
David Litchfield
Chris Anley
John Heasman
Bill Grindlay

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

The Database hacker's handbook : defending database servers / David Litchfield ... [et al.].

p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-7645-7801-4 (paper/website)
1. Computer networks ”Security measures. 2. Computer security. I. Litchfield, David (David William)
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To my wife and best friend, Sophie.

“David Litchfield

To my wife Victoria, who is gorgeous, loving, and smart, and who deserves the very best but for some unaccountable reason chose me.

“Chris Anley

To my family and friends , for their support.

“John Heasman

To my family and friends, with thanks for their support and encouragement.

“Bill Grindlay

About the Authors

David Litchfield specializes in searching for new threats to database systems and web applications and holds the unofficial world record for finding major security flaws. He has lectured to both British and U.S. government security agencies on database security and is a regular speaker at the Blackhat Security Briefings. He is a co-author of The Shellcoder's Handbook, SQL Server Security , and Special Ops . In his spare time he is the Managing Director of Next Generation Security Software Ltd.

Chris Anley is a co-author of The Shellcoder's Handbook , a best-selling book about security vulnerability research. He has published whitepapers and security advisories on a number of database systems, including SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL, DB2, and Oracle.

John Heasman is a principal security consultant at NGS Software. He is a prolific security researcher and has published many security advisories relating to high-profile products such as Microsoft Windows, Real Player, Apple QuickTime, and PostgreSQL.

Bill Grindlay is a senior security consultant and software engineer at NGS Software. He has worked on both the generalized vulnerability scanner Typhon III and the NGSSQuirreL family of database security scanners . He is a co-author of the database administrator's guide, SQL Server Security .

Next Generation Security Software Ltd is a UK-based company that develops a suite of database server vulnerability assessment tools, the NGSSQuirreL family. Founded in 2001, NGS Software's consulting arm is the largest dedicated security team in Europe. All four authors of this book work for NGS Software.


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The authors would like to thank all of the many people who, through their support, technical know-how, and dedication, have made this book possible. Thanks are due to the team at NGS for many helpful discussions, ideas, suggestions, and hangovers. Finally, huge thanks are due to the team at Wiley Publishing, in particular to our Acquisitions Editor, Carol Long, and our Development Editor, Kenyon Brown, both of whom have been helpful, diligent, professional, and far more patient than we had any right to expect.

Thank you!

Database Hacker's Handbook. Defending Database Servers
The Database Hackers Handbook: Defending Database Servers
ISBN: 0764578014
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 156

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