9. Chromatin remodeling is an active process

21.9 Chromatin remodeling is an active process

Key terms defined in this section
Chromatin remodeling describes the energy-dependent displacement or reorganization of nucleosomes that occurs in conjunction with activation of genes for transcription.

We have treated transcription so far in terms of interactions involving DNA and individual transcription factors and RNA polymerases. This is an accurate description of the events that occur in vitro, but lacks an important feature of transcription in vivo. The cellular genome is packaged into nucleosomes; initiation of transcription generally is prevented if the promoter region is organized into nucleosomes. In this sense, histones function as generalized repressors of transcription (a rather old idea), although we see below that they are also involved in more specific interactions. Activation of a gene requires changes in the state of chromatin: the essential issue is how the transcription factors gain access to the DNA of the promoter.

This provides a contrast with the regulation of transcription in bacterial cells, which are determined exclusively by the actions of individual repressor and activator proteins. Whether a bacterial gene is transcribed can be predicted from the sum of the concentrations of the various factors that either activate or repress the individual gene. Changes in these concentrations at any time will change the state of expression accordingly.

Figure 21.16 The pre-emptive model for transcription of chromatin proposes that if nucleosomes form at a promoter, transcription factors (and RNA polymerase) cannot bind. If transcription factors (and RNA polymerase) bind to the promoter to establish a stable complex for initiation, histones are excluded.

The stability of chromatin implies that this type of model cannot apply in a eukaryotic cell. Two extreme types of model for changing chromatin structure have been considered historically. The pre-emptive model of Figure 21.16 proposes that competition exists between histones and transcription factors to obtain possession of DNA, and whichever takes possession cannot then be displaced. The displacement of histone octamers at replication would provide an opportunity for transcription factors to bind to DNA. The transcription factors would then have to be maintained at their sites through subsequent replication cycles to prevent histone octamers from reassembling.

Early in vitro experiments produced results consistent with this model. The transcription factor TFIIIA, required for RNA polymerase III to transcribe 5S rRNA genes, cannot activate the target genes in vitro if they are complexed with histones. However, the factor can form the necessary complex with free DNA; then the addition of histones does not prevent the gene from remaining active. Once the factor has bound, it remains at the site, allowing a succession of RNA polymerase molecules to initiate transcription. Whether the factor or histones get to the control site first may be the critical factor (Bogenhagen and Wormington, 1982; for review see Brown, 1984; Weintraub, 1985).

A similar situation is seen with the TFIID complex at promoters for RNA polymerase II. A plasmid containing an adenovirus promoter can be transcribed in vitro by RNA polymerase II in a reaction that requires TFIID and other transcription factors. The template can be assembled into nucleosomes by the addition of histones. If the histones are added before the TFIID, transcription cannot be initiated. But if the TFIID is added first, the template still can be transcribed in its chromatin form. So TFIID can recognize free DNA, but either cannot recognize or cannot function on nucleosomal DNA. Only the TFIID must be added before the histones; the other transcription factors and RNA polymerase can be added later. This suggests that binding of TFIID to the promoter creates a structure to which the other components of the transcription apparatus can bind (Workman and Roeder, 1987).

An important feature of this model is that the continued presence of the factor on DNA may be needed to exclude formation of nucleosomes. If a factor is not available to bind DNA at the time of replication, nucleosomes may form and preclude transcription. In these examples of pre-emptive mechanisms for binding to DNA, the factors do not bind effectively to DNA that has been incorporated into nucleosomes. In interpreting results obtained with in vitro systems, however, we should note that often the conditions use disproportionate quantities of components, which might upset or create new equilibria. The major importance of these results, therefore, is not that they demonstrate the mechanism used in vivo, but that they establish the principle that transcription factors or nucleosomes may form stable structures that cannot be changed merely by changing the equilibrium with free components.

Figure 21.17 The dynamic model for transcription of chromatin relies upon factors that can use energy provided by hydrolysis of ATP to displace nucleosomes from specific DNA sequences.

