Creating the Color Class

[ LiB ]

Creating the Color Class

You'll use a data type of float to hold your red, green, and blue color components . You'll call your data structure color3 , and you'll implement a few custom constructors, operators, and member methods . You'll also add a few internal color objects to help in your application development:

 struct color3 // name {      union  {            struct            {                 float r, g, b; // r, g, and b color data         };           float c[3];      };      color3 (){} // do nothing      // custom constructor      color3( float inR, float inG, float inB   ) :           r( inR ), g( inG ), b( inB )      {      }      // assign data using a method      void Assign( float inR, float inG, float inB )      {           r  = inR;           g  = inG;           b  = inB;      }      // take in r,g,b (0-255) full sized components      // and convert     them          void SetRGB( int R, int G, int B )      {              r = (float) R / 255.0f;              g = (float) G / 255.0f;              b = (float) B / 255.0f;      }     // combine two colors      void Composite( color3 color1, color3 color2 )    {         r =: .r;         g     = (color1.g > color2.g) ?  color1.g : color2.g;         b     = (color1.b > color2.b) ?  color1.b : color2.b;    }     /* convert and scale the three floats and combine        them into one double word chunk        this might come in handy */    unsigned long MakeDWord()    {          // scale up to 255 before shifting          unsigned long iR = (int)(r  * 255.f )<< 16;          unsigned long iG = (int)(g  * 255.f )<< 8;          unsigned long iB = (int)(b  * 255.f );          return   0xff000000  iR  iG  iB;    } // if any of the values  are >1.0 or <  0.0. // whatever falls outside the unit range is clamped      void Sat()      {           if( r > 1 )                r = 1.f;           if( g > 1 )                g = 1.f;           if( b > 1 )                b = 1.f;           if( r < 0 )                 r = 0.f;           if( g < 0 )                 g = 0.f;           if( b < 0 )                 b = 0.f;      }    // color operators    color3& operator += ( const color3& in );    color3& operator -= ( const color3& in );     color3& operator *= ( const float& in );    color3& operator /= ( const float& in );    // some basic  colors.    static const color3 Black;    static const color3 Gray;    static const color3 White;    static const color3 Red;    static const color3 Green;    static const color3 Blue;    static const color3 Magenta;    static const color3 Cyan;    static const color3 Yellow; }; 

[ LiB ]

Focus On Photon Mapping
Focus On Photon Mapping (Premier Press Game Development)
ISBN: 1592000088
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 128
Authors: Marlon John © 2008-2017.
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