

S/MIME, 631

save_service API, 204–205

SAX, 278–287

defined, 278

details resource, 278

extensions, 280

handlers, 280

helper classes, 280

interfaces definition, 280

javax.xml.parsers, 280, 282

org.xml.sax.ext package, 280, 281

org.xml.sax.helpers package, 280, 281

org.xml.sax package, 280, 281

packages, 280–281

parsers, 280

parsing code, 284

parsing handler, 285–286

processing, 292

sample XML file parsed with, 283–284

support, 280

when not to use, 293

when to use, 292

SAXParser, 284, 287

SAXParserFactor, 282–283

configurable properties with, 283

configuring, 282

defined, 282

multi-threading and, 287

See also SAX

scalability, 713–715

benefit, 29–30

cluster capacity and, 715

infrastructure partitioning, 713–714

inhibitor, 714

performance and, 70

schema compiler, 551

binding declarations, 555

code generated using, 554

execution, 552

illustrated, 551

interface generation, 560

schema scope, 568

schemaBindings declaration, 570–571

defined, 570

nameXmlTransform element, 571

syntax, 570–571

See also binding declarations

scope, 568–569

component, 569

definition, 569

global, 568

illustrated, 569

schema, 568

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 626

basic authentication over, 623

de facto implementation, 625

illustrated, 624

operation, 624

session establishment, 624–625

transports using, 625

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 198

security, 621–682

in applications, 625

authentication methods, 623

CBS development, 71

deployment time, 622

design, 627–628

design time, 621–622

ebXML, 255

federations, 679

identity management, 680–682

implementation scenarios, 676–680

J2EE and, 669–672

JavaMail, 427

JAX-RPC and, 392–393

message-level, 625, 627

QoS specification, 18

registries and, 232

requirements, 20

run time, 623–626

summary, 688

trust service provider, 679

unified view, 710

Web services considerations, 621–626

Web services initiatives, 626–634

XML messaging and, 431

Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML), 628–629, 650–657

architecture, 652

assertions, 651–657

attribute assertion, 653–664

authentication assertion, 652–653

authorization assertion, 654–657

bindings and profiles, 651, 657

categories, 651–652

conformance, 652

defined, 628, 651

design, 629

driving force, 628

illustrated, 651

origin, 650–651

protocol/format definition, 651

request-response messages, 657

security and privacy, 652

SourceID vs., 686

specification, 650

self-addressed messages, 455

self-healing, 60–61

architecture, 61

defined, 60

reliability, 61

semantic web, 229

serializers, 337

base, 389

client-side, 391

custom, configuring, 391–392

defined, 388

illustrated, 388

portability across implementations and, 390

porting, 390

specifying, 388

as utilities by reference implementation, 391

See also deserializers

server-side handlers

configuration, 376

data encryption/decompression, 379

listing, 380–383

request interception, 379

See also handlers

service bus, 26–28

defined, 26

example, 27

illustrated, 27

management software, 28

paradigm, 25

service composition, 16–17, 728–741

defined, 16–17, 728

description, 729

example, 17

need for, 728–736

service consumers

availability and, 79

client-side binding generation, 366

defined, 38, 355

discovery, 41–42

dynamic interaction, 138–139

WSDL usage, 167

service consumption, 355–367

client decision, 365–367

clients using DII, 359–362

clients using dynamic proxies, 362–363

clients using stubs, 357–359

clients using WSDL, 363–365

invocation modes, 355–356

nonblocking RPC invocation, 356

one-way RPC, 355–356

synchronous request-response, 355

See also JAX-RPC; JAX-RPC development

service contracts, 12

defined, 38

information hiding and, 47–48

service definition, 336–337

defined, 336

example, 336–337

as Java interface, 336

See also JAX-RPC; JAX-RPC development

service deployment, 339–341

illustrated, 339

at runtime, 338

See also JAX-RPC; JAX-RPC development