Molecular mechanisms for changes in chromatin structure are suggested by the more recent discovery of mechanisms for displacing histones that depend on the input of energy. The large number of protein-protein and protein-DNA contacts that need to be disrupted to release histones from chromatin makes it seem unlikely that free histones could be in spontaneous equilibrium with octamers. There is no free ride: the energy must come from somewhere to disrupt these contacts. Figure 21.17 illustrates the operation of a dynamic model by a factor that hydrolyzes ATP.

The general process of inducing changes in chromatin structure is called chromatin remodeling. Changes at a single nucleosome (typically a change in rotational positioning) may be detected by loss of the DNAaseI 10 base ladder. Displacement of a nucleosome(s) is usually detected by a change in the micrococcal nuclease ladder that results from the absence of protection against cleavage. So changes in chromatin structure may extend from altering the positions of nucleosomes to removing them altogether (for review see Grunstein, 1990; Felsenfeld, 1992).

Some transcription factors can disrupt nucleosomes when they bind to DNA and/or to establish a boundary that causes nucleosomes to be positioned around the binding site. The process of has been reconstructed in vitro for the hsp70 Drosophila promoter. Binding of the transcription factor GAGA to four (CT)n-rich sites on the promoter disrupts the nucleosomes, creates a hypersensitive region, and causes the adjacent nucleosomes to be rearranged so that they occupy preferential instead of random positions. Disruption is an energy-dependent process that requires hydrolysis of ATP. This suggests that GAGA disrupts nucleosome(s) at its binding site, and the creation of a boundary then induces a realignment in which the adjacent nucleosomes become positioned. GAGA can exert its effects even when added after assembly of nucleosomes, suggesting that it can change existing nucleosome structure. Its effect is lost in the absence of ATP, suggesting an energy-dependent dynamic mechanism (Cavalli and Thoma, 1993; Tsukiyama et al., 1994).

The PHO system was one of the first in which it was shown that a change in nucleosome organization is involved in gene activation. At the PHO5 promoter, the bHLH regulator PHO4 responds to phosphate starvation by inducing the disruption of four precisely positioned nucleosomes. This event is independent of transcription (it occurs in a TATA V mutant) and independent of replication. There are two binding sites for PHO4 at the promoter, one located between nucleosomes, which can be bound by the isolated DNA-binding domain of PHO4, and the other within a nucleosome, which cannot be recognized. Disruption of the nucleosome to allow DNA binding at the second site is necessary for gene activation. This action requires the presence of the transcription-activating domain. The activator sequence of VP16 can substitute for the PHO4 activator sequence in nucleosome disruption. This suggests that disruption occurs by protein-protein interactions that involve the same region that makes protein-protein contacts to activate transcription (Schmid et al., 1992).

It is not always the case, however, that nucleosomes must be excluded in order to permit initiation of transcription. Some transcription factors can bind to DNA on a nucleosomal surface. Nucleosomes appear to be precisely positioned at some steroid hormone response elements in such a way that receptors can bind. Receptor binding may alter the interaction of DNA with histones, and even lead to exposure of new binding sites. The exact positioning of nucleosomes could be required either because the nucleosome "presents" DNA in a particular rotational phase or because there are protein-protein interactions between the transcription factors and histones or other components of chromatin. So we have now moved some way from the situation in which chromatin is viewed exclusively as a repressive structure to one in which interactions between transcription factors and chromatin can be required for activation.

Figure 21.18 Hormone receptor and NF1 cannot bind simultaneously to the MMTV promoter in the form of linear DNA, but can bind when the DNA is presented on a nucleosomal surface.

The MMTV promoter presents an example of the need for specific nucleosomal organization. It contains an array of 6 partly palindromic sites, each bound by one dimer of hormone receptor (HR), which constitute the HRE. It also has a single binding site for the factor NF1, and two adjacent sites for the factor OTF. HR and NF1 cannot bind simultaneously to their sites in free DNA. Figure 21.18 shows how the nucleosomal structure controls binding of the factors.

