14.10. Programming Exercises

[Page 447]

13.12. (Optional) Case Study: The StillClock Class

This case study develops a class that displays a clock on a panel. The contract of the class is shown in Figure 13.20.

Figure 13.20. StillClock displays an analog clock.

Let us first write a test program in Listing 13.11 that uses the StillClock class to display an analog clock and uses the MessagePanel class to display the hour , minute, and second in a panel, as shown in Figure 13.21(a).

Figure 13.21. (a) The DisplayClock program displays a clock that shows the current time. (b) The end-point of a clock hand can be determined given the spanning angle, the hand length, and the center point.

Listing 13.11. DisplayClock.java
(This item is displayed on pages 447 - 448 in the print version)
 1   import   java.awt.*; 2   import   javax.swing.*; 3 4   public class   DisplayClock   extends   JFrame { 5   public   DisplayClock() { 6  // Create an analog clock for the current time  7  StillClock clock =   new   StillClock();  8 

[Page 448]
 9  // Display hour, minute, and seconds in the message panel  10  MessagePanel messagePanel =   new   MessagePanel(clock.getHour() +  11    ":"   + clock.getMinute() +   ":"   + clock.getSecond());  12 messagePanel.setCentered(   true   ); 13 messagePanel.setForeground(Color.blue); 14 messagePanel.setFont(   new   Font(   "Courier"   , Font.BOLD,   16   )); 15 16  // Add the clock and message panel to the frame  17 add(clock); 18 add(messagePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 19 } 20 21   public static void   main(String[] args) { 22 DisplayClock frame =   new   DisplayClock(); 23 frame.setTitle(   "DisplayClock"   ); 24 frame.setLocationRelativeTo(   null   );  // Center the frame  25 frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 26 frame.setSize(   300   ,   350   ); 27 frame.setVisible(   true   ); 28 } 29 } 

The rest of this section explains how to implement the StillClock class. Since you can use the class without knowing how it is implemented, you can skip the implementation if you wish.

To draw a clock, you need to draw a circle and three hands for second, minute, and hour. To draw a hand, you need to specify the two ends of the line. As shown in Figure 13.21(b), one end is the center of the clock at (xCenter, yCenter) ; the other end, at (xEnd, yEnd) , is determined by the following formula:

 xEnd = xCenter + handLength x sin(?) yEnd = yCenter - handLength x cos(?) 

Since there are sixty seconds in one minute, the angle for the second hand is

 second x (2p/60) 

The position of the minute hand is determined by the minute and second. The exact minute value combined with seconds is minute + second/60 . For example, if the time is 3 minutes and 30 seconds, the total minutes are 3.5. Since there are sixty minutes in one hour, the angle for the minute hand is

 (minute + second/60) x (2p/60) 

Since one circle is divided into twelve hours, the angle for the hour hand is

 (hour + minute/60 + second/(60 x 60))) x (2p/12) 

For simplicity, you can omit the seconds in computing the angles of the minute hand and the hour hand, because they are very small and can be neglected. Therefore, the end-points for the second hand, minute hand, and hour hand can be computed as:

 xSecond = xCenter + secondHandLength x sin(second x (2p/60)) ySecond = yCenter - secondHandLength x cos(second x (2p/60)) xMinute = xCenter + minuteHandLength x sin(minute x (2p/60)) yMinute = yCenter - minuteHandLength x cos(minute x (2p/60)) xHour = xCenter + hourHandLength x sin((hour + minute/60) x (2p/60))) yHour = yCenter - hourHandLength x cos((hour + minute/60) x (2p/60))) 

The StillClock class is implemented in Listing 13.12.

