

tag library descriptors (TLDs), 773–774


classification, 192–193

custom, 193–194

defined, 192

ebXML, 255

external, example, 490

internal, classification of, 489, 490

UDDI, 255

TcpMon Java utility, 117

TCPtrace, 117

technical architecture, 86–88

defined, 86

impact, 86

robust, 86–87

technical services, 87–88

technical services, 87–88

access, 88

building, 87

defined, 87

Templates object, 306

testability, 78

architecture support, 78

defined, 78

requirements, 78

See also component-based service (CBS) development

testing, 699–703

functional, 92, 700–701

load and stress, 701–702

proof-of-concept, 703

QoS, 92, 93

regression, 93, 701

service federation, 93

system, 93

types of, 700

unit, 92

throughput, 703

tickets, 720

time zone support, 217

timer service, 704–707

tModels, 165, 188–192

creating, 183, 192–193

defined, 179, 188

for Flute Bank News service, 191

illustrated, 188

keys, 189

multiple-symbol WSDL document, 209–210

name, 179

overviewURL element, 204

registration, 193

shopping cart configuration, 189

single-symbol WSDL document, 209

in Web services, 189

WSDL service interface representation, 213

See also UDDI; UDDI informational structural model

tool-generated classes, 364

transaction management, 583–619

concepts, 583–593

models, 589–591, 593–597

specifications, 597–618

summary, 619

transaction manager, 585–587

defined, 586

functions, 586–587

JTA, 592

JTS, 593

JTS, components, 594

TP monitor vs., 587

transactional support, 589–591

transaction models, 589–591

business, 598

flat, 589, 594, 619

nested, 590–591

new, 597–598

properties, 598

for Web services, 593–597


ACID, 597

atomic property, 584

BTP, 600–603

business, 594, 598–615

consistent property, 584

context, 587

context propagation, 401, 597

defined, 583

design, 91

discrete, 239, 242

distributed, 593

durability property, 585

global, 587–589

in-doubt, 589

in-flight, 588–589

isolation property, 584–585

JTA, 401

long-running, 595, 597

nested, 590–591

new specifications, 597–618

scope of, 589

subtransactions, 595–597

two-phase commit and, 587–589

unit of work, 584

Transformation API for XML (TrAX), 302

Triple DES, 631

trust service provider, 679

Trust Services Integration Kit, 650

Twofish, 631

two-phase commit, 587–589

BTP two-phase protocol vs., 609–610

commit phase, 587

defined, 587

global transactions and, 587–589

illustrated, 588

prepare phase, 587

two-phase protocol, 606–609

illustrated, 606

participants confirmation, 609–610

transaction cancellation, 609

two-phase commit protocol vs., 609–610

See also Business Transaction Protocol (BTP)

two-way encryption, 628

type mapping

defined, 388

system API, 390

system illustration, 389


base, 762

built-in, 751–752

complex, 752–759

deriving, by extension, 763–764

deriving, by restriction, 764–765

new, defining, 762–765

simple, 51–52

types element, 146–148

defined, 146

extending, 166

illustrated, 146

See also WSDL documents

typesafe enumeration, 556, 557

typesafeEnum declaration, 576–579

binding, 578–579

defined, 576

syntax, 576

using, 576

See also binding declarations

Java Web Services Architecture
Java Web Services Architecture (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
ISBN: 1558609008
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 210 © 2008-2017.
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