service description, 15–16, 341–355

abstract, 135–137

collaboration, 729

concrete, 137–138

defined, 341

elements, 134

functional characteristics, 135–174

role/position of, 728–729

service aspects, 15

stack, 729

use methods, 16

xrpcc, 341–344

See also JAX-RPC; JAX-RPC development

service development, 20

service discovery, 41–42

based on namespace, 527–529

runtime, 529–530

support, 41

service element, 164

defined, 164

extending, 166

illustrated, 164

See also WSDL documents

service endpoints, 315

defined, 339

implementation, 339

service fa ade,, 84

service federation testing, 93

service implementation, 337–339, 369–370

client-specific state and, 339

defined, 337

definition, 508

definition, publishing, 519

example, 337–338

handler configuration, 381–383

for processing attachments, 369–370

ServiceLifeCycle interface, 340

See also JAX-RPC; JAX-RPC development

service information queries

based on namespace, 527–529

client-side output, 526

code, 523–526

service interfaces, 181–184

abstraction description, 508

classifying, 513

defined, 181

definition, 508

describing, 181

documents, 184

publishing, 513, 519

publishing, in UDDI, 213–216

publishing, with one service implementation, 519

referencing service interface, 211–212

separated into billpayinterface.wsdl, 509–511

WSDL, 512

service leases, 40

service level agreements (SLAs), 19, 697–699

characteristics of, 698

defined, 697–698

elements, 698

feature checklist, 699

service producers, 167–169

service providers, 38

service proxies, 704

defined, 38–39

illustrated, 39

performance enhancement, 39

provision, 39

service references, 399

service registry, 16, 38

service types, 179

service-based development, 12–13

defined, 12

illustrated, 13

interoperability issue and, 12

ServiceLifeCycle interface, 340

service-oriented architecture (SOA), 35–62

characteristics, 40–61

coarse-grained interfaces, 50–59

composability, 59–60

defined, 35

entities, 37–40

implementation, 37

interoperability, 48–49

issues, 35

location transparency, 59

loose coupling, 49

network-addressable interface, 50

self-contained and modular, 42–48

self-healing, 60–61

service consumer, 38

service contract, 38

service lease, 40

service provider, 38

service proxy, 38–39

service registry, 38

summary, 61–62

Web services and, 40

ServletContext object, 340

session fa ade,, 84

defined, 84

illustrated, 85

See also application architecture

setValidateURI method, 519

SHA1, 631

share-based policies, 720

shared locks, 586

shared secrets, 628

Simple API for XML. See SAX

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 419

DSN, 428

MDN, 428

Simple Object Access Protocol. See SOAP

simple service, 25

simple types

defined, 751

extending, 751–752

prefix, 751

See also types

single-phase confirm operation, 609

SkipJack, 630

SMTP-POP binding, 117–119

SOAP, 1, 97–132

actor roles, 376

Apache implementations, 692

with Attachment capability, 99, 101

attachments, 368

body, 15

case for, 97–101

decimal data type, 692

defined, 97, 99

envelope structure, 421

extending, 100–101

faults, 109

firewalls and, 668–669

headers, 15, 691

horizontal extensibility, 112

HTTP and, 99

information definitions, 101

interoperability goal, 690

interoperability issues, 692

JMS providers using, 476

processing model, 112–119

references, 124

request, 365–366

response, 366

role, 97, 131–132

simplicity, 99, 626

summary, 131–132

toolkits, 692

UDDI business registry access, 203

UDDI relationship, 202–213

versioning, 105

See also SOAP messages; SOAP nodes

SOAP bindings, 103, 115, 156–158

BTP and, 612–615

defined, 156

extensions, 156

soap:binding element, 156–157, 161

soap:body element, 157

soap:fault element, 158

soap:header element, 158

soap:operation element, 157

SOAP encoding, 119–125, 319–333

compound data types, 122–125

defined, 320

literal, 119

schemes, 320

"Section 5," 119

simple data types, 120–122

SOAP messages, 15, 97, 100

Body element, 103, 108–109

construction of, 439

