Touchpoints as Best Practices

As noted earlier, the software security field is a relatively new one. The first books and academic classes on the topic appeared in 2001, demonstrating how recently developers, architects, and computer scientists have started systematically studying how to build secure software. The field's recent appearance is one reason why best practices are neither widely adopted nor in some cases obvious.

The good news is that technologists and commercial vendors all acknowledge that the software security problem exists. The bad news is that we have barely begun to instantiate solutions; moreover, many proposed solutions are impotent. Not surprisingly, early commercial solutions to the software security problem tend to take an operational stancethat is, they focus on solving the software security problem through late lifecycle activities such as firewalling (at the application level), penetration testing, and patch management. Because security has tended to be operational in nature (especially in the corporate world, where IT security revolves around the proper placement and monitoring of network security apparatus), this operational tack is only natural. This leads to a bifurcation of approaches when it comes to software, into application security and software security.

The core of the problem is that building systems to be secure cannot be accomplished by using an operations mindset. Instead, we must revisit all phases of system development and make sure that security engineering is present in each of them. When it comes to software, this means taking a close look over all software artifacts. This is a far cry from black box testing.

Best practices are usually described as those practices expounded by experts and adopted by practitioners. As a group, the touchpoints vary in terms of adoption. While almost every organization worried about security makes use of penetration testing, very few venture into the murky area of abuse case development. Though I understand that the utility and rate of adoption varies among the touchpoints in this book, I am comfortable calling them all best practices.

Coder's Corner[*]

Count the problems in the following chunk of code. Use your knowledge of the touchpoints to think about what kinds of best practices might help you identify the different "levels" of problems here.

1 read(fd, userEntry, sizeof(userEntry)); 2 comparison = memcmp(userEntry, correctPasswd, strlen(userEntry)); 3 if (comparison != 0) 4      return (BAD_PASSWORD);

Line 1: Return value from read() ignored. Always a bad sign but not directly resulting in an attack. This is the sort of bug that a fairly simple source code analyzer can alert you to. Manual code inspection for quality issues can find these kinds of bugs as well.

Line 2: Comparing a user entry directly with the correct password. Hmm. The implication is that the system stores passwords in such a manner that they can be directly recovered in plaintext (as opposed to storing a hash). This is an architectural flaw best found during architectural risk analysis.

Line 2: strlen() relies on the read() plopping a null terminator down at the end of the buffer. No guarantee of that. A fancier source code analyzer can see the connection between the read() and the strlen(). Code review with a tool is helpful for finding bugs like this.

Line 3: The comparison succeeds if the entered password exactly matches the correct password or if the entered password is of length zero. Oops. Bye-bye password security. This kind of problem can be uncovered with good testing based on reasonable requirements and solid test planning.

There's a slightly more subtle truth at play here beyond the point problems discussed above. Although the example is contrived to pack lots of badness into a small number of lines, it's really not that unusual to find security problems clustered like this. The clueless are often gifted with the ability to be clueless in multiple dimensions simultaneously. The seven touchpoints help find all manner of cluelessness and stamp it out.

[*] This example is adapted from an interview in Slashdot by Paul Kocher. See <>.

Fortunately, an organization is not required to put all touchpoints into practice to see progress on software security. Chapter 10 explains how to put together an enterprise-wide software security program and describes why adopting even only one or two of the software security touchpoints can help. Think of the touchpoints as a maturity map for your organization. The more you adopt and the more deeply you adopt, the better ... but every little bit helps.

As you adopt touchpoints in your organization, do not overlook the importance of a consistent approach to risk management. The RMF (see Chapter 2) provides a potent foundation for all touchpoints. There is little use in identifying security risks unless you intend to do something about them. Use the RMF to track progress against identified risks over time.

Software Security. Building Security In
Software Security: Building Security In
ISBN: 0321356705
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 154
Authors: Gary McGraw © 2008-2017.
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