Section 9.2. RPC Service

9.2. RPC Service

Delegate, Facade, Procedure, Proxy, Remote, Remoting, RPC, SOAP, WSDL

Figure 9-2. RPC Service

9.2.1. Developer Story

Dave's finished coding the backend services for some blogging software. There's an ArticleRepository object, for example, with functions to create, remove, update, and delete articles. Using a new product, he's able to effortlessly expose ArticleRepository as a web service API, with a different URL for each operation. Now he can code up the browser script for his own application to talk to the API, and there's a ready-made API available to third parties too.

9.2.2. Problem

How do you expose services on the Web?

9.2.3. Forces

Refer to the section "Forces" in RESTful Service.

9.2.4. Solution

Expose web services as Remote Procedural Calls (RPCs). Like REST, RPC is a broad term. It's somewhat ambiguous too, meaning different things to different people. This pattern uses a fairly general definitiona Remote Procedural Call (RPC) is a form of communication where the client invokes a remote procedure on the server. The definition implies:

  • RPCs are generally characterized as actions. The URL is usually verb-like; e.g., /game/createGame?gameId=995 or /game/updater?command=createGame&gameId=995.

  • Typically, though not necessarily, the remoting is designed to be relatively transparent. The server's backend is developed, and a remoting framework acts as a bridge between client and server, allowing the client to directly invoke backend operations. Often, the remoting framework is distributed across both tiers, wrapping and unwrapping messages at each end.

Here are some concrete forms of RPC:

Procedure-style API

In the simplest case, it's just a matter of the URL style: the server exposes URLs that look like verbs and invite action, though they don't necessarily have any direct relationship to the backend technology.


XML-RPC is a simple protocol for RPCs, using tags like <methodCall>, <methodName>, and <params>. An XML document is uploaded to make the call, and another document is returned with the response. There are many frameworks available to automatically expose backend services as XML-RPC and to invoke such services, so the remoting is fairly transparent from the developer's perspective.


SOAP is based on exposing selected backend operations as HTTP-based services that can be accessed by certain clients. It's similar to XML-RPC, but offers a whole slew of additional functionality, such as custom data types and asynchronous messaging. The protocol is intended to automatic translation of SOAP calls to and from calls in the native languages being used. For instance, Enterprise Java Beans can automatically be exposed as web services using fancy code generators or mediating proxies. Unfortunately, the complexity of SOAP comes at a cost, and using it can sometimes feel like driving in a nail with a two-ton sledgehammer; some jaded developers have wondered whether SOAP is more about selling consulting services and toolkits than actually making life any easier.

Ajax Stub frameworks

These frameworks are an all-in-one package. XML-RPC and SOAP might automatically generate a web service for you, but you still have to invoke it yourself from an Ajax App. In contrast, Ajax Stub (see later in this chapter) frameworks such as SAJAX ( create JavaScript wrappers for server-side operations as well as exposing them in the first place. The JavaScript code doesn't have to issue XMLHttpRequest Calls directly or even with an XMLHttpRequest wrapper. It instead calls a generic remoting function, capable of invoking operations on the backend. See the Refactoring Illustration in the section Ajax Stub, later in this chapter, for an example. The downside is that Ajax Stubs tend not to be fussed about exposing a clean API, because it's assumed the programmer will never need to look at how the server's invoked. Consequently, if a third party needs to use it, the API will quite possibly be uglier than an auto-generated XML-RPC or SOAP API.

Can RPC be RESTful? Some argue it can. RESTful Service is one of the largest patterns in this language, precisely because REST is a broad idea consisting of many principles and conventions. Given that RPC URLs represent actions rather than resources, it's a little over the top to say that RPC can be made truly RESTful. However, many of the REST principles do make sense in an RPC context, and it's advisable to follow them. Remember that many entities on the Internet, such as caches, are based on certain RESTful assumptions, and you'll be affected by those no matter how you design your interface. A few guidelines:

  • Read-only queries should be made as GET requests, meaning that you shouldn't pass a query in the body.

