Modeling the Check Out Media Use Case

Chapter 3 - Diagramming Business Objects
byAndrew Filevet al.?
Wrox Press ©2002
Team FLY

The first use case we'll model is "Check Out Media". Here is a more detailed explanation of this use case:

  1. The Librarian enters the Borrower's ID. This is either entered manually or scanned from a library card.

  2. The system responds by displaying the borrower's account. The Display Borrower Account use case is implemented here. Here is the description for this use case:

    The system displays the borrower's account. This information includes the number of items they can borrow, unpaid fines, and a list of media checked out. The "checked out media" list includes due date and special indication for overdue media.

    Here are the business rules for checking out media: the Borrower can only check out items if they have no overdue media, less than five articles checked out, and outstanding fines less than fifty dollars.

  3. The Librarian enters the media ID. This is either entered manually or scanned from the media bar code.

  4. The system responds by marking the media as "checked out". This step can be repeated for the total number of items a borrower can check out.

Team FLY

Professional UML with Visual Studio. NET. Unmasking Visio for Enterprise Architects
Professional UML with Visual Studio. NET. Unmasking Visio for Enterprise Architects
ISBN: 1440490856
Year: 2001
Pages: 85 © 2008-2017.
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