31.8. JTree

[Page 943 ( continued )]

28.5. JScrollPane

Often you need to use a scrollbar to scroll the contents of an object that does not fit completely into the viewing area. JScrollBar and JSlider can be used for this purpose, but you have to manually write the code to implement scrolling with them. JScrollPane is a component that supports automatic scrolling without coding. It was used to scroll the text area in Listing 15.6, TextAreaDemo.java, and to scroll a list in Listing 15.8, ListDemo.java. In fact, it can be used to scroll any subclass of JComponent .

A JScrollPane can be viewed as a specialized container with a view port for displaying the contained component. In addition to horizontal and vertical scrollbars, a JScrollPane can have a column header, a row header, and corners, as shown in Figure 28.17.

Figure 28.17. A JScrollPane has a view port, optional horizontal and vertical bars, optional column and row headers, and optional corners.
(This item is displayed on page 944 in the print version)

The view port is an instance of JViewport through which a scrollable component is displayed. When you add a component to a scroll pane, you are actually placing it in the scroll pane's view port. Figure 28.18 shows the frequently used properties, constructors, and methods in JScrollPane .

Figure 28.18. JScrollPane provides methods for displaying and manipulating the components in a scroll pane.
(This item is displayed on page 945 in the print version)

[Page 944]

The constructor always creates a view port regardless of whether the viewing component is specified. Normally, you have the component and you want to place it in a scroll pane. A convenient way to create a scroll pane for a component is to use the JScrollPane(component) constructor.

The vsbPolicy parameter can be one of the following three values:


The hsbPolicy parameter can be one of the following three values:


To set a corner component, you can use the setCorner(String key, Component corner) method. The legal values for the key are:


Listing 28.9 shows an example that displays a map in a label and places the label in a scroll pane so that a large map can be scrolled. The program lets you choose a map from a combo box and display it in the scroll pane, as shown in Figure 28.19.

[Page 945]
Figure 28.19. The scroll pane can be used to scroll contents automatically.

Listing 28.9. ScrollMap.java
(This item is displayed on pages 945 - 947 in the print version)
 1   import   java.awt.*; 2   import   java.awt.event.*; 3   import   javax.swing.*; 

[Page 946]
 4   import   javax.swing.border.*; 5 6   public class   ScrollMap   extends   JApplet { 7  // Create images in labels  8   private   JLabel lblIndianaMap =   new   JLabel( 9   new   ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(   "image/indianaMap.gif"   ))); 10   private   JLabel lblOhioMap =   new   JLabel( 11   new   ImageIcon(getClass().getResource(   "image/ohioMap.gif"   ))); 12 13  // Create a scroll pane to scroll map in the labels  14    private   JScrollPane jspMap =  new  JScrollPane(lblIndianaMap);  15 16   public   ScrollMap() { 17  // Create a combo box for selecting maps  18 JComboBox jcboMap =   new   JComboBox(   new   String[]{   "Indiana"   , 19   "Ohio"   }); 20 21  // Panel p to hold combo box  22 JPanel p =   new   JPanel(); 23 p.setLayout(   new   BorderLayout()); 24 p.add(jcboMap); 25 p.setBorder(   new   TitledBorder(   "Select a map to display"   )); 26 27  // Set row header, column header and corner header  28  jspMap.setColumnHeaderView(   new   JLabel(   new   ImageIcon(getClass().  29  getResource(   "image/horizontalRuler.gif"   ))));  30 jspMap.setRowHeaderView(   new   JLabel(   new   ImageIcon(getClass(). 31 getResource(   "image/verticalRuler.gif"   )))); 32 jspMap.setCorner(JScrollPane.UPPER_LEFT_CORNER, 33   new   CornerPanel(JScrollPane.UPPER_LEFT_CORNER)); 34 jspMap.setCorner(ScrollPaneConstants.UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER, 35   new   CornerPanel(JScrollPane.UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER)); 36 jspMap.setCorner(JScrollPane.LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER, 37   new   CornerPanel(JScrollPane.LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER)); 38 jspMap.setCorner(JScrollPane.LOWER_LEFT_CORNER, 39   new   CornerPanel(JScrollPane.LOWER_LEFT_CORNER)); 40 41  // Add the scroll pane and combo box panel to the frame  42 add(jspMap, BorderLayout.CENTER); 43 add(p, BorderLayout.NORTH); 44 45  // Register listener  46  jcboMap.addItemListener(   new   ItemListener() {  47  /** Show the selected map */  48   public void   itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { 49 String selectedItem = (String)e.getItem(); 50   if   (selectedItem.equals(   "Indiana"   )) { 51  // Set a new view in the view port  52  jspMap.setViewportView(lblIndianaMap);  53 } 54   else if   (selectedItem.equals(   "Ohio"   )) { 55  // Set a new view in the view port  56  jspMap.setViewportView(lblOhioMap);  57 } 58 59  // Revalidate the scroll pane  60 jspMap.revalidate(); 61 } 62 }); 63 } 

[Page 947]
 64 } 65 66  // A panel displaying a line used for scroll pane corner  67    class   CornerPanel   extends   JPanel  { 68  // Line location  69   private   String location; 70 71   public   CornerPanel(String location) { 72   this   .location = location; 73 } 74 75  /** Draw a line depending on the location */  76   protected void   paintComponent(Graphics g) { 77   super   .paintComponents(g); 78 79   if   (location ==   "UPPER_LEFT_CORNER"   ) 80 g.drawLine(     , getHeight(), getWidth(),     ); 81   else if   (location ==   "UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER"   ) 82 g.drawLine(     ,     , getWidth(), getHeight()); 83   else if   (location ==   "LOWER_RIGHT_CORNER"   ) 84 g.drawLine(     , getHeight(), getWidth(),     ); 85   else if   (location ==   "LOWER_LEFT_CORNER"   ) 86 g.drawLine(     ,     , getWidth(), getHeight()); 87 } 88 } 

The program creates a scroll pane to view image maps. The images are created from image files and displayed in labels (lines 8 “11). To view an image, the label that contains the image is placed in the scroll pane's view port (line 14).

The scroll pane has a main view, a header view, a column view, and four corner views. Each view is a subclass of Component . Since ImageIcon is not a subclass of Component , it cannot be directly used as a view in the scroll pane. Instead the program places an ImageIcon to a label and uses the label as a view.

The CornerPanel (lines 67 “88) is a subclass of JPanel that is used to display a line. How the line is drawn depends on the location of the corner. The location is a string passed in as a parameter in the CornerPanel 's constructor.

Whenever a new map is selected, the label for displaying the map image is set to the scroll pane's view port. The revalidate() method (line 60) must be invoked to cause the new image to be displayed. The revalidate() method causes a container to lay out its subcomponents again after the components it contains have been added to or modified.


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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