Edit And Continue window, 445–446

Employee class, list of, 96

EndInvoke method, 309–310

entry points, 35–36

EntryPoint, 613

enumerable objects, 270


accessibility, 78

BindingFlags, 371

bitwise, 79

MemberTypes, 370

overview, 46, 77–79, 269

syntax, 78

System.Enum methods, 79


generic, 278

IEnumerator interface, 278

nested classes, 287

overview, 267, 271–272

sample code (basic), 273–275

sample code (static collections), 275–276

sample code (versioned collections), 276

states, 272–273

equivalence compared to identity, 80–81

error handling. See also exception handling

MSIL programming, 431–432

validating object states, 72

Error List window, 156

Error objects, mapping COMException class to, 342

escape characters, 19–20

evaluation stacks, 405–406

EventArgs class, 321


EventArgs class, 321

exception handling, 323

overriding, 101

overview, 291, 295–296, 319

publishers, 320

publishing, 319–320

raising, 321

sealed, 107

subscribe, 320–321

syntax, 319

EventTypeFilter constructors, 484

ExactSpelling, 614–615

Exception Assistant, 351

exception clauses, 431

exception handling. See also error handling

AppDomain.UnhandledException, 349–350

Application.ThreadException, 348–349

catch statements, 329–330

COM Callable Wrappers (CCWs), 345

COM interoperability exceptions, 341–345

common exception model, 327

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 325

delegates, 312

events, 323

Exception Assistant, 351

Exception Information Table, 333

exception translation, 340

Exceptions dialog box, 351–352

finally statements, 332

managing exceptions in Visual Studio, 351–352

metadata, 352

multicast delegates, 312

nested try blocks, 333–334

overview, 325–326, 546–547

Portable Executable Common Object File Format (PE COFF), 352

propagating exceptions, 330–331

reflection, 352

remote exceptions, 345–347

rethrowing exceptions, 330

sample code, 326

serializing application exceptions, 346

structured exception handling, 327

System.Exception constructors, 336

System.Exception functions, 336

System.Exception methods, 336

System.Exception overview, 335

System.Exception properties, 337

termination handlers, 332

try blocks, 326

try statements, 327–328

unhandled exceptions, 347–350

walkthrough, 547

Exception Information Table, 333

exception translation, 340

Exceptions dialog box, 351–352

explicit interface member implementation, 115–117

explicit marshaling, 622–624


debugging with Visual Studio 2005, 466–468

order of precedence, 38

overview, 38

Programming Microsoft Visual C# 2005(c) The Language
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 BASICS
ISBN: 0619267208
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 161

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