defined, 102

dumping, 117

elements, 103–111

email containing, 117–118

encoded, 320

Envelope element, 102, 105–106

fault, 109–110

Fault element, 109–111

guiding, 736

header, 101, 157

Header element, 102–103, 106–108

header insertion, 113

intercepting, 117

modeling, 125

namespaces, 105, 106

one-way message capability, 115

paths, 113

processing steps, 114

request, 104–105, 128

request sent synchronously, 443–445

response, 105, 131

rules, 103

structure, 102–103

structure and content illustration, 104

structure illustration, 102

vertical extensibility, 106

See also SOAP

SOAP nodes

defined, 101

identification, 112–113

illustrated, 101

intermediaries and, 113

intermediate, 100–101

message processing steps, 114

in processing path, 736

roles, 114

SOAP version support, 106

See also SOAP

SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ), 125–131, 475

abstraction, 125

API, 439

client, 128

for creating/manipulating messages, 418

creation, 125

defined, 125

functioning of, 127–131

as JWSDP component, 268

MessageFactory class, 126

MIME mappings supported by, 445

model in javax.xml.soap package, 440

modeling in, 125

object model, 126

object representation in, 127

SOAP request message, 130

SOAP response message, 131

SOAPConnection class, 126–127

SOAPConnectionFactory class, 127

specifications, 439, 445

uses, 268

See also SOAP

soap:binding element, 156–157, 161

soap:body element, 157

soap:fault element, 158

soap:header element, 158

SoapMailReceiver application, 424–426

SoapMailSender application, 421–423

SOAPMessage message object, 441–443, 447

adding contents to, 442

contents, 441

soap:operation element, 157

solicit-response operation

defined, 152

grammar, 152

illustrated, 153

See also operation element

SourceID, 685–688

authentication/authorization support, 687

defined, 685

delegated administration, 687

focus, 686

goal, 685

identity management features, 686

identity solution, 685

Liberty Alliance and, 685, 686

provisioning/self-service support, 687

SAML vs., 686

SSO kernel, 685

tools, 685–686

specification pointers, 179

SQL queries, 499

standard, 30–33

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 236

state maintenance, 334

static compile-time binding, 170–171, 529

static deploy-time binding, 171, 530

defined, 530

usefulness, 530

See also binding(s)

static runtime binding, 171

store-and-forward applications, 409

structs, 122

structured design

defined, 9

illustrated, 10


concept, 357

configuration, 359

DII and, 362

JAX-RPC, 357

performance with, 366

reference implementation, 358


use code, 358

use disadvantage, 366

using, 357

styles, 328–333

combinations, 328

document, 161, 328

document/encoded, 162–163, 333

document/literal, 163, 329, 332

RPC, 160, 161, 328

RPC/encoded, 161, 329, 330

RPC/literal, 162, 330–331

sub-composers, 610, 612

sub-coordinators, 612

subscriptions, 232–233

subtransactions, 595–597

symmetric algorithms, 629, 630

synchronous messaging, 434–436, 439–451

with acknowledgment, 435–436

categories, 434–436

client-side output, 446–447

illustrated, 441

inquiry, 434

point-to-point, 439–441

PurchaseOrderService, 448–449

receivers, 446

with response, 434–435

response, 450–451

senders, 446

service implementation, 448

update, 435

See also JAXM; messaging

synchronous request-response, 355

synchronous Web services, 410

system tests, 93

systems management, 689–691

backup/recovery, 691

business problems addressed by, 690

capacity, 691

components, 690, 691

console, 691

delivery, 691

efficiency, 690

network, 691

performance, 691

policies/procedures, 690

scheduling, 691

service, 691

service level, 691

strategy, 689–690

systems, 691

Systinet WASP, 267

Java Web Services Architecture
Java Web Services Architecture (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems)
ISBN: 1558609008
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 210 © 2008-2017.
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