  • Anything that changes server state should be made with POST, including the command and arguments in the body. The command will already indicate the type of action that's occurring, so there's probably no need to use other HTTP methods such as PUT or DELETE.

  • Stateful conversation is best avoided. Calls should pass in all the information they need explicitly. Session and cookies should not determine how the server responds to queries; if used at all, they should only be used for authentication.

9.2.5. Real-World Examples Kiko

Kiko ( is an online calendar application with a slew of Ajax features. The browser communicates to an interface using RPC-style URLs. For example, the following call retrieves my contacts: , false ,   undefined , undefined) 

A change is made in the same way. Here's what the browser called when I added an appointment: 18:0:   00&endtime=2005-9-12 s18:30:00 , false , undefined , undefined) 

Kiko invokes these URLs using POSTs, where the body is just an authentication key. Note that the service could be more REST-like, while retaining the RPC-style URLs, if Kiko wants to open the API to the public and ensure scaleability. To make it more REST-like, queries like SelectContactsByUser would be issued as GETs, with cookies used for authentication in place of the authentication key in the body. This would not only improve consistency across APIs, but also have the direct practical benefit of supporting caching, since GET responses can easily be cached. Also, POSTs could include all arguments inside the body, while retaining RPC-style URLs like /?function=CreateAppt. Flickr API

The Flickr API (, available to external developers, is a good example of an API with RPC-style URLs that also respects the basic REST conventions of GET strictly for reads and POST strictly for writes. Most calls include an API key, which the developer must apply for. A query for photo details such as owner and description is a GET call to a URL like this:          key=ap1000&photo_id=2000 

You can also effect changes with the API. For example, you can tag an element by POSTing to a URL like this: 

containing a body like this:


9.2.6. Code Example: AjaxPatterns RPC Shop Demo

The Basic Ajax Shop Demo ( provides a web service to expose and manipulate store items and user shopping carts. In this demo, the cart and product services are refactored to provide a cohesive RPC service. You can contrast this to the Refactoring Illustration in RESTful Service.

A single service acts as a Facade (Gamma et al., 1995) to all server-side functionality. It accepts command-like URLs and routes them to the appropriate function. Read-only queries are of the following form, with the argument being optional:


State-affecting commands instead require all arguments, including the command, to be posted to a simple URL:


Because the URL is generic, the command must qualify what object it applies to; e.g., addToCart as opposed to add. Reading the Categories list

To read the Categories, you GET Reading an individual category

To drill down to an individual category, say "Movies," you GET Reading cart contents

To read cart contents, you GET Note that cart access is based on the session, as with the Basic Shop Demo (and unlike the RESTful Service demo). It doesn't have to be like this, but doing so allowed for a minimal change. Changing cart contents

To clear the cart, we POST a body of command=clearCart to services.phtml. To add an item, we POST the command and item in the body, such as command=addToCart&item=Accidental Empires to services.phtml.

9.2.7. Alternatives RESTful Service

RESTful Service (see earlier in this chapter) is an alternative to RPC Service, but many tenets of REST can, and should, still be followed in RPC. See the RESTful Service "Solution" for a comparison.

9.2.8. Related Patterns Ajax Stub

Ajax Stub (see later in this chapter) automates the production of RPC Services. Plain-Text Message, XML Message

RPC is often used to design an application-independent web service API, or at least one that doesn't know anything about the user interface. That being the case, responses tend to be of a raw, semantic nature such as a Plain-Text Message (see later in this chapter) or an XML Message (see later).

9.2.9. Metaphor

Task-oriented user interfaces, such as simple menu systems and the new MS Office Task Ribbon idea, are similar to RPC. They explicitly offer the typical tasks you wish to achieve.

Ajax Design Patterns
Ajax Design Patterns
ISBN: 0596101805
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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