


constructor, return values of, 203

global objects, 203–204

initialization pitfalls, 202–206

IRestorable, using, 370

troubleshooting code, 204


debug heap, 446

memory managers in, 70

Cache, efficient use of, 68

Callbacks, 124–125

Camera, 284

movement of, 23–26

orientation and position, setting, 303–304

perspective of, 23

rotating, 350–351

Camera controllers

functions of, 342–351

interface classes of, 345–347

keystrokes of, 345

mouse clicks of, 345

movement controller, 330

OnKeyDown() function, 347

OnKeyUp() function, 347

Camera space vertices, translating to screen, 305–306

CameraNode, code definition of, 335

Caps Lock key, 137

Carmack, John, 22

Caveman debugging, 442–443

CChildView class, 222

CD-ROM speeds, matching with bit rates, 257

CdBackground color, 186

Change reports, creating, 467

Character code, definition of, 134

Check routines, 438–439

CheckESP() function, 438

CheckStackVars() function, 438

Chroma key, 21, 170–173. See also Color key.

Cinematic sequences, loading, 255–257

Classes, structuring, 47–48

Clean up, 201

ClearCase (Rational), 111

Client area window, 222

Client/server games, 40

Clipping panes, near and far, 305–306

Cluebook, writing, 476


cards, testing against, 217

changes, commenting, 545–546

drivers, testing against, 217

hidden, 46–47

names, 546

reusing, 49

setbacks in, 542–543

sharing, 121–122

Code analyzers, 440–441

Code Complete milestone, 466–468

Code reviews, 468, 546–547

Codeword, 100–101

Cohen, J., 281


indexed formats, 162

of light, 160

and lighting, 308–311

palletized formats, 162

Color channels, blending, 174–175

Color depth, 160–161

Color key, 170–173. See also Chroma key.

color of, choosing, 173

destination color keys, 170

source color keys, 170, 172

storage format, 170

COM, 4

COM objects, memory leaks of, 448

Comment() function, 78

Compatibility issues, 7

Compilation versus interpretation, 76

Compiler-related bugs, debugging, 455

Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (Aho, Sethi, Ullmand), 80

Compilers, storing text string, 60–61

Compression, 31, 260–261

lossy compression, 253–254

programming tasks associated with, 474

settings for, 256

of streaming video, 255–257

Configuration tests, 495, 503–505

Console development, 6

Constant values, tweaking, 442

Containment versus inheritance, 48

Content, 547–548

adding, 547

beta testers, employing, 548

Content Complete milestone, 468–469

Context sensitive help, 156

Context sensitivity of controls, 128

Control containers

dialog boxes, 145–148

screens, 140, 142–143.

See also Screens.

Control identifiers, 151–152

Control state, 149, 154–155

Controls, 149–151

activation of, 154

animation, 156–157

context sensitive, 128

context sensitive help for, 156

dragging, 156

focus order, 149, 152–153

hit testing, 149, 152–153

hotkeys, 155

identifiers of, 144–145, 149, 151–152

mapping to devices, 150

message sensitivity, 149–150

properties of, 155–157

sounds and, 156–157

state of, 149, 154–155

tooltips for, 156

virtual controls, 126–127

Coordinate systems, 285–287

of 2D graphics, 285–286

of 3D graphics, 286–287

draw helpers for, 440

handedness of, 287

Coordinates, 285–287

texture coordinates, 311

Copy constructor, avoiding, 46–47

CopyAlpha function, 175–182

Core dumps, 424

Cosine, 289

Count() function, 78

Counter, automatic manipulation, 54–57

CPU speed

calculating, 210–216

standards, 218


efficiency of, 35

memory standards of, 218


fixing, 526

tracking, 415

in Unix, 424

CreateFontIndirect method, 184

CreateVertexBuffer method, 314

Criterion Software, 357–358

Cross products, 288–289, 291–293

Crunch mode, 13–14, 458

Culling, 284

Cursor, for user feedback, 128

Cut and paste bugs, debugging, 451–452

CVS, 109–110

Game Coding Complete
Game Coding Complete
ISBN: 1932111751
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 139 © 2008-2017.
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