigner  2nd  3rd 
    An assigner is a state machine that serves as a single point of control for creating links on compet 
    An association is the abstraction of a set of domain relationships that hold systematically between  
    dynamically simple 
association class  2nd  3rd  4th 
    An association class is an abstraction, as a class, of an association that may have its own attribut 
    dynamics of 
    lifecycle formalization 
association loop 
    An association loop is a set of associations that together make up a path from one class, through ot 
association:distributing control in
assumption-requirement pair
    requirement:assumption pair  2nd  3rd 
asynchronous creation 
    accumulating values 
    An attribute is the abstraction of a single characteristic possessed by all the entities that were,  

Executable UML. A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture
Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven Architecture
ISBN: 0201748045
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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