[Page 449]
Listing 13.12. StillClock.java
(This item is displayed on pages 449 - 450 in the print version)
 1   import   java.awt.*; 2   import   javax.swing.*; 3   import   java.util.*; 4 5   public class   StillClock   extends   JPanel { 6   private int   hour; 7   private int   minute; 8   private int   second; 9 10  /** Construct a default clock with the current time */  11    public   StillClock()  { 12 setCurrentTime(); 13 } 14 15  /** Construct a clock with specified hour, minute, and second */  16    public   StillClock(   int   hour,   int   minute,   int   second)  { 17   this   .hour = hour; 18   this   .minute = minute; 19   this   .second = second; 20 } 21 22  /** Return hour */  23   public int   getHour() { 24   return   hour; 25 } 26 27  /** Set a new hour */  28   public void   setHour(   int   hour) { 29   this   .hour = hour; 30 repaint(); 31 } 32 33  /** Return minute */  34   public int   getMinute() { 35   return   minute; 36 } 37 38  /** Set a new minute */  39   public void   setMinute(   int   minute) { 40   this   .minute = minute; 41 repaint(); 42 } 43 44  /** Return second */  45   public int   getSecond() { 46   return   second; 47 } 48 49  /** Set a new second */  50   public void   setSecond(   int   second) { 51   this   .second = second; 52 repaint(); 53 } 54 55  /** Draw the clock */  56   protected void   paintComponent(Graphics g) { 57   super   .paintComponent(g); 58 

[Page 450]
 59  // Initialize clock parameters  60   int   clockRadius = 61 (   int   )(Math.min(getWidth(), getHeight()) *     .   8   *     .   5   ); 62   int   xCenter = getWidth() /   2   ; 63   int   yCenter = getHeight() /   2   ; 64 65  // Draw circle  66 g.setColor(Color.black); 67 g.drawOval(xCenter - clockRadius, yCenter - clockRadius, 68   2   * clockRadius,   2   * clockRadius); 69 g.drawString(   "12"   , xCenter -   5   , yCenter - clockRadius +   12   ); 70 g.drawString(   "9"   , xCenter - clockRadius +   3   , yCenter +   5   ); 71 g.drawString(   "3"   , xCenter + clockRadius -   10   , yCenter +   3   ); 72 g.drawString(   "6"   , xCenter -   3   , yCenter + clockRadius -   3   ); 73 74  // Draw second hand  75   int   sLength = (   int   )(clockRadius *     .   8   ); 76   int   xSecond = (   int   )(xCenter + sLength * 77 Math.sin(second * (   2   * Math.PI /   60   ))); 78   int   ySecond = (   int   )(yCenter - sLength * 79 Math.cos(second * (   2   * Math.PI /   60   ))); 80 g.setColor(Color.red); 81 g.drawLine(xCenter, yCenter, xSecond, ySecond); 82 83  // Draw minute hand  84   int   mLength = (   int   )(clockRadius *     .   65   ); 85   int   xMinute = (   int   )(xCenter + mLength * 86 Math.sin(minute * (   2   * Math.PI /   60   ))); 87   int   yMinute = (   int   )(yCenter - mLength * 88 Math.cos(minute * (   2   * Math.PI /   60   ))); 89 g.setColor(Color.blue); 90 g.drawLine(xCenter, yCenter, xMinute, yMinute); 91 92  // Draw hour hand  93   int   hLength = (   int   )(clockRadius *     .   5   ); 94   int   xHour = (   int   )(xCenter + hLength * 95 Math.sin((hour %   12   + minute /   60   .     ) * (   2   * Math.PI /   12   ))); 96   int   yHour = (   int   )(yCenter - hLength * 97 Math.cos((hour %   12   + minute /   60   .     ) * (   2   * Math.PI /   12   ))); 98 g.setColor(Color.green); 99 g.drawLine(xCenter, yCenter, xHour, yHour); 100 } 101 102   public void   setCurrentTime() { 103  // Construct a calendar for the current date and time  104 Calendar calendar =   new   GregorianCalendar(); 105 106  // Set current hour, minute, and second  107   this   .hour = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); 108   this   .minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); 109   this   .second = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND); 110 } 111 112   public   Dimension getPreferredSize() { 113   return new   Dimension(   200   ,   200   ); 114 } 115 } 

The program enables the clock size to adjust as the frame resizes. Every time you resize the frame, the paintComponent method is automatically invoked to paint the new frame. The paintComponent method displays the clock in proportion to the panel width ( getWidth() ) and height ( getHeight() ) (lines 60 “63 in StillClock ).

[Page 451]


Like the MessagePanel class, the StillClock class is an example of a reusable class. StillClock will be used throughout the book. StillClock provides many properties and methods that enable it to be used in a wide range of applications.


Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version
Introduction to Java Programming-Comprehensive Version (6th Edition)
Year: 2004
Pages: 503

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