

Mac OS, game development for, 15

Main application window, 222

Main branch, 112

Main loop, 43–44, 201, 225–246

check routines in, 439

checklist for, 225

code, changing, 226–227

display, rendering and presenting, 231–233

game state, updating, 233–235

game world, simulating, 43

player input, grabbing and translating, 43

screen rendering, 43–44

Makoto, Matsumoto, 84

MAP files, 414–415

MapViewOfFile, alternatives to, 69

MapViewOfFileEx, alternatives to, 69

Markerfile, searching for, 403–405

Market, racing to, 558

Marvel vs. Capcom (Marvel/Capcom), 25

Mason, Tony, 77

Master inventory of features, 475–476

Mastering Regular Expressions (Freidl), 78

Material node, 355

Materials, 283, 318–319

default setting, 319


matrix mathematics, 293–300

quaternion mathematics, 300–304

vector mathematics, 288–293

Matrix mathematics, 293–300

Matrix multiply API, 298

M_Count, 58


access to, optimizing, 64–65

alignment of, 65–67

draw helpers for, 440

types of, 59–64

using, 59–72

virtual, 67–68

Memory configuration, stress testing, 499–500

Memory leaks

debugging, 444–448

fixing, 526

Memory Managers

C runtime in, using, 70

debugging features, adding, 71

default, 71

leak detecting in, 72

simple, 71

small memory allocations, 72

writing, 70–72

Memory Mapped Files

on CD-ROM, 69

purpose of, 68

using, 68–69

Win32, reading, 68–69

Memory surfaces, 165–167

Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator, 84–87

Meshes, 32, 283

creating, 339

triangle meshes, 312–318

MeshNode, code definition of, 339

Message boxes, creating, 145

MessageBox, 146

Messages, 124

Methods, memory addresses of, 414–415

MFC, 365–368

advantages of, 366–368

disadvantages of, 365–366

windows of, 222

Microsoft, 109, 111

logo compliance for, 15–16, 338–410

Microsoft Debugging Tools, 420

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (Microsoft) game world design, 26–27

Microsoft Foundation Classes. See MFC.

Microsoft Project, 471–473

Microsoft Spy++, 129–130

Microsoft Symbol Server, 420

Microsoft Windows game platform, 44

Miles Sound System (RAD Game Tools), 39, 363

versus Direct 3D, 363

versus DirectSound, 363

Milestones, 457, 459–471

acceptance time, 483, 485

Code Complete, 466–468, 540–541, 545

Content Complete, 468–469, 541–543

contributors, 459

deliverables, 459

descriptions of, 459–461, 485–486

Design and Functional Specification Draft, 463–464

due dates, 459, 484

First Production Milestone, Second Production Milestone..., 464–466

individual milestones document, 486–488

inserting in schedule, 484–485

production dates, 459

of programmers, 477

Project Kickoff, 462–463

project milestones document, 459–460, 485–486, 488

Release to Manufacturing (or Web), 470–471

risk assessment, 459

scheduling, 457, 459–471

title of, 459

Zero Bugs, 469–470, 540–542, 547


debugging, 424–429

definition of, 424

time stamps for, 429

writing, 425–429

MiniDumper class, 425–429

MiniDumpWriteDump function, 425

Mip-mapping, 320–323

Mirror node, 355

Modeling tools, 338–339

Mono versus stereo, 254


buffer zone for mouse clicks, 128

capturing, 129–132

as context sensitive control, 128

dragging, 132–134

as input device, 127–134

standard conventions for, 127

Movement controller

implementing, 347–349

methods, 349

MPEG compression, 260

MSG_END_MODAL message, 147

MSVCMON.EXE utility, 422

Multi-monitor setup, 421–422

Multidimensional arrays, 64–65

Multithreaded bugs, debugging, 453–454

Multithreading, 279

Music, 41. See also Sounds.

storage formats, 254

MySound, 53–54

Game Coding Complete
Game Coding Complete
ISBN: 1932111751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139 © 2008-2017.
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