The HR protects its binding sites at the promoter when hormone is added, but does not affect the micrococcal nuclease-sensitive sites that mark either side of the nucleosome. This suggests that HR is binding to the DNA on the nucleosomal surface. However, the rotational positioning of DNA on the nucleosome prior to hormone addition allows access to only two of the four sites. Binding to the other two sites requires a change in rotational positioning on the nucleosome. This can be detected by the appearance of a sensitive site at the axis of dyad symmetry (which is in the center of the binding sites that constitute the HRE). NF1 can be footprinted on the nucleosome after hormone induction, so these structural changes may be necessary to allow NF1 to bind, perhaps because they expose DNA and abolish the steric hindrance by which HR blocks NF1 binding to free DNA (McPherson et al., 1993; Truss et al., 1994).

Functions concerned with activating many promoters were first identified by the characterization of a group of genes, SWI1,2,3, which are needed for expression of the HO nuclease involved in mating-type switching in yeast (see 17 Rearrangement of DNA). Mutations in these loci are pleiotropic, and the range of defects is similar to those shown by mutants that have lost the CTD tail of RNA polymerase II. These mutations also show genetic interactions with mutations in genes that code for components of chromatin, in particular SIN1, whose product resembles a nonhistone protein, and SIN2, which codes for histone H3. The demonstration that these gene functions are required for expression of a variety of individual loci suggests that they might code for components of a complex that is involved in interacting with chromatin structure (Peterson and Herskowitz, 1992).

The SWI/SNF complex contains many proteins coded by genes originally identified by SWI or SNF mutations in S. cerevisiae. It has 11 subunits with a combined molecular weight ~2 106. Mutations in SWI/SNF genes reduce activation at some promoters (but <2% of yeast genes are affected). Activation can be restored by mutations in genes coding for histones or the nonhistone protein Sin1p. This suggests that SWI/SNF is needed to make changes in chromatin structure that are required for activation, but only at certain promoters (Cairns et al., 1994; Tamkun et al., 1992).

An ATPase activity is conferred by the SWI2 subunit. The complex is presumed to act catalytically because there are only ~150 complexes per cell. The basic role of the SWI/SNF complex is chromatin remodeling Xcausing nucleosomes to change structure and/or position so as to allow transcriptional activators to have access to their target sites. All of the genes encoding its subunits are nonessential, which implies that yeast must also have other ways of remodeling chromatin.

An example of one system that depends on SWI/SNF is provided by the GAL4 activator. The SWI/SNF complex stimulates binding of GAL4 to its target site on nucleosomal DNA, ~30 in vitro. The stimulation requires ATP hydrolysis and is abolished by a mutation in SWI2 that inactivates its ATPase activity. The SWI/SNF interaction alters nucleosomal sensitivity to DNAase I in an ATP-dependent reaction. SWI/SNF cannot stimulate GAL4 binding if the histone octamers are crosslinked, which suggests that disruption of nucleosomes is involved. The SWI/SNF complex induces changes in protein-DNA contacts that persist after it has been released from the nucleosomes (Coté et al., 1994; Schnitzler et al., 1998).

One puzzle about the action of the SWI/SNF complex is its sheer size. It dwarfs RNA polymerase and the nucleosome, making it difficult to understand how all of these components could interact with DNA retained on the nucleosomal surface. However, a transcription complex with full activity, called RNA polymerase II holoenzyme, can be found that contains the RNA polymerase itself, all the TFII factors except TBP and TFIIA, and the SWI/SNF complex, which is associated with the CTD tail of the polymerase. In fact, virtually all of the SWI/SNF complex may be present in holoenzyme preparations. This suggests that the remodeling of chromatin and recognition of promoters is undertaken in a coordinated manner by a single complex (Kwon et al., 1994).

There are also other chromatin remodeling complexes with similar activities. RSC is a 15-subunit complex of yeast. Some of its subunits are homologous to subunits of the SWI/SNF complex. RSC is ~10 more abundant than SWI/SNF, but is not found associated with RNA polymerase. NURF is another large complex that is required for a transcription factor to generate a hypersensitive site in a nucleosome array. All these complexes use ATP hydrolysis to provide the energy for chromatin remodeling.

How are these remodeling complexes targeted to specific sites on chromatin? They do not themselves contain subunits that bind specific DNA sequences. They could be recruited by components of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme complex or by coactivators or corepressors.

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